It all comes down to this... the closing

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  Chapter 14


When Jessica, Manda,Rose and John (Rose’s boyfriend) picked me up for the dance I felt highly out of place for ever one was paired and I wasn’t. I even half expected to see Jake in the car but he wasn’t unexpectantly my sprit dropped dramatically low….  

“Cheer up Henry… Don’t make it look that bad we already have a blind date for you…” Rose said around the wheel and I just sighed…  

The empty void in me was like a termite eating away at a wooden chair they just keep going and going until the chair was good no more. I closed my eyes and laid on Amanda’s shoulders… “Why couldn’t you be my date?”

I muttered to her but Jessica heard.   I felt Jessica pulled her protectively and Amanda laughed “Dooon’t worry he is Gay Jessica… and because you are inlove with my brother not me and stop acting like a baby… the blind date will be worth it…”  

“I don’t want himmmm and we both know Jocks attends proms and home coming with seniors…” Henry said

  “Yea they do… but this one will be amazing!”  Rose blurted out…  I wonder who they where talking about and I would have opened my eyes to find out but I was just emotionally exhausted, I was drained completely almost as a vampire’s victim…

  “Ok we are hereee!!” Shouted Rose pulling up into the school’s parking lot. I moaned mentally and opened my eyes as each girl paired with her partner and I walked infront of them.  

“Where is he?” I asked them…

  “He will be a little late…” they said.

  The room was exquisite and elegant. It had balloons sparkles disco lights and the girl’s gowns (inspired by the Disney princesses on Television…Jessica was the princess and the frog she dressed like the prince actually not the princess… Amanda dressed as like Cinderella… well the blue gown…. And the lovely rose dressed like the beauty and the beast along with her partner.., I dressed plainly like Harry Potter ) It was a costume dance and everyone dressed as they pleased.

  I spotted Jake immediately as I stepped into the room our eyes met and it was like every thing slowed and I couldn’t breath I tore my eyes away first but the very memory stayed in my eyes as if we where still looking at each other. He was in a suit like the prince from Cinderella and I just kept nibbling on my bottom lip trying to find a place to hide from his burning gaze…  

He stayed in the corner as a group of girls surrounded him each trying toget his attention with elaborate outfits showing cleavages and enhancing there figures with was very sexy if I must say so myself. But his attention and eyes was always centered on me across the room behind the dancing crowd.  

“Hi… I am Jones…” Came a voice I turned to see a male looking at me. I guessed from the encouraging glances from Rose and Manda this was my date.. He was hot and Sexy but I was not interested…  

“Hi… I guess you are my blind date…” I said and held out my hand for a handshake which he shook mine gently.

  “Wanna dance?” he asked sweetly  

“Yea sure…” I said looking over to see that Jake was gone…

  We danced like the couples and someone in the crowd pushed me and I turned to see Jaun looking at me with hatred. I chuckled after my drama queen moment he lost his reputation as a man who has never been dumped.  

“I am guessing he is Jake?” asked Jones looking above me at Jaun..

  “Nahh just some guy who made rumors that he is dating me so I dumped him infront of the school it was pretty funny…”I said to him and he laughed…  I wondered just how much he knew...

“ A little thing like you?” He said shocked…

  “A little thing like me has a lot in me…” I replied. 

Then the music stopped and everyone began to complain there on the stage stood Jake with the micro phone and the mumbles stopped…. after all he was one of the most respected male in the whole school.

  “I have something to say which may come as a shock you you all…” He began and Jones stood next to me and we both along with the others stared at him…  

“Who is that guy?” Asked Jones lowly obviously not a member of our school since I just noticed that no one could not know Jaun and Jake….

  “He is Jake now quite down I wanna hear…” I mumbled.  

“I see…” said Jones in a thinking tone.  

“Well I am inlove with someone here today and I never once told that person because of fear that I would one day leave and the person would be too shattered to go on…I tried showing my feeling in actions but something we as human needs a little reassurance to know if the person really cares… Well I wanna tell him…” Jake said… but some girl shouted out.

  “HIM????” The crowd gasped and shock filled the air… I felt my heart jumped and beat against my chest… he was committing public suicide just for me… I felt soo touch that I began to unconsciously move towards him.

  “Yes it’s a him I have been Bisexual for years and he and I have been together for years… and I want to say that I am in love with…” he continued and then choked….  

The crowd finished it for him “HENRY!!!” they shouted…

I froze at the sound of my name… the school knew!!  

“You knew!!” Said Jake and Amanda took the microphone from him…

  She began “Bro a love like that is hard to hide, we all knew… Just was waiting on you to admit it even Jaun had to join and ruin his reputation!! Jake it makes no sense you hide it cause one day people are going to see it. You both are an awesome couple and stop hiding your love.”

  Jake blushed flabbergasted and mouth open I felt a hand on both shoulders and I looked to my left to See Jones and my right to see Jaun.

They smiled down at me “Go get your man kid…” Said Jones and Jaun pushed me forward. The school cheered and shouted and when we finally touched Jake stared into my eyes and I stared back into his. He kissed me passionately and dragged out the last breath I had out of me we where happy.

Jake had nothing to worry about and Jessica kissed Amanda’s head… Jones called up his real boyfriend and we boogie down at the dance like crazy ass kids….

That's all folks -Amanda and Jessica and Jake and Henry skips through the door

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