Eight [Soul Mate]

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Tremaine’s P.O.V.

I had a very good day. Long and tiresome...I could tell you. However, it was good nonetheless. No, “good” would not suffice. I had an amazing day: meeting the woman of my dreams.

As soon as she set foot inside the hotel, I knew right there that she was the one that my God had created for me. She was gorgeous. I smiled as I thought about her hypnotic golden-brown eyes, her dark hair that cascaded down her back, those full luscious lips, and her mesmerizing voice. That voice could charm asnake. A shiver travelled through my body as I remembered her walking towards me; she walked like a goddess. She was a goddess. My goddess. She was the epitome of all things perfect. Even her unusual name – Reign – sounded perfect.Reign. My soul mate.

By the time my shift ended, I was beyond restless. I wanted to run up to Reign’s room but frowned as I was suddenly reminded of her and her Alex friend leaving earlier. I retrieved a piece of paper from my pocket and looked at it. That Alex girl had given it to me before she left with Reign. There was something about those two that seemed vaguely familiar. I couldn’t put my finger on it, though I knew that I would figure it out eventually.

I opened the letter and was surprised to see a hand-drawn map of Forks, