Too Good To Last

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**Natalie's POV**

I adjusted my dress and checked to see if I had any fly-away hairs before I walked over. To my surprise my hand didnt even make contact with the door before an exited Veronica swung it open. She must have heard my heels.

"Natalie! Yay!" She squeaked.

"Hi how are you? Long time no see" I joked before embracing her with a hug.

"Good, good, come in everyones so excited to meet you!" She said with that never ending smile of hers. All I could do was smile and pretend to be confident when meeting her friends.

"Okay so this is Stacie, Maggie, Allie and Mikayla" she said introducing everyone to me.

"Hi guys! Im Natalie" I said with one of the 'cute smiles' I had practiced in the mirror for weeks after my "transformation".

"You're so pretty oh my gosh!" Stacie said with the brightest smile ever.

"Aww thankyou so much! Youre insanely gorgeous! All of you are!" I said looking around to all of the girls. They werent the perfect girls that were on the cover of magazines, eating 1 meal per day and painting on makeup to trick you into thinking they were barbie dolls. They had imperfections, and in my eyes they were perfect. So real and uncaring of the fact that boys put them on pedestals to reach their standards.

I wished I could be them but with my past, I couldnt go a day without caring of what I looked like. The night went smoothly and we had all acted as if we knew eachother for ages, talking about boys, our futures, america, and anything that came to mind, except my past.

We watched movies, ate popcorn, gave eachother facial masks, ate junk food, did eachothers nails, and every other stereotypical activity one would do during a girls night. It was perfect. I couldnt remember being so happy and laughing so hard, and it felt so good.

One by one each of the girls said goodbye to eachother as the clock struck 11, and I was the last to say goodbye to Veronica. "Thankyou so much for having me over tonight. This was so much fun!" I said to her, grinning.

"Anytime love! Thankyou for coming, the girls love you!" She said with her bubbly attitude. This girl was so much fun to talk to.

"Ill see you soon girlie!" I said hugging her goodbye.

"Bye girl!" She said walking back inside. I opened my apartment door and looked around, knowing that if I was ever stressed out or upset, id just think about this place, this moment in time, and be blissfully happy.

I started to undress and put on some comfy shorts and a tanktop. All of a sudden I heard something that sounded like an excorsism outside. Running to the window I see 5 shadows across the street facing a camera. I wonder what theyre doing, I thought to myself.

Being the paranoid person I am, I decided to go over and see if everything was okay. Maybe they were fighting, or something. I walked to the edge of my driveway to hear one of them screaming in a voice that sounded like he was posessed by something.

"Uh... Are you guys okay?" I asked staring at the boys, a little worried. They all looked over and burst into laughter. Did I do something?

"Yeah we're alright, we're just filming a youtube video" Luke said to me with a smile.

"Oh I though someone was being posessed of something, my bad haha" I said a little embarssed.

"Oh yeah that was Beau, he doesnt like acting normal" Skip said, making me laugh, and not feel so embarassed. Beau, feeling insulted, gave Skip a punch in the arm, and started wrestling/play fighting him.

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