Chapter 9

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"Yaa,yaa!!get down here,all of you,i got some important news!"Suho shouted as i sat down beside him and listened to the thundering noise as our members rushed downstairs.
"Right youre all here"Suho looked around,mentally counting."So...Tao called"he spoke,waiting for our reactions.A few gasps filled the tense air and some looked shocked."Hes heading back to,from LA.He said that he would like to meet us backstage at happy camp as he does not want to participate yet.He also told me that hes happy to come back to us,as he is well and as we all know we need to talk with him"Suho sighed,he seemed happy to get this off his chest.As i looked around i saw how everyones eyes shone with excitement and relief.Hes finally coming back.

I leaned back against the couch,groaning softly,i was so comfortable and happy.We were all getting along once again,schedules were less hectic and Tao was coming back.I smiled as Baekhyun burst into the room,since I didnt see him all day.He was slightly drunk as he stumbled into the room,his eyes wildly looking around.He started to make his way to the island table,presumably to get more alchohol as he nearly fell over the coffee table.I chuckled as i went over to get him,and myself a drink.I sat down across from him looking closely at him.Judging by big large pupils and red cheeks,i guessed he must already be pretty drunk,but whatever,hes the one that will have a very bad hangover tomorrow,not me! It doesnt matter though,we have dance practice late tomorrow evening anyways so we might as well indulge.I poured him a glass of wine,but he grabbed the bottle out of my hand and downed half of it in one go,before flashing me a phychotic smile and falling off his chair.

I hurled him onto the couch and went to get the rest of the bottle.I turned around to see Baekhyun,up on his feet once again fumbling with the stereo.He managed to turn it on successfully and before long the house was filled with loud dubstep that pumped through the walls.The other members came downstairs to see what was going on,and Suho even scolded us and told us to turn it down a little,he was in a good mood though,so he didnt mind much.

Soon after most of us were drunk and swaying around the living room floor.We all become different versions of ourselves when drunk.Suho gets all dreamy and scientific and he was currently babbling on to Xiumin,who was very facinated about what Suho was talking about.Last time i checked it was something about how amazing the universe is and about the meaning of life.Baekhyun and Chanyeol were the funny drunks,Baekhyun was lying down on the flipped over coffee table and laughing at Chanyeol who was trying to climb the door and failing miserably.Kyungsoo was the sad drunk and he'd cry and sing most of the time,while Kai was the more bipolar drunk who sat beside D.o;one minute comforting the teary eyed boy and laughing at him the next.Chen was sitting on his phone trying to play fruit ninja and getting rather upset at his wasted efforts.Lay was passed out on the floor behind the television.I dont know how he got there,I do know however that i will probably have to get him outta there and bring him upstairs later pn in the night,or probably early morning hours.And i just sat around,a bit dizzy and watched everyone have fun,occasionally joining in conversation or dancing with the others.Fortunately i wasnt near as drunk as they were,so ill get to laugh at them tomorrow morning.

I met Chanyeol downstaris the next morning,playing on his african drum,suprisingly in good condition."hungover?"i asked,my voice still raspy since i havent yet spoken this morning."not really"Chanyeol grinned,as he continued to play some rhythm i didnt recognise "working on something new?"i question
"Yeah,its not a song or anything.. at least not yet,but i was bored so i decided to work on some random rhythms,and hoped to annoy the hyungs"he grinned.I nodded,even though he wasnt looking,as i sipped my hot chocolate and wondered back to my room to watch some kdrama.
Hello dear reader,
So im posting this chapter a few days before Taos new solo album and its really breaking my heart:(💔im still hoping he will come back,sometime..well see,well see
have a good day guys,until next time
~Byun BAEkhyun^.^~

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