Chapter 20

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The whole journey which took over an hour was nerve wrecking,i was so scared as to how this whole thing will work out with Kris Luhan and Tao,but i guess by the end of the recording which will take most of the day,ill be so tired i wont have te energy to care anymore.Good for me.I looked at the other members and they all seemed calm,i was the only one ruining the atmosphere with my nerves.The rest of the members were either talking,taking selcas,sleeping or listening to music.I was sitting beside Kyungsoo who was sleeping,i smiled slightly as his relaxed sleeping form.
Soon i dozed off as well and we arrived at the venue by the time the other members woke up.i was really anxious and angry,this is not how i planned everything.Thankfully Suho told us that Kris,Tao and Luhan arnt here yet,i relaxed a little at that,but only a little,i cant afford to let my guard down even for a second.For the first half of the recording i was extremely nerous and figdety,even the crew noticed and got a little concerned,i reassured everyone that it was no big deal,that i was just having 'one of those days' but the members knew far too well why i was behaving so strangely.
"Suho ..have you..seen Luhan hyung?"
"Hes upstairs" Suho smiled."are you gonna...?"
'Yeah' i cut him off.Good luck then maknae!and remeber,even if things dont go how you want them to,itll be ok,i mean,whats the worst that could happen?"Suho chuckled quietly."i guess youre right hyung,thanks!"i sqeaked as i ran upstairs.How wrong were we both,what was gonna follow my confession would not only break my heart,but also everyone elses..

"Luhan hyung" i whispered as i entered his room,he roomed with Yixing at this time."i want to talk to you hyung,i want to ask you something.."i weakly sat down at the end of Luhans bed,my palms already clammy and my face pale."yes anything at all Sehunnie,what is it?" Luhan brightly smiled,not sensing my nervous state.
"I was planning to telling you long ago hyung,i hoped youd see..."i trailed off and hung my head down,trying to collect my thoughts,Luhan now seeing how im struggling to  talk got a little nervous as well."what is it Sehun?whats wrong?"Luhan desperatly asked,scooting closer to me and grabbing my hand,making my head spin and heart stopping."i-hyung-i.."i stuttered,frustrated i jerked up into a standing position,detachting our hands in the process.Luhan seemed a little hurt by my gesture.Frustrated i gripped my head,exhaling angrily,i just couldnt get the words out.i leaned against a wall opposite Luhans bed,and i stood there looking at him for a while.Luhan squirmed under my scrutinising,cold stare."Sehun what is it?youre making me worry"Luhan breathed out in a  uneasy way and shifted uncomfortably.I looked down and sighed again."look, Luhan.....i like you.i really like you,hell,im in love with you hyung!ive loved you since that time we met in the bubble te shop down the road.Rmemeber when we used to room together?i used to wake up early everyday and wait for you to wake up,watching as your eyelids fluttered and how you smiled at me every morning after rubbing your eyes for ages.I love everything about you,i love the way you dance,sing,move,smile,everything!..Hyung...please,dont cry.."i stopped my love proclomation when i looked at Luhan closely and i saw the tears pooling in his eyes.
"Se-Sehun.." He croaked "i dont feel the same way.i cant,Sehun im straight,im so sorry"he whispered as he watched me slide down  the wall."im so sorry Sehun-ah,i really am" at this point his voice broke and i listened as he whimpered in pain.His words suddenly hit me and i sat there feeling tears brimming my eyes and my world slowly falling apart i felt so crestfallen,so empty.what i didnt know what that the worst way yet to come.Luhan ran out of the room at this point and i havent seen him since.//

Sehun!Baekhyun shook my shoulders,looking at me worringly.I looked up into his worried eyes and burst into tears,gripping at his shirt as i fell apart.His arms wrapped around me,holding me up as i screamed and trashed in his arms.He led me away from the crew and everyone else, sat me in my lap and strocked my back until i calmed down.Chanyeol came over with a hot chocolate "here Sehu -ah" he softly murmered as he handed me the cup.i bowed my head to thank him.I was still taking short ragged breaths and gripped at Baekhyuns shirt.Chanyeol took over from here,he picked me up off Baekhyun and hugged me really tightly murmuring soothing things into my ear with his deep calm voice.I calmed down instantly.

