Drama In Paradise

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I woke up feeling refreshed and giddy, like nothing in the world could bring me down. But then I remembered my encounter while I went running the other day. I shook the thought away and began my morning routine, breakfast, wash up, and get my butt ready for the day! I softly sang to myself and had quite the bounce in my step. I soon heard my ringtone blasting in the other room, "She's not afraid of scary movies, she likes the way we kiss in the da-" it sang before I answered, not looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked happily.

"Oi what are you doing?!" Skip shouted into the phone.

"Well good morning to you too Skiplet!" I replied sarcastically.

"Get ya little bum over to the Brooks house! Bye!" He said, hanging up before I could respond. I wonder if Beau told the boys about our date... I guess ill find out for myself then won't I? I slipped on some black leggings, Steve Madden sneaker heels, and a white flowy top with a belt below the bust to give me a shape other than a gumdrop. That insecure little girl always lurked inside of me so I was always cautious about how I looked. I left my hair down and pin straight, with some slightly dark eye makeup, but not enough to look like a racoon. I thought I should show off a little for Beau. *wink* I grabbed the bare necessities and walked across the street, to be greeted by 5 boys wearing... Animal suits?

"Uh... Can someone please explain to me why you're wearing animal suits?" I asked, wondering why they're my friends... Oh right, because they're the funniest little shits around, thats why.

"WE'RE ONESIES!!!" They seemed to all shout at once. For a good 20 minutes they tried to explain to me what their plan was for their video, but I didn't see my role in this.

"So am I the camera woman for today?" I asked, clearly confused.

"No! You'll be taking us on walks, and asking for donations to save the onesies!" Luke cheered. Oh boy. We decided to take my car and Skips car, since he didnt have his onesie on yet. Beau, Luke and Jai went in my car, and Beau called shotgun. We walked over behind the boys and Beau put his arm on my waist, bringing his mouth to my ear.

"You look beautiful by the way" his husky voice vibrated through my ears, sending chills up my spine, in a good way. My cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as I smiled back at him.

"Thankyou" I said quietly, before stepping into the drivers side of the car. As I sat down and buckled in, I felt my phone buzz in my lap. I had a new message. I opened it to see an unknown number texting me saying;

I'm keeping my word baby. I'll be watching you and your "pets".

Suddenly, my stomach dropped, and my heart beat quickened. "He's close." I thought to myself, not realizing I was staring off into space at the time.

"Uh... Nat? The Centre?" Jai gently reminded me, snapping me out of my daze.

"Oh, uh, right. Sorry." I said quickly starting the car and speeding out of the driveway.

"You okay?" Beau looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm good." I say giving him a small smile and directing my attention to the road. If that bastard hurts these boys because of me, I don't know what id do with myself. I can't lose anybody else, soon enough i'm going to break. I distracted myself as best as I could for the car ride. I couldn't tell the boys about this. Never. They'd get freaked out and either run away like everyone else has ever done, or worse... Be killed. The thought of that creep now knowing where I live, scares the living daylights out of me. I finally pulled into the Centre, and found a parking space. The boys gathered around Skip's car and got their outfits and cameras together. Beau stayed close by me, nonchalantly resting his arm on my waist as the boys talked.

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