Chapter 6: Hopper and Jack

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 It was mid-afternoon and shadows were still growing steadily throughout the Frozen Forest. The air was cool under the icy trees, unlike the warm, though windy, palace the group had just fled from. The three children of Aeolus were still trying to process what had happened, Hecate especially. The day-old-goddex had done what only two others had, and it frightened her at how much power she could exhibit. she did not understand what triggered her to go into the sadistic trance, but she was determined to not let it happen again. The group of five wandered almost aimlessly through the forest, arbitrarily changing direction or backtracking. Eventually, Iris spoke up.

"Where in the five godly hells are we going?" she exclaimed. Sapphirus stopped walking.

"We are trying to not get killed, thank you very much." the half-god growled. She kept moving, and continued to mutter to herself. Prometheus approached Iris, and knelt down in front of her.

"Sapphirus has had a very rough life." he said softly, "All she knows is survival. You know your father very well, correct? You know what he would have done to all of us if we stayed. We helped a half-god escape. Your sister trapped a god. We fled. To your father, that makes us all seem extremely guilty."

"Iris and I did nothing though." Eris protested.

"You both stood idly by and watched Thanatos as he was trapped. You both followed me this far."

"We were scared," Iris retorted, "and confused."

"By all means, then," their uncle coldly said, "go back. Tell your father you were kidnapped and escaped. Hecate, Sapphirus, and I cannot return though. There is no hope of us returning for now."

"I will not leave Hecate." Eris walked over to her sibling. Iris stayed put, contemplating her options.

"Iris, will you choose your siblings or the life of luxury?" Hecate questioned.

"Father will use you to find us." Eris added.

"You will be tortured." Hecate reasoned.

"You will be locked in your room."

"No company."

"No food."

Iris looked to Sapphirus, who had stopped a few feet away and was staring at her. Then to Prometheus whose teal eyes filled with trust. Finally, Iris looked to her siblings. They seemed to plead wordlessly. Then, Iris moved to stand by them.

"Alright." Prometheus stood, "We are no doubt being followed by winds or demons of some sort by now."

"If we are being followed by demons," Sapphirus warned, "we do not have much time. Demons track exceptionally fast."

"It cannot be aurae." Hecate added, "the wind nymphs are too peaceful. If there are wind spirits chasing us, they will be ruthless."

"How much time do we have?" Eris inquired.

"Is it too late to change my mind?" Iris added, earning a slap on the arm from Eris.

"If we keep moving, we have about two hours at best." Sapphirus estimated, ignoring Iris' comment.

"How far is the dwarven kingdom?" Eris wondered fearfully.

"Two days at best." Prometheus uttered.

"What?" Hecate exclaimed, "Is there anywhere to hide?" Prometheus looked at Sapphirus, who immediately read his expression.

"No," she barked, "Not again. Do you recall last time? I still have scorch marks!"

"That was not me." Prometheus defended, "that was the volcano."

"What exactly happened?' Hecate asked.

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