The Dreams

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** "a schmackk!" My brother, Danny, said as we whacked the back of my head. "AY! Quit it!" I yelled back playfully as I hit his arm. "Oww! MOM!!!" Danny whined sarcastically. His bright hazel eyes shone in the sunlight, and freckles dabbed along his cheeks. My mom turned back giving us a glare with her golden brown eyes, but couldnt hold back her smile anymore. "Hey, they're your kids" my Dad joked. "I dont think I made them myself, they've got your loud mouths" my mom winked at my dad. "And theyve got your witty comebacks" my dad said taking his eyes off the road to meet my moms. "EWW! GROSS!" Danny and I said in unison. "You know, one day your both going to meet someone that you will love very much, and want to-" my dad began as I cut him off. "NO! NOT THE SEX TALK!!!" I screeched in horror. My parents said nothing, just giggling to eachother as my mom gave my dad a kiss on the cheek. "Bleh" Danny whispered. I pinched his cheek and made flappy sounds with them, and almost made him drool on himself, making me almost pee my pants from laughing so hard. "Stop that! You know im self-conscious about my cheeks!" Danny said in a girly voice. "What, are you getting ready for winter? You gonna store chesnuts in those things?" I said teasingly. My dad brought his hand back to give me a fist bump and my mom looked down, pretending like she didnt get a kick out of my comment. Suddenly, I couldnt see their faces, their voices gone, and bodies fading into the darkness. BANG BANG BANG, was all I could hear. The blood-curdling scream was the last thing I heard.**


