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Ok this is going to be a rant about Nora.

If you look at the picture above it almost looks like she has grown. Don't you think? She looks taller and her face isn't as childlike as before.

Enough about how she grew more. Let's talk about other things.

I've been on tumblr a lot lately and I've noticed at lot of things about her. I've seen a lot of different views and honestly I feel sorry for her. I know some of you are going to question why. Just keep ready to find out.

It's kinda scary to think about it. When Sakura came around Yato didn't "play" with her as much as he used to because he thought it was wrong. In the manga, when we learn more about Yato, she walked out a couple times with cuts and bruises.

Yato didn't think much of it and he just helped her get clean. I feel that Nora should be getting more love than she has. She grew up where if she was bad, she was punished. Even if Yato did something bad she still got the beating. And Yato says he was through a lot? I mean he was but not as much as Nora.

Yato makes her seem so bad. But really she isn't that bad. Ok, she is bad but she is nice to the ones she loves. Most of the time. The only reason why she is the way she is is because of father.

She has had a much harder life than Yato. All she has gotten all her life was abuse. She doesn't think it's bad because she never was taught otherwise. All she wanted was to be praised by father, so she did what he said to make him happy.

And then Yato goes and leaves. This probably made it worse for her. After all the reason she became a Nora is because Yato stopped using her.

Who knows what he did to her all those years that Yato was gone. I'm not really surprised that she hasn't left father. He was the only person to not reject her. Yato tells everyone to stay away from her because she links to his father.

The reason why she was so wicked to Hiyori and Yukine is because she missed Yato. She doesn't know how to nicely tell them to leave. She wanted to be around Yato more because she missed him. I mean who wouldn't miss their brother. I know she isn't his sister but they grew up like siblings.

And that concludes my rant about Nora!

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