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Author's Note:

This is the tale of the planet Khronoshia. A planet inhabited by races we today would consider mythological. This is the real story of mythology, and of the individuals who became legends.


The sun was setting over The Frozen Forest on the western side of Isle of Iceshadow. The Isle itself was split into two sides: the snowy western side, and the rocky western side. The evening light of the ancient world of Khronoshia, slightly masked by approaching storm clouds, cast long shadows over the icy, frozen trees. A lithe figure could be seen darting through the forest, evading an unseen terror. The figure made no sound as it sprung from shadow to shadow, staying relatively clear of any remaining light that flitted through the thick branches. A different light- faint, glowing, orange torch-light- came from behind the creature, but was still a distance away. There appeared to be many torches, and the group made noticeable, albeit quiet, noise, like an army trying to stay stealthy and silent as they approached enemy camp. Exhausted, the being paused behind a tall pine tree, and drew a few shaky breaths. It sniffed the air which reeked of sulfur and blood. Its diamond blue tail shook, almost nervously.

"Keep moving, dimidium divana," a female voice emanated from the creature's skull. The creature growled softly.

"I have a name, Jacqueline," the dimidium divana snarled quietly, glancing around the tree to observe the torch-light.

"Sapphirus," a more masculine voice radiated, "you must hurry to the Palace of Wind."

The dimidium divana, Sapphirus, obeyed this voice, and continued stealthily through the silent trees. Above the forest, the clouds gathered and became more numerous. The shadows grew longer and the air colder as the sun retreated.

"So tell me again," Sapphirus thought, "why are you two inside my head?"

"You asked us to come with you when you escaped," the male voice explained, but was cut off.

"I asked you," Sapphirus hissed, "not her."

"It is not my fault I got trapped when you stole Hopper!" Jacqueline roared.

"Anyway," Hopper continued, "dead souls cannot leave their afterlife without assistance."

"Well I had no other choice while fleeing Niflheim." Sapphirus said, "I could not very well leave you in the Underlands."

"Well I personally appreciate you being my host." said Hopper brightly.

"Yes, yes Hopper," Jacqueline interjected, "but we can get out of here eventually correct? An Ethereal queen like me should not have to be trapped inside the mind of this...this-"

"This what, exactly?" snarled Sapphirus harshly.

"You!" Jacqueline shrieked, "You disgrace of a half-god! A cursed child! Filthy and unbathed and messy! Your dress is torn, your hair's a rat's nest, you are hunted, you are a thief, you even wish to change your gem alignment Diamandant!" Sapphirus shrieked at the voice yelling in her head.

"Never call me that name! I did not choose this!" Sapphirus screamed out loud,"I did not ask to be half-demon! I did not ask to be born diamond! Forgive me for looking so hideous, I have been running for my life, and I have been enduring torture for twenty-five years under the Underland gods and anarchy on Niflheim!" Sapphirus had stopped running now, and was crying silently, her tears as blue as her miniature diamond blue-white horns. She ran her hands through her dark red hair, and collapsed on the ground. Her blue tail drooped behind her and her honey yellow eyes were puffy and bloodshot. Blood trickled from her mouth, from where she had been gnawing on the inside of her cheeks. Her dark olive skin seemed to pale with each breath. Sapphirus' veins seemed to pop out against her paling skin, becoming more and more visible.

"Sapphirus-," Hopper started, sympathetically.

"Here!" a voice roared through the trees, "he is here! You will not escape, Diamandant!"

The torch-light was only a few meters away, and Sapphirus had not yet noticed.

"Sapphirus," Hopper urged again, "you must hurry."

Sapphirus stood and slowly crept forward, until she once again was flying like a deer through the forest. After a few more agonizing minutes, she reached a large clearing. Rain began to fall on her head, making her diamond demon horns even more noticeable, as the rain had flattened her hair.

"Keep going," Jacqueline urged selfishly, "I cannot go back to the Underlands now."

Another clearing was quickly taking shape in Sapphirus' vision. As she ran into it, she found it was not a clearing at all, instead, a large glittering marble castle and grounds sat in the middle of the forest, some of it elevated off the ground, including four vast courtyards that jutted from the castle in each cardinal direction. The half-demon turned to see a darkness with glowing red eyes stop a foot from her. Behind it, demons held torches and spears, anger in their eyes. The repulsive smell of rotten flesh and old blood lingered in the air, slightly masked by the smell of pine and smoke.

"Aeolus will find you, Diamandant!" the darkness spoke to Sapphirus, "and I will gain entrance to this palace eventually!" Sapphirus trudged slowly to a small cabin on the Palace's edge. The darkness withdrew, fading into the forest as the rain blacked out next to all light. Sapphirus let out a sob. A sob of freedom. Of safety. Of fear.

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