Chapter 29

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The day before travelling to China we had a pretty easy going day,compared to usual.We came to the company really early,we did our practing,we met up with our managers to talk over the album and promotions and everything.And after that we kinda hung around the company a while,talking to our other friends and after 2 more hours of choregraphy work we were let off.We had a lot of free time so most of us took a nap and then we woke up and had dinner and watched tv.Suho and Yixing were reading in the hallway,beside the bookshelf,none of us knew why but hanging out on the floor in the hallway was acually really fun,it was really cosy and comfortable.I just grabbed some mangas off the shelf and headed back into my room to read them.

The beagles were awefully quiet today,so scary theyre always running around being loud no matter how tired they are but today was a bit different,maybe they were still sleeping.It was raining pretty heavily so we all stayed in.I put my manga down and looked out the window,i looked at the gray skies and listened to the rain,the window was open and the rain sounded so good.I felt really content as i sighed happily and sunk deeper into my covers.I soon heard Kyungsoo shutting the back door,probably gone out to smoke.I skrambled out of bed hoping to get a ciggerette or two out of him,i was out and i didnt wonna go to the shop in this weather.
I quietly slipped outside,closing the door.I looked at Kyungsoo,he looked really handsome,as always.I admired him for a few seconds before i nudged him gently,he smirked as he took out his cigerettes from his pocket.I smiled and took one,letting him light it for me,Suho hated when we smoked but out here he had no say.We stood tightly against the wall ,watching as the rain falling down,looking as the wind blew our smoke away.We both stood quietly listening and watching the rain.Today was a weird day,i just felt really strange and couldnt shake the feeling.

Kyungsoo quickly finished his cigarrette,stomped it out and wordlessly handed me his pack without looking at me as he headed back inside.As i said,weird day.I let my mind wonder as i smoked another three cigarettes and headed in as well.I was in track suit bottoms and a loose top,i just took off my shirt and shuffled back into my covers.Baekhyun,being known as the touchy memeber came in about half an hour later and climbed into my bed,he did was he usually does,climbs in behind me and backhugs me.It really comfortable and i let him hold me how he wants.I pull my laptop on my lap and turn on a movie for us to watch.Netflix and chill.Baekhyun falls asleep and i lie down beside him and pull him down mkre under the covers,tucking him in.Beagles must be really tired today,its probably the weather.I absentmindedly stoke Baekhyuns sleeping form as i look at the rain steadily falling down.

Leaving Baekhyun i head downstairs in search if a snack and water for Baekhyun when he wakes up,im also curious what the others are up to.Seems to be a lazy day since Chen is sprawled out half on the couch and falling on the floor engaged in a half conversation with Minseok,theyre a weird pair.Kai is on his phone in the kitchen,you can hear all the noise in the living room.Kyungsoo is also sleeping and Suho and Chanyeol are in their rooms.Yixing is asleep on a big pile of pillows in the corner.I greet everyone as i head to the kitchen.

As i look around the cupboards i settle for a pack of cookies and a big flask of hot chocolate.I also grab a nice tall glass of water for Baekhyun,satisfied,p with my findings,i head upstairs.Baek starts shifting when i enter the room and wakes up soon after.I hand him his water and he downs it all,thanking me when hes finished.Of course he gets really excited about MY cookies and eats half the pack,i let him,ill get him to bring me some food up later.

I later went downstairs in search of my phone.I bumped into Yixing who was stumbling around upstairs,i went up to him and put my finger under his chin lifting his head.His eyes were really red and wild and he was goofily smiling,he even tried to kiss me put i moved away going to Suhos room."Whats up with Yixing?" I asked him wandering into his room and taking a pair of trousers out of his part of the wardrobe and changing in front of him."i dont know havnt seen him,why?" Suho looked up from his laptop,it looked like he was looking at his bank account,stingy fucker.
"Youll see" i answered as i leaned out the door and shouted out for Yixing to come over.I watched as he made a quick turn and he zombie crawled towards me.I stepped away letting him pass."oohh..." Suho muttered.Silence filled the room after Suho looked Yixing up and down he announced that Yixing is indeed high."whats he high on?hes incredibly sluggish"
"Mustve overdosed on his medicine,hes meant to sleep after that not wandering around,hes usually ok maybe got hungry or something"Suho frowned as he grabbed Yixing and laided him down on the bed,Yixing passing out almost instantly."thanks Hunnie" Suho smiled.
"No problem"i replied as i closed the door and headed out to smoke again,stressful stuff.I wanted to go chill in Kais and Kyungsoos room but as i quietly walked in i saw they were making out,Kyungsoo straddling Kai and grinding on him.Damn,Kyungsoo tops then?nice,i chuckled inwardly as i pulled out my phone and started filming them.Perfect blackmail material😈
I went to Yixings room and bad a laughing fit,the video is perfect,theyre moaning and really getting it on,oh i cant wait to use this to get everything i want forever!i chuckled.I knew they liked eachother:,)
I knew things would work out if i didnt intervene.

I went outside to throw out my trash,bin full of tissues from crying over anime,it looks really bad in my room,dont want the others getting ideas.
It stopped raining and it was only slightly drizzling now,as i walked up to the trash can i noticed Taos gucci bag behind the bin,i wandered why it was here,i mustve took it back to Korea and Suho thinking it was old mustve left it here...oh crap!i better call Tao hes gonna kill me shit!i quickly text Suho a link so he buys me the bag again so i can survive when i tell Tao.
I pull out my phone,after only the first ring Tao picks up wailing,i smile,everything as expected."My gucci!"he cries
"Yes thats why im calling"
"Do you have my bag?!"
"Sehun!what have you fucking done ive been having a breakdown you rascal!"
..sowy Taozi,love getting you a new one"i sweetly spoke
"Really?oh..awesome!..youre forgiven.ill collect it when you come to China"
"Sure,gotta go.bye"
"Bye bye maknae,cant wait to see you"
Same goes,bye"
I slide my phone back in my pocket as i head back upstairs.I let Kaisoos door ajar and as i walk by theyre still making out.I stop once again,this time i open the door a little more and it creaks,i cringe.
They both jump at the sound,leaping off eachother ,nearly falling off the bed in the process and guiltily looking at me,blushing and panting heavily.
"Damn that was hot,deer caught in the headlights"i smirk as i close the door and lean on it arms crossed and one leg propped on the door.I take out my phone,turning up the volume so they hear their shuffling and moaning."really hot..i knew you guys had a thing for eachother" i wink at Kyungsoo.They sit there sinking into the bed in shame at being caught.They know me,they know what this is about."what do you want Sehun?" Kyungsoo growls

"Hmm,not sure yet,hyung,Kaisoo sailing,all the fanfics are now true" i smirk again looking at him just as forcefully,he drops my gaze.I suddenly brighten up at i leap on the bed,sitting in between them like the awkward third wheel i am.I put my arms around their shoulders."Dont be shy were all friends here!..well you two might be more than that but you get the point!dont be shy!i want all the details!"
"Im guessing you already christened the bed..uegh" i squirm slightly weirded out as dirty images fill my mind
I look at them both,theyre both tomatoe red.
"We...were only together for a week.."Kai quietly mumbled.
"Are you gonna tell the others?"i asked
"Yeah" they both replied "hm,well thats just too bad cos i already have some of your sex tape,too bad.." I get a slap on
the back of the head from Kyungsoo and giggling i fun away,winking at them both before leaving.What a day..

exordium tomorrow 😱😵
Until next time

Broken remains of exoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora