Chapter 25: Life

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 Eris sat in Myhrra's lap, wrapped in the valkyrie's wings. The raven-haired godling and the valkyrie were taking Hecate's death the hardest. Myhrra had informed the valkyries, Sapphirus had contacted the dwarves, and Malum had notified the fairies. All three races sent their remorses to Eris, Prometheus, and Iris, as they were Hecate's closest family. Iris did not seem to care that her sibling was dead however, which angered the others. Myhrra, Lizar, and Malum blamed themselves for not flying fast enough to help Hecate with her battle. The rest of the group did not blame the three though, or was angry with them. They blamed Thanatos and Feng Hao, who Myhrra glimpsed before he fled. To Eris, it was like a perpetual nightmare. In what sleep she got, she saw herself in the battle, and unable to save her sibling. While awake, she mourned her loss. The others mourned as well, but were also slowly moving southward. Without Hecate, they could not teleport as reliably. The fairies who were not scouting teleported one or two of the others a short distance, while the others waited. It was much slower progress, but nobody knew what to do. Myhrra often flew overhead, carrying Eris and comforting her. News from Malum and the other fairies was that there was no movement towards Ener Keep now, but surely another attack was to come.

On the third day after Hecate's death, the group all sat together and was only missing Odin, who was scouting. It was sunrise, and nobody was eating except Iris. Eris had not eaten in three days, and glared at her sister with disgust. Both Prometheus and Sapphirus had tried to coax her to eat constantly before Myhrra stepped in.

"If the girl does not wish to eat, let her be. She will eat when she is ready." the valkyrie said sternly, and Eris hugged her.

The group sat around a small fire, silent. Then, a figure descended from the sky. Everyone thought it was Odin, but it was a valkyrie. She had long red hair and soft brown wings identical to Myhrra's. She wore a golden crown and a sunset orange dress.

"Fey!" Myhrra cried and hugged the queen, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to make sure my second in command was managing alright." replied Aoife, "And to pay my respects to Hecate."

"You did not even know her!" Eris yelled, and threw a loaf of bread at Aoife, "How dare you come to mock us!" Aoife dodged the bread, and knelt by Eris.

"No, I did not know her well," Queen Aoife admitted, "However, from what I hear, your sibling was very brave. She did everything she could to protect her family." Aoife looked to Myhrra, "And that means more than anything, to care about one's family."

Eris looked up at the valkyrie queen. Her black eyes twinkled with hope and sadness at the same time. Eris gave the smallest of smiles, and Aoife nodded. She stood up, and her wings expanded.

"What is the plan?" the queen asked, "Myhrra tells me you are to protect Khronos. Do we need our valkyrian military on full watch of Ener Keep?"

"At the moment, no." Prometheus replied, "Our group here is enough to protect Lord Khronos for the time being. We will notify you if we need valkyrian assistance."

"Notify me?" Aoife gave a small chuckle, "My dear Prometheus you think I am leaving now, after such a short visit? No, I am accompanying you whether you want me or not." Eris tugged at Aoife's robes, and the queen knelt down again. Eris whispered something in her ear. Aoife listened, then shook her head.

"I cannot explain why her body would disappear. If nobody else can explain it, then neither can I. I am sorry I cannot explain." Eris nodded, sadly.

"How much farther is it to Ener Keep?" Aoife asked Myhrra.

"Not far, my lady." Myhrra said respectfully for once, "Perhaps another day at best."

"It would take us a day to fly?" Aoife said aghast.

"No," squeaked Lizar, "Teleportation."

"You have teleported all the way from Foxcastle?" Aoife sounded impressed.

"It was the safest way." Prometheus said, "The fairies could not fly us all at once, either."

"When do we teleport next?" Aoife asked, "Do I need to fly and meet you there?"

"We can teleport in groups in a few hours." Sapphirus said, "You do not need to fly. I am sure we can teleport you as well." The fairies all nodded in agreement.


Later, near midday, the group began to pack up what was left of their supplies. The first group ready to teleport was Sapphirus, Aoife, Iris, Lizar, and Odin. Before they departed though, a large rift opened above them, suddenly blocking the sun. The rift sparkled black and purple. Out of it fell two figures. One was a demon with yellow horns and tail. Black choppy hair hung around its eyes. It wore a simple red and black blouse and silver skirt that covered most of its body except for hands, legs, feet, and head. The other had shoulder length curly blue hair with one strand of black, indigo eyes, and a slender body. Long legs poked from beneath perfect violet robes. Hecate's skin was darker than previously, and she had grown slightly. She had also gained weight slightly, despite not eating; the goddex filled out her form in a way where she could pass as male or female, but also appeared different from both. The Echo candle was held in one hand, unlit, and the Staff of Electrus was being used as a cane.

Eris stared at Hecate and Alex. Then, she rushed at her sibling. Eris threw her arms around Hecate, who dropped her staff, and tumbled into Eris. The others rushed to Hecate- with the exception of Iris- and embraced the goddex as well.

"How are you here?" screamed a crying Eris.

"We saw you die, and your body turn to ash!" Myhrra exclaimed.

"I travelled through the Underlands." Hecate explained breathlessly, "Alex helped." She moved to reveal Alex. Sapphirus screamed. Alex became frightened, and jumped in the air. They transformed into a fairy in the blink of an eye.

"Alex?" Sapphirus questioned, fearfully.

"Hello, Sapphirus." Alex squeaked.

"How did you turn into a fairy?" the dimidium divana wondered, "I thought you were a demon."

"I am. Hecate helped me become this. I am both a demon and a fairy." Hecate smiled, and she picked up her staff.

"Quite a lot has happened." the goddex explained, then her legs gave way, and she collapsed, exhausted on the ground, laughing, happy to be free of the Underlands and with her family.

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