Chapter Eleven

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(Evan's Pov)
I woke up to see Brandon with his head on my chest. I smiled a little and gently shook him. He groaned and said
"No, 5 more minutes." I chucked and said
"We don't have 5 minutes, it's 8:30 and we're supposed to be at practice by 9." His eyes shot open and he quickly sat up. I frowned, missing the feeling of him on my chest.
"Well come on! I'll let you borrow some of my clothes. Here, try this on." He said and thew me a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey jumper. I ran into the bathroom and quickly changed and brushed my hair with his hair brush. I then brushed my teeth with the one he gave me and washed my face. I then went out into the room and Brandon rushed into his bathroom to do his hair and brush his teeth. He came back out and he smiled at me. I smiled back and said
"Ready to go?" He nodded and we ran downstairs.
"Mom and dad already left for work. You want something to eat?" He asked.
"No thanks, I'm not hungry." I said.
"Okay then, let's go." He said and we went out the door. We started walking to Riders house and I said
"Remember that question I wanted to ask?" I said. He stopped walking and gave me his full attention.
"Yeah?" He said. I took a deep breath and said
"Well I really like you..."
"And...?" He said with a excited look on his face. Aw, he's so adorable, how could I ever hurt him? Oh right, I'm a bipolar asshole.
"And I was wondering if you wanted to maybe um go out with me?" I said nervously. He got this big goofy smile on his face and hugged me. "I'll take that as a no then?" I laughed.
"Shut up and kiss me." He said and smacked my arm. I laughed and kissed him.He didn't hesitate to kiss back and I smiled into the kiss. We pulled apart and Brandon was blushing like crazy but he smiled. I smiled back and he said
"Yes, I would love to go out with you." I smiled and took his hand in mine and we started walking to Rider's house. We walked up to the garage, which was opened and we saw Rider and the guys.
"Hey guys." Rider said and looked at our hands. He smiled and said "Since when are you two dating?"
"Since 10 minutes ago." Brandon said causing ev everyone to laugh.
"Well let's get to work, Evan, you can play guitar and Brandon, you sing. We're playing the song Bulletproof love. We nodded and Rider gave me a guitar.

"Do you know how to play this song?" Jamie said. I nodded and played the first 4 chords. They smiled and Jamie said "Awesome, oh and do you mindif we record this for Youtube?"

"No." Brandon and I said. They nodded and set up the camera. Roderick, the drummer counted us off and we started playing and Brandon started singing.

"I'll breathe you in with smoke
In the backyard light
We used to laugh until we choked
Until we wasted night

It was the best time of my life
But now I sleep alone
So darling, don't, don't wake me up
'Cause my thrill is gone

And now the sunsets turning red
Behind the smoke
Forever ends alone, yeah

You've gotten thrown into this bed
That taste of you and me
I'll never leave my lips again
Under the blinding rain

I wanna hold your hand so tight
I'm gonna break my wrists
And when the vultures sing tonight
I'm gonna join right in

I'll sing along
'Cause I don't know how we are
I'll sing along
But I'm barely hanging on
No, I'm barely hanging on

By the time you're hearing this
I'll already be gone
There's nothing to do
But scream at the dark and run

This isn't fair
Don't you try to blame this on me
My love for you was bulletproof
But you're the one who shot me

And goddamn it
I can barely see your name
So I'll try to write it
And fill the pen with blood from the sink
Woah, oh

But don't just say it
You should sing my name
Pretend that it's a song
'Cause forever is yours

And we can sing this
On the way home

I'll sing along
'Cause I don't know how we are
I'll sing along
But I'm barely hanging on
No, I'm barely hanging on

By the time you're hearing this
I'll already be gone
But there's nothing to do
But tear my lies apart

There's nothing to do
But scream at the dark and run" Brandon sang. We stopped playing and Rider said"That was awesome! You two are really good!" We smiled and thanked him. They turned the camera off and said

"Well I think thats enough practice for one day." Ronnie said. We nodded and I took Brandon's hand and started walking down the street. It was freezing out today and I only have a small jacket.

"Are you cold?" Brandon said.

"A little." I said. We stopped in front of his house and he ran inside and came nack out with a winter coat.

"Here, you can have this." He said. I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you." I said. He hugged me back and said

"No problem." I grabbed his hand again and said

"Do you mind if we go down to the graveyard? I want to see my brother." He gave me a sympathetic smile and squeezed my hand.

"Of course not." He said. We walked to the graveyard, hand in hand and got there in about 10 minutes. Once we got there I opended the gate and we wet inside. I climed to the top of the hill and felt my jaw drop. My... my brother's grave had graffity all over it. It had the words fag, pussy, glad your dead, and some other mean stuff on the grave. "Evan..." Brandon said.

"Who... Who did this?!" I yelled angrily with tears in my eyes. Brandon put his hand on my shoulder and I shrugged him off. He looked at me confused.

"Evan, calm down." I turned to him and pushed him. He fell and looked at me in shock.

"Just leave me alone!" I screamed He looked at me with hurt written on his face and said

"Evan, please just calm down."

"Did you not here me the first time! Just leave me alone! I don't need you and your perfect family or you in my life!" I screamed. He got up and ran away with tears running down his face. I fell to my knees and started sobbing. Why would someone do this? To someone thats dead! I picked myself up and slowly walked home with tears running down my face. Once I got there I saw my dad's car parked in the driveway. Great he's probaly drunk. I walked inside and saw my dad pacing. He looked at me and he ran up to me and slapped me across the face.

"Where the hell were you?!" He screamed. I didn't answer him and he kicked me across the room. I groaned and tried to get up."Answer me boy!"

"At... at a friends house." I coughed.

"Liar!" He said as he kicked me in my side. After 5 minutes of him kicking me and me coughing up blood he finally stopped and decided to go to the bar. I sat there crying and I looked at arms. Should I? I got up and limped to the bathroom. I got my razor out and started cutting until all I could see was blood. I sighed ad bandaged myself. I went up the stairs and collapsed on my bed and slowly cried myself to sleep.

Aw poor Evan and Brandon. Evan just can't seem to get a handle on his emotions. Please check out my other story I Bet I can make him smile! Don't forget to comment and vote! Love you all! <3


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