I lifted my head to find myself still on my living room floor. "Come In!" I shouted, remembering I didnt lock my door last night. Dumb idea. Jai, Luke and Beau walked in, searching for me. "Down here!" I called, shielding my eyes from the sunlight leaking in through the window. "Looks like someone had a rough night" Jai said. "Why are you down there?" Luke asked. "Well, I was too tired from carrying Beau around that I didnt make it to my bed." I retorted, attempting to get up. "oh... Yeah... Sorry about that" Beau said innocently. How could I stay mad at that? "Nah its okay, but you do have to get me some advil from my bathroom" I smiled at him. "Will do" ge said as he marched off to get the pills. Luke and Jai helped me over to the couch and Luke got me a glass of orange juice, organic of course. "Thankyou nurse Luke, your assistance is greatly appreciated" I smiled, trying to sound sophistocated. He winked back and turned on the tv. "Here ya go!" Beau said handing me advil. "Thanks brah" I said as I chugged the orange juice. "Why are you wearing Skip's jumper?" Beau asked me. "Jumper? Wha- oh you mean sweatshirt? Uh.. Im not really sure, I think he lent it to me last night" I said nonchalantly, watching for his reaction. "oh" he said with a wierd look on his face. Beau was like hot and cold to me, he would act like he was completely into me one minute, then make out with some desperate bimbo when hes drunk the next. I didnt get him, it kind of frustrated me in a way. Figuring out that I probabally looked like a mess I decided tovgo shower and get dressed. "Make yourselves at home, im just gonna shower for a few" I said as I walked torwards my room. "Oh dont worry we will!" Luke said as he streched out across my couch. After I cleaned every inch of my body, I dried, straightened, then curled my hair and put some light, natural-looking makeup on to hide the bags under my eyes. I decided to wear a dark blue dress that fit like a big dress shirt, with a thick belt to give it some shape. It was about mid-thigh length and I put a pair of matching blue heels and aviator sunglasses on. I looked pretty cute for someone who felt like fireworks were going off in their head, and not in a good way. I walked into the living room and grabbed a water bottle on the way there, noticing Skip and James had arrived while I was getting ready. "woah. You look beautiful!" Skip said as he came over to hug me. "Aww thankyou Skip!" I said giving him a bear hug. "She always looks nice Skip" Beau said as he looked me up and down. "Thanks beaubuddy!" I said, blushing as he winked back at me. My heart fluttered at the sight. "So, you're coming with us right?" Jai asked me as the others listened intently for my response. "Uhh... Going where?" I asked, not having a clue as to what he meant. "To film daresundays!" James said excitedly. Shit, it was already Sunday? "Oh, uh sure! ... Whats daresundays?" I asked. "Well youre just going to have to find out arent you?" Beau said raising his eyebrow at me and getting up. Before I knew it I was being rushed out of my apartment and put in the front seat of Beaus' car, waiting for the rest of the boys to put equipment and supplies in Skips car. I glanced over at Beau, who was wearing a black, singlet I think its called, cuffed jeans and a pair of red vans with a black and red snapback. I loved the way he dressed, and how he perfectly matched everything. "So how do you feel about vomit?" Beau asked me, snapping me out of my trance. "Uhh... What?" I asked him, thinking I heard him wrong. "Well we do some pretty nasty stunts, so if you arent good with puke, then you might not like this" he said as he looked into my eyes with his enchanting green ones. "Oh im good with puke, im going to medical school some time in the future so it doesnt bother me" I said smiling. "I didnt know you wanted to be a doctor!" He said with a big smile. "Well I mean, I love singing, acting and dancing, but the medical field would be a better choice for the future, its what my da-" I said, trailing off as I mentioned my dad, regretting I had. He gave me a funny look and it was almost like he knew exactly what I was feeling, and changed the topic. "Oi cunts! Get in the car already!" He yelled at his brothers. "Calm down dickhead!" Jai shouted back. They were so nice to each other. We drove around town for a few minutes before pulling into an empty parking lot. Sketchy. "Alright cunts, lets go!" Beau shouted as he began to walk over torwards the building. He said the word cunt alot, id have to get used to that. They set up a camera and stood next to the building, standing in a row and making me hold a carton of eggs behind the camera. They introduced me to some guy named Teddy, he kinda freaked me out but I just went with it. They ate raw eggs, threw up, threw eggs at eachother and had the most fun I had ever seen with eggs. Apparently I had looked left out so from behind me, Luke came running up and smashed one right on my head. "OH MY GOD!!" I screamed. The boys looked at me with horror as Luke stood there like a deer caught in headlights. I took off my heels and couldnt hold back my smile any longer. I took a handful of eggs and smushed them on his face, and chased him around giggling away. The others joined in and it turned into an egg fight. The boys teamed up on me and before I knew it, I was thrown over Beau's shoulder being carried to a couch. He threw me down and the boys all smushed eggs in my hair, on my face, on my dress and any part of my skin that was showing. We spent the rest of the day playing around and getting dirty, just acting like idiots. We walked around town covered in eggs and kept filming. I felt so accepted by them and like life was finally looking up ever since the accident. We went to get a late lunch because I was starving and hadnt eaten all day. We had to eat outside but it was beautiful and warm so I didnt mind. We talked and laughed for a while, and I caught Beau staring at me a couple times, then looking back at Skip. I didnt notice until a while after, but Skip was noticeably staring at me the entire time. Even when I looked over at him he didnt look away, he simply smiled. Skip was a cutie, he kind of reminded me of my brother, he was dopey but sweet and concerned about me alot. Once everyone finished eating we walked back to the cars. "Wanna come to my place and hangout for a little? We can hose off in the back" I suggested to everyone. They all agreed and before I knew it we were taking turns rubbing egg slime out of eachothers hair behind my apartment. The hose water was ice cold and of course Beau saw that as an opportunity to mess with me. He sprayed me head to toe in the freezing water and I tackled him to the ground, spraying him back. We rolled around for a while, laughing and playing, until he laid on top of me, dripping wet, staring deep into my eyes. He kept smiling, and licked his lips. He looked at my lips, then back into my eyes, and began to lean in. Our lips gently touched and I felt sparks fly between us. His lips fit perfectly between mine and his gentle kiss left me wanting more. I caressed his cheek gently and tangled my other hand into his wet hair. The kiss was sweet, and almost pure, he was delicate with me and showed a soft, gentle side of him. My heart beat fast in my chest and my cheeks turned pink. I had never felt this way from a kiss before, this boy made me feel so many different things at once, it was indescribable. We broke the kiss and looked into each others eyes, processing what had just happened. Shortly after, Skip and Luke came around back again. "There you guys are! What the hell took you so long?!" Skip said. "oh uh..." Beau stuttered. "It took a while to get the eggs out of my hair, sorry for being a girl!" I joked, hoping it didnt seem suspicious. "I know how you feel boo boo!" Luke said in a surprisingly good girly voice as he pretended to flip his hair. We began to walk inside behind Skip and Luke when Beau intertwined his fingers with mine and smiled at me. I couldnt help but blush and leaned my head on his shoulder. The boys changed into spare clothes and I threw on some yoga shorts and a big sweatshirt. We all sat in the living room, drinking beers and listening to Jai and Luke argue about who was older. Beau moved close to me and put his arm around my waist nonchalantly. Everything felt so perfect with him, like nothing and noone could hurt me, and that false sense of security was all I really needed at the moment. While we talked, I looked over at Skip and caught him staring at Beau and I. I tried to ignore it but it seemed like he was giving Beau the death stare. I sat uncomfortably for a while until I decided we should order some food because it was getting late, and the children were getting restless. "IM HUNGRY!" Luke shouted in my ear. "And what would you like me to do about that?" I asked him in a motherly tone. "MAKE THE PIZZA MAN DRIVE FASTER!" He whined in an obnoxiously childish voice. "Okay ill call them up right now and demand the stop everything theyre doing to get Luke Brooks his pizza" I said sarcastically. "THANK YOU." He said as he left the kitchen, leaving me and Beau alone. Beau confidently walked over to me and leaned against the sink. I hopped up on the counter and looked him in the eyes. "So you may know... I uh... Really like you Nat..." He slowly stuttered out. "I really like you too Beau" I said with a grin. Im surprised I didnt sound awkward when I said it. He stood there smiling, and leaned in to kiss me when Luke returned. "The pizza man here yet?" He asked for the 5th time. "No slut! We'll tell you when he's here" Beau said annoyed. He looked so cute when he was mad. I took his hand in mine and gave hime my cute smile, pulling him in for a hug. I knew it was too soon to start a relationship, but I had a really good feeling about him. He was different. I draped my arms around his neck, and he stood between my legs, resting his hands on my waist. "Nat?" He said looking me in the eyes. "Yeah Beau?" I asked with a bit of concern. "Will you go on a date with me?" He asked in the gentlest, sweetest voice ive ever heard.

**Hey guys! Id love to know what you think so far! Also id like to know your opinions on whether or not I should do different points of views, I see that alot in other fanfics and I didnt want it to seem like everyone elses, what do you think? Thankyou so much for reading and im sorry for giving you bits and pieces of Natalie's past but in the upcoming chapters ill include more and more (: Thankyou guys! Janoskianators <333 **

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