Chapter 19: Divided

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 Four teleportation journeys later, it was mid-day two days after the small group had left Foxcastle. None of the fairies received word of the approaching adversaries, except for how the two were still on course for Ener Keep, yet appeared to be travelling separately. Hecate was gaining better practice in teleportation.

"I think I can make it in one more teleport." She promised right before she fell asleep the last time. There was less tall grass in this area, but Hecate admitted she liked the warmth of the fairies, so Blaine, Odin, and Lizar kept her warm with their body heat, Lizar more than the other two. After a few hours, Hecate woke up. She was hungry, and Prometheus handed her a plate of bread and an apple. Hecate ate, and stood, grabbing her staff and candle.

"Are Malum and Erin back yet?" she asked. She had woken up once after teleporting the last time, though only for a few minutes, and discovered Malum and Erin had gone to scout.

"Not yet." Eris said. The small group waited. Iris, with a loaf of bread in hand, wandered over to Hecate.

"You're so powerful." the godling laughed through a bite of bread, "you've managed to almost get us all the way to Khronos!"

"I have had quite a lot of help." replied Hecate almost coldly. She turned her gaze to Sapphirus and Prometheus. The half-god seemed to have changed greatly in the days the group had been journeying. Though her body was still very masculine, her hair had grown out significantly. Most surprisingly to all, Sapphirus' blue-white horns and tail deepened in blue slightly to be more of a cerulean. She lay across Prometheus, and was listening to his tales of the past twenty-five years. Iris continually badgered Hecate.

"Do you really like being an arcane goddess?"

"Well, goddex actually, because-"

"Does it hurt to use your candle or staff?"

"Well, only when I split the candle and-"

"Does it feel good to hurt like you did to Thanat-"

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" roared Hecate, and Iris flinched. Prometheus stood up, knocking Sapphirus from his lap. Odin and Lizar, who were flying above, keeping lookout for the other fairies, quickly were startled and plummeted to the ground. Myhrra, who was off to the side of the group, drew her blades, expecting trouble.

"Iris," Hecate tried to say calmly, "Please stop asking me questions. I am not ready to answer."

"But Hecate," whined Iris, "I want to know the answers!"

"Then you will have to wait!" snapped the goddex. She stormed off, stomping to the west. Mountains were in the distance, and Myhrra confirmed this was the valkyrie city and stronghold of Bronzeveil. Nobody followed Hecate as she angrily marched away to gather her thoughts.


Eris watched as Hecate's form began to disappear, going down into a small valley. Prometheus warned her not to go chasing the goddex. Eris turned to Iris, anger flashing in the raven-haired godling's eyes. She was about to roar at Eris, when Malum and Erin fell from the sky.

"Just got word!" Malum cried, "As we were flying in! The two gods, they are close! We must off, where is Hecate?" Eris shot a look to Iris.

"Ask my sister!" she spat.


Hecate trudged through the grass, fuming. She had just teleported a good distance away from the camp, yet did not feel tired. Instead, rage filled her.

"Iris, asking questions I clearly do not feel comfortable answering." she muttered to herself. Hecate spotted the sun, and that it was soon going to set. Shadows grew and expanded towards her. She turned her gaze skyward, and saw the winds pick up. The Goddex of Magic fumed, and held her staff tightly in one hand, and the Echo candle in the other.

"I am being stalked." she said to herself.


Malum, Lizar, and Myhrra flew the direction Hecate went, but saw no signs of the goddex.

"We will find her, Malum." Myhrra promised. Malum squeaked. He heard of how Hecate could lose control in certain situations.

"We must find her before these two gods do, or Hecate could be in grave danger."

"From the gods or herself?" Lizar questioned curiously and fearfully.

"Both." Myhrra and Malum said together. Then, the trio saw a great flash of light to their right, north. They immediately changed to travel that direction.


Hecate stood defensively, watching the winds and shadows. In an instant, Thanatos pooped as if from the shadows themselves. He roared with angry laughter.

"Finally," he rasped, "I will have my revenge."

"Aeolus would not have sent you to kill me." Hecate said as she began to back away from the death god. He followed slowly, the grass wilting under his feet. His red eyes glowed brightly.

"No," he whispered, "Aeolus is going soft. He wants you and your sisters alive. I should have overthrown him when I had the chance." his voice trailed off, then Hecate could sense a smile form on his lips.

"I will have my revenge though, and kill you for trapping me." He laughed, and tilted his head back. The wind blew harder, and Thanatos' hood flew off, exposing his head. Hecate gasped. It was easily the strangest face she had ever seen: his skin was as black as midnight, but it was not skin. It was bone. Thanatos' skull was darker than shadows. The only color on his face was the burning red eyes that sat back in sunken eye sockets. As Thanatos laughed, Hecate saw hardened ashes, instead of teeth.

"I defeated you once." Hecate said boldly. The winds roared louder, and a figure fell down near Thanatos, winds buffering around him. The new figure was shorter than Thanatos, but not as tall as Hecate. He had no hair, and his robes were blood red.

"Thanatos?" the god's voice was like a tornado's roar, "What are you doing here?" Thanatos' eyes widened in fear.

"Feng Hao, thank Orirus you are here." the death god said, "The goddess attacked me!" Feng Hao looked to Hecate. He smiled.

"Hello, dear." said Feng Hao gently and Hecate growled.

"Thanatos is lying, he wishes to kill me." Hecate warned the wind god, "Help me, and I shall come with you peacefully."

"Still a liar." Feng Hao spat, "I see Prometheus has been teaching you well." With this statement, he summoned a large lightning bolt, and threw it straight at Hecate, where it exploded in a blast of yellow-white light.

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