Chapter 13: Splitting Symbols

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 As the afternoon passed and turned to night, Myhrra and Hecate explained to Sapphirus, Eris, and Iris about the battle, Hecate leaving out the detail of the strange Echo candle. The goddex knew the others had seen it, but did not feel comfortable sharing its power. She felt it was more than a weapon, it was a part of herself, but also something else. Something the blue haired goddex could not quite understand. As soon as the tale was through, and told by Myhrra with extreme detail, Prometheus stumbled up the stairs, and nearly fell over to the rocking of the ship. Sapphirus slid across the deck to him, and hugged the fire god around his middle.

"How are you feeling?" asked the half god. Prometheus winced.

"Fine, fine." he insisted, "Myhrra-"

"We're fine. A few hours behind. We'll be okay." Myhrra said.


Midnight came and past and the crew of the Aerily stayed awake to help Myhrra. Despite Eurus and Zephyros' storm being gone, Myhrra was correct in how tricky the waters were. Waves crashed against the sides, but not as large as before. Moonlight from Cynthia, Ariana, and Beatrice made the sea silver. Prometheus set his hands ablaze and stood at the bow, making sure there were no obstacles. Eris and Iris began to yawn, so Sapphirus took them below to sleep until morning. Eventually, she too slept, leaving Prometheus, Myhrra, and Hecate on deck again. Hecate stood by Myhrra, gazing starward.

"So let's talk about your candle, eh?" said the valkyrie.

"What about it?" Hecate's voice was cold, quiet, and mysterious.

"Did you conjure it?" Myhrra asked bluntly and the goddex nodded. She pulled out the golden Echo candle.

"Your symbol." Myhrra whispered.

"My symbol?"

"Every god, goddess, and in your case goddex has a symbol," explained Myhrra, "Some carry their symbol with them and use it, like Zeus' lightning, and others cannot show theirs or choose not to, like Eos and Prometheus."

"Is a symbol always a weapon?" Hecate pried, anxious to get an answer of the feeling from earlier.

"Not every symbol is a weapon, no," the valkyrie replied, "Lord Khronos' symbol is a clock, for example. Raphael's is his angel wings."

"Can a symbol be a weapon and also not a weapon?"

"Of course," came the reply, "A symbol represents the individual and reflects the Invidia." Myhrra sounded almost wistful, then continued with a slightly breaking voice, "Only gods, or rather, those of dual godly descent have symbols." Hecate understood and glanced away from the valkyrie, embarrassed. She gazed out to the bow, to see Prometheus still checking the horizon. The fire god appeared exhausted, yet would not relent to sleep. The Aerily rocked to the now steady rhythm of waves.

"Can gods use their symbols to assist other races?" Hecate pushed. Myhrra's face grew sour. Her obsidian black eyes filled with pain and anger. The valkyrie's wings fluttered nervously.

"Go see if your uncle needs help." spat Myhrra angrily. A fearful Hecate tromped to Prometheus, frightened of what she had said.

"I'm fine my dear." Prometheus assured as Hecate approached.

"Uncle," the slight goddex cautioned, "I fear Myhrra is angry with me."

"Why would she be angry?" Prometheus asked, not taking his eyes off the horizon.

"I asked about symbols."

"Oh dear me," Prometheus frowned, "That is a very touchy subject with Myhrra."

"Why, uncle?"

Prometheus sighed, "When our valkyrie friend was young, her mother, Aerily, was sent out by the valkyrie queen preceding Aoife, who was Aoife's mother." Prometheus kept his voice hushed.

"Nephthys." Hecate remembered and Prometheus nodded.

"Aerily was partnered with the cat deity, Bastet. Along their quest, they were intercepted by Aeolus' war general Feng Hao."

"What happened?" Hecate asked quietly and the fire god took a deep breath.

"This was before the War of Winds, but it certainly helped lead up to it. Bastet and Aerily fought Feng Hao, but Aerily was severely injured. Bastet could have used their symbol to heal or safely transport Aerily away. However, Bastet transported themself away, leaving Aerily stranded. Well, it only took the queen a few hours to realize what had happened, once she received word that Bastet arrived back to Black Crystal. The queen took Myhrra with her, at Myhrra's request."

"How dreadful." Hecate whispered and her uncle nodded.

"From what I've heard of it, there was not much left of Aerily. Only blood and a last trace of her Invidia."

"Myhrra distrusts gods?" Hecate inquired, "Because of what happened to her mother?"

"Not all gods," came Prometheus' reply, "But certainly any gods, or any race, allied with Aeolus and Feng Hao."

"Uncle," said the goddex, "can a symbol only be used by the deity it belongs to?"

"Oh no," Prometheus replied, "Anything can be given, gifted, taken, stolen, or borrowed correct?"Hecate gave a small smile, and then slowly walked back to Myhrra. The valkyrie spun the wheel and growled.

"Go away," she muttered. Hecate ignored her and took out her candle. She imagined it splitting, and the red flame separating and taking wax with it. After a few moments of concentration and magic, Hecate held two candles. One was the violet Echo candle topped by a light yellow flame, as well as a blood red candle with a matching flame. Hecate handed the red candle to Myhrra.

"I share my symbol with you, so you may know I trust you and give you part of my magic." she said. Myhrra's eyes watered.

"Thanks kid, that means a lot."

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