Chapter 18: The First Jump

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 The group of eleven winked into existence on a hill with deeper purple grass. Hecate collapsed with Malum falling off her head. Erin, Iris, and Myhrra fell to the ground as well. Prometheus, Sapphirus, and Eris went to catch them, but missed Hecate, who tumbled down the small hill. She was unharmed, though was slightly woozy and very tired. Malum and Eris tended to the goddex, while Prometheus and Sapphirus gathered the supply bags and set up their campsite. The remaining fairies made sure Erin, Iris, and Myhrra were alright, as they had collapsed as well. Once everyone was safely regrouped at the top of the hill, Prometheus lit a fire. The sun was not yet at its peak, but the fire was precautionary, and Malum had insisted before they left that warmth helped the ones using magic to teleport. They had brought many small stones to encompass it and keep it from destroying all of the grass. Hecate fell asleep, right beside the fire and was being watched intently by Myhrra and Eris, who sat close together, holding hands. Lizar was telling a story at the fire of how the other fairies had been created, as he was the oldest and remembered their creation.

"I sat in my cage, talking to Father Khronos, and he kept muttering to himself." the fire fairy squeaked, "He seemed to be worried. Eventually, he went into the High Tower, where he conducted nearly all his experiments. I could not hear anything, but Father Khronos came back several hours later, carrying Erin." Lizar glanced at the water fairy, who was curled up next to him, watching the story being told.

"She was fast asleep. Father Khronos smiled, then put her in my cage. When she woke up, we talked a bit. Then Father Khronos took her away to train her, as he had done for me." Lizar explained, "Obviously he was not pleased with a water fairy either, as there were more of us after that."

"Father Khronos repeated this process three more times with Blaine, Odin, and Malum." Erin finished.

"I think I was pretty perfect." said Blaine boastfully, then laughed at themselves, "No, I think I was the most troubling fairy for Father Khronos."

"You did tend to cause an earthquake whenever Father Khronos wanted to move, and you did not want to." beamed Odin.

"None of you were there when I was the only one," Lizar pointed out, "I would blast fire at Father Khronos' face if he annoyed me. How do you think I got in the cage?" Everybody laughed, and the six fairies told stories of misadventures they had gotten themselves into, alone and with the others.


Late in the afternoon, Hecate woke up, fully rested. She yawned, and then sat up, blinking in the sunlight.

"Did you sleep well well, dear?" Sapphirus asked. Her tail flicked, and she lay in Prometheus' lap.

"I did." replied Hecate. She stood up, and wobbled slightly. Malum grabbed her staff in his teeth, and handed it to the goddex to lean on.

"No, no," Hecate insisted, "I am fine."

"Like hells you are." Malum huffed, "You are still exhausted. Arcane magic is the most draining of all magic."

"I am strong enough to teleport us all again." Hecate rebuttled. Malum could not deny it, so all eleven members of the travelling group were brought together, and the teleportation took place again. This time, the group landed in a grasslands. Hecate did not immediately lose consciousness, but instead leaned on her staff and Sapphirus supported her. Nobody else fell down or experienced an uncomfortable situation as before. Quickly, the small group set up camp, but did not start a fire due to the high grass.

"If we stay here overnight," said Sapphirus as she laid down a sleeping Hecate, "we will need a fire."

"Myhrra Lizar and I can make some torches to light up around us." Prometheus suggested.

"We do not have long enough pieces of wood." Myhrra frowned.

"Do we need fire?" Iris asked.

"We do not," said Blaine, "but Hecate does." Myhrra sat next to Hecate, on the ground, and set her hand alight with sparkling orange flame. She held it aloft, near Hecate's body, keeping the goddex warm. Prometheus smiled and sat on Hecate's other side. He did the same with his hands, bringing fire to them, and holding them close to Hecate. Lizar lay himself across Hecate's stomach and chest. He raised his body temperature and sent the excess heat into the lapis-haired goddex's body. The other fairies flew up and scouted the area, leaving the two gods, two godlings, valkyrie, dimidium divana, and fire fairy. Malum promised to send word if anything of interest was sighted or happened. Everyone watched as the group of five fairies fly off into the late afternoon.


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