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"When are you coming over?" Riley asked impatiently over the phone

"We are on our way, just trying to get Timothy's shoes on." Maya said tying his shoes laces

"Ok, I'll see you then."

"Ok, bye." Maya hung up the phone and grabbed her child's hand

"Ready to go?" Maya looked down at Timothy fixing his hair

"Can I bring my cat?" Timothy asked with wide eyes

"Yes, but hurry! Aunt Riley really wants to see you!"

Timothy ran to his room and came back with a stuffed animal purple cat.

"Ok, I'm ready!" Timothy smiled

At Riley's
Maya's POV


"Hey Riles." I smiled hugging her.

"Little peaches!" Riley smiled picking up Timothy, "Wanna color?"


Riley set up crayons and paper on the kitchen table. I walked over to her room and sat at the bay window.

*Bzzz-zzz* Riley's phone rang I looked down at the caller and it was Farkle, so I answered it.

F: wanna come over tonight? We could watch animal planet...and maybe-

I better tell him it's me before this gets weird...

M: Farkle it's Maya, Riley's in the kitchen...

F: Maya?

I could already sense his cheeks getting red over the phone.

M: hey Farkle, I will tell her to get ready for her date tonight...

F: thanks Maya, how's Timothy?

M: he's good, just coloring in the kitchen.

I could hear Riley's footsteps approaching her room

M: gotta go Farkle, Riley's back-byeeeeee

I hung up the phone and tried to act natural. Riley sat down next to me.

"Soooooo...how's Farkle?" I asked pretending I didn't know

"He's good." Riley blushed

"Oh my gosh."


"You like him!"

"Of course I do he's been my boyfriend for 2 years-"

"No-like you actually like him! Like like-like him!"

"Yeah...I do..." Riley had this goofy smile on her face.

"By the way you two have a date tonight."


"Yeah he called you and I answered. I told him you were free."

"You did? But I thought we where gonna do something." She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah but, we can do something tomorrow, we can hang out right now too...until-" I looked at Riley's clock "4:30, it's only 3:07, and besides he's your boyfriend..."

"Ok fine!" She unfurrowed her eyebrows

We sat there in pure silence for a few minutes. I was looking out the window, it was so beautiful. Everything was gold...I didn't realize I was playing with my necklace until Riley pointed it out.

"That's a nice necklace." Riley commented

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down at my necklace. It was my engagement ring to Lucas on a chain. I just smiled and said "it is."

"Maya...it's been 4 years..."

"I know." I sighed, "I just don't want to forget about him." I looked down at my hands

"You won't! He's your child's father! You won't forget about him." Riley put her hand in mine

"I think Timothy knows...he knows he's different from the other kids."

"What do you mean?" Riley questioned

"That only his mom picks him up from school...that on Father's Day he doesn't have a card to give his father when all the other kids do." A tear trickled down my cheek

"Of course he's different! He has an Amazon warrior as a mother!" Riley smiled.

"Yeah." I laughed while wiping my tears.

Timothy walked in with a paper in his hand.

"Look!" He said handing me a drawing he did, "It's our family." He smiled

It was drawing of him and me.

"It's beautiful, sweetie" another tear fell from my eyes. I wiped it away before Timothy could see it.

"I think this drawing deserves a refrigerator ceremony!" I smiled picking up Timothy

"I think so too!" Riley said picking up the drawing and walking to the kitchen

Riley grabbed a magnet and stuck it on the fridge.

"I think we have another artist on our hands peaches!" Riley said with her hands on her hips

"Yay!" Timothy clapped his hands

"I think so too." I smiled.

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Four Years (sequel to Promise Me) Where stories live. Discover now