Chapter Ten- Agus' Place

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I finally made it! It took a lot of work, almost a week of being in this woods, and I have finally found Agus' home. Well, it was pretty easy to tell it was his since it is a castle. Man is so full of himself he already wants to have the making of a king. It looked much like my own, but his had a dark hint to it; like all the joy and fondness had been sucked straights out of it. I just stood there and thought about the past week. 

It was tiresome work. I had to cross countless streams, foul beast, and much worse. It was a wonder I was still alive. I know all at the palace must be worried sick about my well being, but they must know I am not dead. If I was, than the shadows would be gone, and that would be that. My clothing was all torn, my food almost gone, and I was still strong. I was not going to let Agus bet me before I even got to face him. I looked at the palace. The home of a mad man, my sister's prison. I was going to free her soon, but how soon, I cannot tell. 

I crept every so quietly to the great gate that held my goal shut, keeping all inside trapped, but kept me outside. The gate showed Agus and his troops tearing down my home, the queens of the past bowing to him, and much more sights I dare not describe to you for it was quite disturbing. I looked to see if there was a way to open the lock and get inside only to find that the lock was magic. I could not even cast a simple spell, let alone break this chain. I looked to the sky to see that a gargoyle was on one of the walls. I had to smile. I took the hook out of Star, and manged to get the rope to catch the stone. I climbed up the wall and was in the home of my enemy. No going back now, even if I wanted to, which I did not.

The next step was to find Maya. That was easier said than done. You see, it may have looked small on the outside, but in truth it was much bigger. I also had to avoid guards and take them out from time to time. I hoped they did not come to before I was out, or I hit them hard enough so they did not remember. I had thought I had looked everywhere when I found her. She was in a garden with dark blossoms all around her. She seemed to be trapped in a circle of magic, but upon farther sight I saw she was chained. Maya looked fine, and I wanted to run up to her and hug her. I did take a few step forwards, but a huge black creature stopped me. 

The creature looked me up and done with it's cold pink eyes. It's black scales rustled with every move it made, and the great white teeth wanted to tear me to pieces. It's beauty was unbearable, and the wings blew air onto my face. I was facing a creature so old, time has changed it. It seemed to claim me, and I knew that I would die since no one ever thought I would face one. It gave a mighty roar, and the dragon steeped towards me. I steeped away, but with every move I made, it also did . Maya never looked up, and I knew that my sister was trying not to give her guard a reason to kill her. I did the first thing that came to mind: run.

I ran from the garden and to one of the halls. Guards stood but did not try to stop me. I felt the heat of the dragon's breath behind me, and the claws try and tear my skin. I knew it was breaking stone to stop me, but I had to come up with a better plan. Think, Lacondra, think! What would Father do? What would Gween do? Hell, what would Iver do? But I was not them. I had to think what I would do. I was in a tower, and the beautiful beast broke the stone. I was on a ledge, and the only way out was blocked by the tail. I was trapped. A storm was pushing me, and I felt helpless. 

I took out Nightless and prayed that this would not be my last stand. I was too young to die, and I could tell that this is what Agus wants. He no longer wants me, he would want the next Dark Queen, the person who will take my place if she does not have children: Maya. With that thought, I drove myself to attack the beast. I brought out a shield to help, and it did. I was not hurt by the claws, yet it was not hurt by my sword. It was clearly not working, so I had to think. What do dragons hate the most that I have? They feed off of danger, they love fear and pain. It was clear I had to do something. Than I got it. This beast hates one thing that is in me. I just had to show it that. 

I sliced the tail, and it howled in pain. I once again ran to the garden and fell to my sister. The monster landed next to us, and I woke her up. Her light eyes shined like the stars at night, and her face was now lit with a knew light. She hugged me, and the beast fell to ashes. My weapon had brought much joy to me, and the fall of that beast. It would have to be something I share with others. I heard a scream of fury and Anna was in front of me. She was glaring, and I could tell she was pissed. 

"How?" she cried. "How did you do it?" 

"A simple thing I will never tell," I answered. "Now, I am going to go home with my sister. Understand?" 

"Of course." 


"Oh, you think that we wanted you there? We wanted you here so that we could attack your home. With you and Maya here, and Luke out of the way, who will protect Elizabeth." 

"No!" I cried. I had to save her. Our troops could not stop Agus, and I had to get him. 

"There is no way you can get to her in time." 

"Want to bet?" I remembered what Tason had said. If I truly wanted something, and I thought really hard about it, I would get it. I closed my eyes, hugged the little girl to my chest, and I felt a pain in my side. I felt like I was being pulled to pieces, and Anna screamed. I looked and saw nothing but darkness. 

Maya hugged me closer, and in a matter of seconds, we were on the path to the village. I saw smoke, and heard many screams. I did not know what was going on, but I had to get Maya safe first. I looked around, and saw a patch of black hair. The man it belonged to was lying peaceful on the ground. I slapped Ty , and he got up quickly. 

"What?!" the knight cried. He looked at the princess and I, and smiled. "Guard duty?" 

"Guard duty," I repeated. He took my sister, and I kissed his cheek in good luck. I ran to my home, and helped many others. I helped the baker put out a fire. The tailor needed to be saved from a Sae, and I realized this is what I had to do. The queens of the past would have gone straight to Agus, but left all of these people to die. I cannot. I must help others who need it, and that is my calling. I help people out of the dark, not leave them there. I finally got to my home, and ran past all my friends and others. I knew my mother needed me. 

I opened the door and found her, lying at Agus's feet. Nothing was on him but a cold, dark smile. He faced me, and I do not know what happened. I blacked out. 

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