The Horror Show

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**A/N I will be putting some new characters in the story after this chapter, but i do not know exactly when, if you want to be in it, there is still time to message me a character name, and description, i will let you know if that part is available! xx


**Beau's POV**

We quickly piled into two cars and sped off to the police station to find out what they had. Knowing that they atleast knew what was going on made me feel a bit better, but I couldn't help but think, what if i shouldnt know whats going on? What if its too painful?

My inner conversation was interrupted by the swerving of the car into the parking lot of the station. We quickly ran past the security desk, who had been awaiting our arrival, telling us to head to the third door on the right.

We stepped into the room and it was chaos, dozens of police officers and detectives rushing around, giving out and recieving orders, others quickly typing on their computers, and just the 5 of us, standing there, completely out of place.

"Mister Brooks!" a deep voice called. "Over here!" I realized that it was in fact Officer 'O' Brian, motioning me over to the corner. The five of us stuck together, ready for any news he had.

"Officer 'O' Brian." I greeted, shaking his hand as calmly as possible, but inside I was dying. He greeted the other boys, and sat us down in front of him.

"One of my men was searching online for a computer he could have been using, or even a cell phone." He said pausing, preparing us for his next statement. "We found a camera thats been recording live feed onto a website. We believe he was recording eveything he is doing to Natalie, so that he could send the video to her family and friends, but we can't be sure."

Hearing him explain the situation made my stomach churn, but most of all I just wanted to know if she was safe. "I want to see the video" I blurted out, interrupting him from saying anything more.

"Mister Brooks, we don't think-" He began to speak, but stopped once I began to raise my voice.

"I want to see the fucking video!" I yelled, growing impatient and worried. He gave me a nod and looked at me sympathetically before taking me to a smaller room, with a large TV screen. The boys waited outside as he closed the door and turned on the TV.

There was a blurry image on the screen from the TV warming up, but as soon as it was clear, my heart dropped. Natalie was in a small room, sat in a chair with her head down. Her arms were behind her back, and her once white running top, was now wet with blood. She remained still and I wondered if she was dead, until I saw her head wobble from breathing.

"We've narrowed down the source of the footage to a .5 mile radius, and I've sent out men to go to each house within that half mile." 'O' Brian reassured me.

"What has he been doing?" I ask, tears streaming down my face. He took a deep breath and sat me down next to him, adjusting his tie.

"She's a strong girl, Beau. She loves you very much from what we've seen, and she'll make it through this, we've practically got her." He spoke softly. "He threatened you and your friends, and she's remained loyal to you, and if thats not love, then I don't know what is." He said, trying to sugar coat it.

"What do you mean, threatened me and my friends?" I ask, picking up what he was hinting at. He seemed as if he didn't want to answer it, but did anyways.

"He made her choose between living, and being with him, or uh... you guys and dying." He said, looking down.

"And which did she choose?" I exclaimed, fear rising in me. "WHICH DID SHE CHOOSE?" I yelled again, taking his answer as the one I feared most.

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