Stupid Tag From Friend

465 23 154

So I got tagged from sdea123 to do this. Curse you friend.


Write the rules.
Tag 13 people.
Answer questions and create new ones.
Create unique title.
You can't refuse.
1 week deadline.
Don't comment your stuff on this chapter.
Your answer has to be submitted in a book.
Mention the person who tagged you.


Family Guy or The Simpsons?

I like Family Guy better only because of Peter.

Who is hotter, Sebastian (Black Butler) or Yato (Noragami)

Obviously Yato! He's the best! (And not a demon!)

Would you rather be amazing at playing an instrument, or be a fantastic artist?

Fantastic artist!

Be a god or a regalia?

I'd say be a god because I can do whatever the fudge I want. Plus I can get millions of animals. Muhahahaha!

Xbox or PlayStation?


Sims 3 or Sims 4?

I never really played sims four before so sims 3.

What's your favourite season?

Spring. Only because I'm born in spring.

Whats your favourite anime and why?

My favourite anime is Noragami. Reason? Yato.

Favourite anime character?

Yato, no doubt.

If you had the chance, should you be immortal?

Probably not, I wouldn't want to live forever because everyone around me would keep dying and id be all alone.

What's your favourite show that's not an anime?

Greys Anatomy!

Worst anime you've seen?

Akame ga kill. The feels... The feels...

Subs or dubs?

I usually watch in Subs now, but when I was younger I watched in dub. The anime I watched when I was a kid I usually still watch in dub because the feels man.

Questions to answer:

How many siblings do you have?

What was your reaction to Erens mothers death?

What is your ultimate OTP ever.

What is your ultimate NOTP ever.

What was the first anime you watched?

What was the last anime you watched?

When will/did your school end this year?

Do you have any pets? If so, write them down.

Who is your favourite anime character in Noragami?

Are you a boy or girl?

Who is your favourite YouTuber?

Do you draw?

What's your favourite food?



Even if you're not tagged, you can answer if you want :3

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