How embarrassing (right?)

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So I made a little touching.. What can I say I wanted to try it out.. Don't worry the other will be much much better <3 hehehehee 

Pictures to the right are Jessica and Amanda and Jake 


I woke up in bed with mother holding an ice pack to my head. The red head smiled at me and her green eyes glisten and she stares at me... the only one in my family who knows that I like girls was this woman right here, I trust her with my life besides she gave it to me...oh yea I have a few more who knows.

"Oh don't start!!" I said to her in a moan as the pounding of my head slammed against my temples I pushed the cold ice pack away from my head.

“Ohhh so my little girl have a crush!! “ She teased me…

Are you kidding me? Wasn’t she to be like I don’t know like something else? Not here making me feel like I am talking to a friend about somebody I had the hots for since primary school

“MOMMMMMMMMMMMM….” I blushed and called stifling my head in the large green pillow.

“Hmmm… well I can tell you this, She is a lesbian known to break a couple of hearts too… So you better be careful I have heard of her type before…” She told me lecturing me.

“Ohhh don’t start now momm!! I just am a bit tired nothing like that!!!” I said in a defensive tone. She in return kissed me on my cheek and marched out. Soon after I saw my loving brother coming into the room.

The dark hair male’s muscle flexed below his large shirt as the jock of a male marched up the stairs. Immediately his eyes connect with mine. The blue eyes looked me up and down on the bed as the music blast down the bottom of the stairs he walked over to my room like Jonny Depp.

“Yo Sis you really are a light head you know? Fainting in front of the new girl? Classic!!!  I told Henry you would have sooo flipped out when you saw her but he bet me 20 that you wouldn’t!!” His grin was so wide that it made me want to slap him into oblivion.

“Oh will you just leave me alone! You are just despicable!! Money on your my embarrassment? Really?” I choked.

He laughed and winked at me coming to my bedside as I curl my feet under me sitting up. “I wasn’t really talking about that… I was talking about Bow jobs 20 of them all the positions I like it…” he pushed his finger into his mouth and imitated sucking a dick.

“URRRGHHH EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW…..” I made a face as if I was about to be I’ll. By the time I left this house I would be scared for life and I mean scared!! Ruin completely too… I mean… a freaky bother a crazy mother… oh great.. my family is like the creepiest family on earth.

“Errr Can I borrow your lotion?” He asked me and winked. I turned red and pulled the sheet over my head… I knew it was childish but I also know that I can’t help it when it came to my brother… “Well, it’s just that we are gonna…”

I cut him off before he could finish “I DON’T WANNA KNOW BELIEVE ME!! YOU ALREADY SCAR ME ENOUGH FOR THE DAY!!” I shouted pushing the lotion onto his chest then pushing him off the bed.

He pulled me down onto him and I fell on his hard chest, “Hey!! Let go!” I shouted. Soon enough after struggling out of his Terri some bear hug I manage to loosen his grip and scramble away. I made it half way to the door when he grabbed my feet and pulled me back to him, I screamed and kicked at him and he quickly dodge it immediately I lift up my upper half and grab his neck and squeeze it.

“Ahheemmm..” Came a voice. I looked over my shoulders to see Henry escorting Jessica. Henry was about the same height as Jessica, she had dark hair that was short and spiked in a sense. I swallowed and looked at her when our eyes meet I licked my lips and release my brother who was looking at us. “Errrmmm I think  we will be taking our leave now”  Henry called Jake “I believe we have some business to attend to…”

My brother moved so fast I almost lost Balance and there I was on the floor looking at her. She looked down at me with such intensity I turned crimson “Errr ahhh errrmm Hi?”

She looked at me lowering herself her face just inches away from mine at the closeness of our face I felt cold bumps tickle my sink. She turned that we where in the same position and her lips inches away from mine, her eyes looking deeply to mine, she spoke with feminine softness and intelligence brought form a good home “Hi I am Jessica,” she said.

Dammnit was she unaware that I was trying to keep my cool and not just look into those blue sexy large eyes and get suck and lean closer to see them just a bit closer…. Before I could have recognize what was happening I was kissing her…

My lips pressed against her and she pressed her soft lips against mine I parted her lips with the tip of my tongue and she allowed me  I entered her as our tongues circle dancing in sweet harmony and pulled her more into me wanting more of her sweetness and then it happen my mom’s voice.

“Errr girls?” She said

“Fuck!! What rotten timing…” I mumbled and moved away from her…

She seem to blush and ran through the door I looked up at mom.. “Seriously??”

My mom laughed “Oh shut up and come tell your family bye..”

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