Chapter Twelve

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(Evan's pov)

I woke up to my side hurting and well, pretty much everything hurting. I groaned and slowly got out of bed. I looked into my mirror and saw I had a bloody lip, a black eye, and my cheek was bruised. I sighed and went into my bathroom to try and cover it up. Well, as I was getting it out I noticed I had no more concealer or foundation. I started to panic and had to think of a story that I could use if anyone asks. I sighed and went into my closet after brushing my teeth and doing my hair and I picked out a white and grey striped hoody and put it on with a pair of grey skinny jeans. I grabbed my bag and looked at the clock. Great, I missed the bus.I groaned and ran out the front door and picked up my skateboard. I started skateboarding to the school and still got there before the first bell. I sighed in relief and went to go find my friends. I stopped walking and saw Brandon at his locker with a sad look on his face. I bit my lip in guilt for taking my anger out on him. . .again. I don't even know if we're still dating. I mean, why would he date me after me just being rude to him for no reason. "Evan?" I turned around and saw my friends staring at me.


"What happened to your face?" Simon asked.

"Um, I got into a fight," I said. Yeah, a fight. . .with my dad. Ricky looked at and grabbed my arm ad led me to a secluded corner.

"Did your dad do this?" he asked worried. I nodded and he hugged me. He pulled back and said, "And what happened to Brandon, he looks really sad today."

"Well, we went to the graveyard yesterday and I found my brother's grave vandalized and I ended up taking it out on Brandon. Also, I may of asked him out,"  I said

"What did he say?"

"He said yes, but I think I blew it," I said. He gave me a sad look and we walked back over to my friends and started talking.

"Evan?" Brandon whispered and I turned around to see him clutching his books to his chest and his head was down. He looked up at me and gasped. He took my hand and pulled me into the bathroom.

"What the hell?" I said.

"We need to talk. First, what happened to you yesterday?"

"Look, Brandon, just leave me alone. It was never going to work out anyways. I'm your bully, not your lover," I said. He bit his lip with tears in his eyes.

"B-but we were friends?" he choked out.

"Not anymore," I said and walked out of the bathroom. Why did I do that you may ask? Well, ever since I started hanging with him my Dad beats me harder. So, it must be his fault.

"Hey, what happened?" Simon said.

"The fag needed to talk to me,' I said and shrugged.

They looked at me confused and Daniel said, "I thought you guys were friends?"

"Nah, I was just using him to get an A on the project," I said.

"Oh, makes sense," Simon said and the bell rang. We all went to our first period.

(Brandon's pov)

How. . .how could he do that? After everything we did he decides I'm just his bully vicitm again?! I felt tears trail down my face and I went into the bathroom stall. I heard someone come in and say, "Brandon? You in here?" It was Mr. Pair. I opened my stall door and walked out.

"Mr. Pair? How'd you know I was in here?" I sniffled.

"My room is right next door. Why didn't you tell me you were getting bullied?" he asked.

"I thought I could handle it. We were friends for a couple of days but yesterday he just snapped!" I sobbed.

"Brandon, I want you to forget about him. Now, get to class. I'll write you a note so you don't get in trouble," he said. I thanked him and gave him a pencil and a piece of paper. He wrote me a note and I cleaned up my face. I went inside my first period and sat there, staring out the window and thinking of Evan. I'll probably skip music class today. I'll get in trouble but I'll just say I was in the bathroom throwing up.

(Evan's pov)

Brandon wasn't in music class. I guess he decided to skip. I defiantly need to talk to him about skipping, it would be for his own good. As I got to my locker I saw Brandon at his locker.

"Come on, guys, we need to teach Brandon a lesson on skipping," I said. I walked over there with my friends following me and slammed his locker. He jumped and looked at me with fear and sadness. "Hey, fag, why weren't you in music?"

"I-I was sick," he said.

"Bullshit, now tell me the truth," I said. He suddenly looked angry and tears filled up in his eyes.

"Fine! I was in the bathroom crying my fucking eyes out because you're an asshole! Happy now?!" he said. I glared at him and slapped him. He looked at me with shock and hurt on his face.

"Don't yell at me faggot."

"Shut up! You can't tell me what to do, or I'll-"

"Or what? You'll tell your perfect mommy," I said.

"At least my family loves me!" he shouted and quickly put his hand over his mouth, shocked that he said that. I glared at him and started punching him. I kept getting harder and harder until my friends had to hold me back.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" he said while he coughed up blood.

"YOU THINK YOU'RE SO PERFECT! WELL, YOU'RE NOT! YOU'RE A FUCKING FAGGOT! I HATE YOU!" I shrugged my friends off and I ran out of the school and into the woods. I didn't stop running until I came to this big old oak tree. I fell to my knees and started sobbing. "KILL ME! JUST KILL ME ALREADY!" I yelled. I wrapped my hands around myself and started pullling at my skin. "Please just kill me. . ." I whispered. I stoped pulling at my skin and sat crisscross on the ground. I pulled a razor out of my pocket and started slashing at my arms. I guess I cut too much because the last thing I remember is me passing out and someone screaming my name.

*Sorry if it sucks, please let me know in the comments on what you think of the story so far. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! Love you all! <3*

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