When i was calmed down Chen took me to the bathroom to wash my face and he told me terrible corny joked as i peed.Suho called him and told him that Kris,Luhan and Tao are on there way and theyll be here in a short while.When i heard that i looked at Chen with wide eyes and turned to run away but i realised i dont have anywhere to go,i suddenly felt cornered and claustrophobic in the bathroom and took Chens hand and led him out of an emergency exit door.I needed fresh air.
Bad idea.terrible idea.i sat down and looked at the sky when suddenly,Kris towered over me blocking off my view of the sky and scaring the life out of me.Naturally i didnt show it ,i put on my indifferent mask and glared at him as he smiled,pulled me up and engulfed me in a bear hug "Maknae!its been too long!" His voice boomed into  my ear as he rocked me from side to side "mphm" i muttered as i tried to wriggle out of his hug."SUHO HYUNG,SUHO HYUNG!!" Tao yelled as he ran into the building.

I noticed Chanyeol,Baekhyun,Xiumin and Kai were standing by the side.Luhan ran over to Xiumin and excitidly started talking with him,Xiumin enthusiastically listened to talk to him,but i caught him shooting me a few concerned glances.I was in the middle of conversation with Kris,we already got over the appologises and serious stuff and now he was telling me about what hes been doing in China.I smiled looking at how happy he is now,truely happy.Kris stopped talking mid sentence and i felt someone tap my shoulder,my heart sank and i knew who it was.I took a second to compose myself and turned around,but nothing could have prepared me for the look on Luhans face,he looked sad,broken."Sehun" he said in a cautious tone."Luhan" i replied."Look Sehun,i really am sorry,i still feel bad after all this time-
"Dont" i cut him off as a put my hand on his shoulder,shocking him with the contact,he looked up into my eyes in confusion.He continued to look into my eyes,searching for anything and everything it seemed.He didnt find what he was looking for,because i am empty inside out and also the sadness that crossed his bright eyes gave his thoughts away.He looked down and took a step back and turned to walk away."Luhan hyung!" I grabbed his hand,hurting us both with the contact.He blinked a few times,looking off into ghe distance.He licked his lips and blurted out "Look Sehun im really sorry,i know its my fault your like this" i opened my mouth to ask but he continued "Suho told me."he sighed,i could see this was hurting him,but he has no idea what ive been through,i softened a bit at his words anyways.

"i know i cant change what happened,i cant change how i feel or how you feel.I want us to forget and try to fix things though.." He stepped forward and lunged at me,wrapping his arms tightly around my neck,i instinctivly wrapped mine around his waist.We both stopped breathing for a few seconds and the whole fell silent.My heart wanted to explode.Everything hurt.The worst thing was that he felt so right in my arms,he smelled so good as well and he was so soft.A few silent tears slid down my cheeks and onto his hair.Luhan felt them and pulled away,wiping my tears away."i dont want to hurt you,ill stop"he whispered. "Its too late,im already hurt" this time i cautiously stepped forward,he nodded and i slowly hugged him,taking him in,really breathing again,feeling life and joy fill me.I exhaled and smiled."i love you Luhan hyung" "Sehun i dont-" "i know,i just wanted to say it,sorry"
"if it helpes ease your pain at least a little then say it all you want,you need to let me go though,for your own good.You deserve to be happy"
"thank you" i trailed my hand through his hair and stepped back "thank you for letting me hold you" he smiled shyly."its ok Sehun,dont cry" i blinked the tears away."im alright,dont worry,lets be friends hyung" i said "of course Sehunnie,always"

A little cheesy and weird but here it is,the reunuion.This was a very spontaneous chapter i didnt plan for my story to go this way but i think it was kind of cute.i hope i dont get writers block after this:p
Thank you guys for everything
Until next time,
~Byun _BAEkyun^.^~

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