Chapter 22

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(Brandon's Pov)

Evan, the band, and I all walked outside to the tour bus where Tony was. "Congrats! You guys managed to not screw this up, so now you're on tour with All Time Low. Just sign here," Tony said. He gave us a contract and we all signed it.

"Thanks, Tony," Rider said and he nodded.

"Yeah, now go get dinner and get some rest," he ordered.

"Okay," we all said. We all started walking to a fast-food place and Evan stopped me.

"Hey, guys, I need to talk to Brandon for a minute. We'll catch up," Evan said.

"Okay, see you in a few," Luke said. They walked away and I turned to Evan confused.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm perfect. I just want to thank you for helping me get here. I would be dead by now if it weren't for you. I would've never made it up on that stage without your help. I love you, Brandon. I truly do. I'm sorry for all the shit I put you through. I'm so sorry that I bullied you. I'm sorry for everything, I don't deserve to be with you," he said.

"Evan, it's okay. I promise it's okay. I love you, too. We're meant to be together and nothing will change that," I said. 

"He hugged me and said, "Thanks, Brandon. I'm sorry for stopping you, I just needed to get that off my chest."

"I understand. Let's get's some food," I said and he nodded. I let him go and he grabbed my hand.

"Excuse me?" we turned around and saw two girls standing there.

"Hello," I said and smiled.

"Sorry to bother you, but are you Brandon and Evan?" one of them said.

"Yes," Evan said and the girls squealed.

"We love your music! Can we get a picture?"

"Of course!" I said and Evan smiled. They got their phones out and we put our arms around their shoulders. They took the pictures they wanted and then smiled at us.

"Thanks so much, you guys are honestly amazing. I can't believe you're fifteen with a record deal," one of them said.

"That means a lot. What's your names?" Evan said.

"I'm Mindy, and this is my bestfriend Sarah."

"Nice to meet you," Evan and I said.

"Where's the rest of the band?" Sarah asked.

"They're eating. We're getting ready to meet them there," I said.

"Oh, well we don't want to keep you waiting! Sorry for bothering you," Mindy said.

"No, no! You're perfectly fine. It's really cool that people already recognize us!" Evan said.

"Thanks again, we better get back to my Mom," Mindy said.

"Okay, see you around maybe," I said and they waved. Evan and I started walking to the fast-food joint and the guys smiled at us when we walked inside. We sat down at the booth and I said, "Two girls asked for pictures with us."

"That's awesome! I can't believe this is actually happening," Jeremy said.

"I know, All Time Low are one of my favorite bands, too! We're actually touring with them!" I said.

"Do you guys want to order something?" Rider asked.

"Sure, come on, Brandon," Evan said. We got up and walked up to the counter.

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