A Final Goodbye

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**Natalie's POV**

Waking up to an empty hospital made me begin to doubt last nights occurances, but my swollen eyes told me otherwise. The relief of knowing Beau was safe eased my mind, taking a bit of stress off of what was going to happen today.

Nurses continuously checked on me to make sure that the pain was at a tolerable level, and that I was recovering. Officer 'O' Brian had found a solution to my mobility problem, a wheelchair. Today would really be the only day that I could do this, seeing as that Beau and the boys would be distracted by nurses, and officers would be questioning them today.

Officer 'O' Brian was letting me have my privacy, but made sure I would be safe, which oddly enough, wasn't that difficult. Slowly moving from the bed to the wheelchair, I made sure to watch out for the heart monitor and any devices that would make noise if I accidentally disconnected them.

After finally getting situated, I slowly spun the wheels towards the room I was looking for. Not too far of a walk- or should I say roll- but it seemed like hours, since I had yet to figure out what to say. Officer 'O' Brian poked his head into the door to call the two on-duty officers out, as I waited outside.

Taking a deep breath, I entered, making eye-contact with the person I had been dreading talking to.

"Natalie" He breathed.

"David." I quietly spoke in monotone. Moving closer to the bed he was currently cuffed to, I built up the courage to speak first. "Listen, I know that you're leaving soon, so I really need to get this out." I pause, waiting for confirmation.

He slowly nodded his head, almost afraid of what I was going to say.

"I know why you did all of this." I said quietly. A look of bewilderment and confusion spread across his face, urging me to continue. "I understand how you must've felt all along, and I was too selfish to see it."

"N-Natalie, this isn't yo-" He began to speak, until I cut him off.

"You think that no one has ever loved you, or even remotely cared about you except for me. But that's where you're wrong. Your parents didn't leave you because they didn't care about you, they left you because they knew how strong you were, and knew you'd be better off." I spoke softly, finally meeting his eyes once again.

"I've done a little research lately... about you, and your family. I needed to understand why all of this was happening, and I think I found my answer." I said, "Your dad was a drug dealer, and your mom was an addict. A little while after you were born, they started getting into some trouble with other dealers because your expenses were so..well... expensive." I paused, taking a deep breath.

"Your parents left you because they saw an innocent little boy who had a whole life ahead of him, not just running forever. Sure, it may have been an awful choice, but they would rather you be a little messed up than be dead." The expression on David's face seemed to change every second, from disbelief, to content, to anguish.

"David, your entire life, you've been surrounding yourself with people who don't have a future, or anyone for that matter, but yet they still seemed to have cared about you like you were family. You don't see how much people care about you, and my only question is, why me?" I ask softly, trying my hardest to understand why I had been the odd one out this whole time.

He seemed to ponder over the question, thinking back to the beginning, "You had this look in your eyes." David whispered. "Like you had been to hell and back, yet there was nothing that could bring you down from your high." He said, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"I saw a part of me in you, that no one else had ever witnessed, almost like we were both broken in the exact same way." Memories of my past began to flood my mind, but I pushed them away a my eyes started to tear up. "I wanted you, because I saw a light at the end of the tunnel when I looked at you. You were my guardian angel." He said softly, reaching his hand out to me as tears began to flow down his cheeks.

I had never really seen David cry except when I had first met him, and he told me his story. I took his hand in mine and lightly smiled at him, attempting to push aside my anger, and show some compassion to the broken and scared boy in front of me.

"When I looked at you, I not only saw beauty that radiates through you, but hope, and... happiness. And once I got you, I felt whole. I had never experienced anything other than fear, anger and sadness, and once you showed me them, I just couldn't let you go, and now that I'm realizing it, I know that once again, I fucked everything up." He spat.

"David, stop it. You can't hate yourself forever over this. People fall in and out of love all the time, and sure, I do love someone else right now, and he is my world, but I will always have a place for you in my heart, no matter how angry I am at you." I gripped his hand tightly, almost as if I let him go, then all of the painful memories before him would come back.

"I know that you can never love me again" David spoke between sobs, "but I just want you to know how sorry I am. I never meant to hurt you, I just love you so much that it hurts, and if felt that too many times. I just want to be happy again, and I didn't realize how far this had gone." He said, breaking down into hysterical sobs.

"I know you can never forgive me for what i did" He gasped, "but I just want you to know that I'm so so sorry and I will always love you, Natalie" He cried.

My heart shattered at his words and at that moment, I truly understood what he meant by us being broken in the same way. I was his Beau. He felt the same way about me as I did about Beau. Beau was the only person who stuck by me through the toughest times, listened to me about some of my memories, and made me feel as if I was worth something to someone.

"David" I whispered, wiping away the tears that now freely flowed down my face, "I will always love you. Maybe not in the way that you love me, but you will always be special to me. I can't forgive you today, and maybe not any time soon, but I know one day, I'll make my peace with what has happened, and learn to forgive you for what you've done." I spoke.

David reached up to my cheek, and smiled at me, "I know that you may think that what you've done in the past makes you a bad person, but you are truly the most kind-hearted, loving, and all-together amazing person to have ever walked this earth." He said, sincerity laced in his voice.

After a while of talking, we had finally said all that we needed to say to one another before he left, and a weight had seemed to be lifted off my chest. Sure, David had turned into a monster after we broke up, but I had still loved him a one point, and I couldn't just forget that.

Not long before I was about to say goodbye, we were interrupted by the sound of yelling in the hallway. I began to get nervous, thinking that the nurses had found my empty bed and were getting angry.

After hearing an unrecognizable, deep, voice, my curiousity grew. David and I gave each other a similar confused look, as e attempted to listen in on the yelling.

"I have a right to see my own son!" The man yelled furiously. A though slipped into my mind, but I quickly dismissed it, since it was an utterly impossible.

But what if he...? No. The pain killers are talking.

Just as my thoughts began to consume me, the door burst open, and an elderly man in his late 50's ran in.

"D-David." The man breathed.


**A/N Sorry for the long wait! my work schedule has been absolutely insane! Please follow the twitter I made specifically for this fanfic, the username is @BeausNatalie and I will post my work schedule, my thoughts about what may happen in upcoming chapters, and I will also take your requests, character or events! Please vote and comment so that I know you liked it, and I'm sorry for the suckish, mushy chapter, it'll get better! Thankyou so much for reading, and plese let me know what you'd like me to improve! Dedication to @charliehallam6 , I'm so glad you like my story! :D Also, comment if you'd like a dedication!! Thank you again!! <3

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