My photos

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Okay, so I was going through my pictures today when I saw this. It was two pictures of part of a face and they were next to each other. When I zoomed in it did this XD. Great.

Ok funny this happened to me today. I was eating lunch in the cafeteria with my friends, Emu_lishious mysteriouswriters03 ALonelyLemon camryn-chanthegamzee and Bluerosethewriter . We noticed that there was a Valentine's Day thing in the corner of the room. Curious, we all went over to investigate. It was a wedding thing. It costed four dollars to do it but it was worth it. Me and ALonelyLemon got married, Emu_lishious and camryn-chanthegamzee got married, and Bluerosethewriter and mysteriouswriters03 got married. It was super fun and the people who hosted it gave us ring pops as rings, ginger ale as champagne, and a certificate to show that we got married. My friend Nico22233 got married and just kept the ring pop. He divorced his husband right afterwords XD.

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