Part 2 Of the yatori one-shot

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Today was the day. The day I see Hiyori again. It's been 10 long years. I knew she forgot me, Father had let me see her once every year. She was never allowed to see me though.

Yukine had been bothering me, a lot. It's like he never got over Hiyori. I couldn't blame him though, I never did either.

I spent everyday begging Father to let me go. After all this time he finally said yes. I was so happy when he told me I could leave. It was like finally being free. I can't explain it. All I knew was that I'd see Hiyori again. That was all the hope I needed.

I started by going to her house. It looked like her parents still lived there. I went upstairs to her old rooms window. I didn't see her. The room was empty. There wasn't anything, just an empty room.

I decided to ask her parents where she lived now. They said she lived a couple streets away. I smiled and thanked them, knowing I would see my dear Hiyori again. I hoped she wasn't married. If she wasn't I would ask her to marry me.

I walked over to the street she lived on. The number 476 running through my head. My smile got even bigger when I saw 470. I sped up a bit, my excitement getting too high to be contained.

I stopped at her house. I felt something run down my cheek. I brought my hand up and sighed. I was crying, probably tears of joy. After all of this time I get to see her again. I walked up the small pathway. There was all kinds of flowers. There was even a Sakura tree. It's petals blowing in the summer air.

When I reached the door, I stopped. My hand was just about to knock. What if she hates me? I shook my head. No, she will be mad, but she wouldn't hate me. My thoughts were raging. If she hates me, I'll be all alone. I decided just to knock and get it over with. It's better to find out than to never know.

I hit my knuckle on the door. I stood, waiting. I heard a thud, then fast footsteps speed towards me. The door swung open, revealing Hiyori. She aged well. Dumbass she is only 26. I looked her in the eyes, they showed confusion. I walked up to her and hugged her. She gasped and just stood there.

"W-who are you?" She pushed me away. Her words stung, but I expected that. I was gone for so long, I couldn't blame her.

"It's me, Yato," Her eyes widened. She walked up to me with narrowed eyes.

"" Her words gave me hope. She would remember me soon. I knew it.

"I'm sorry for taking so long, but I'm back." I said.

Her eyes started tearing up. "You idiot!" She screamed. "Why did you leave?!" She walked closer to me and she started banging her fists against me chest. I knew I deserved it.

"I tired so hard not to forget, I visited Yukine every day!" She stopped hitting me, I took the chance and hugged her.

"Hiyori," She looked up. "I've been wanting to do this for a long, long time." I pulled the box holding the ring I bought 10 years ago. I backed up a few steps, then I went on one knee.


Oh my gosh, is he doing what I think he is doing? My face flushed red as he began speaking again.

"Hiyori, I know this is sudden, and I haven't seen you in years, but," he took a shaky breath and stared me in the eyes. "I love you, will you do me the honour of being my wife?"

I knew what I wanted. "Yes, yes! A thousand times yes!" He smiled brighter, and put the ring on my finger. He stood up, then kissed me.


Without this thing at the bottom, this chapter had 666 words. Ok then.

Anyway this is another part to that other yatori one shot thing I wrote. Hope you enjoyed.

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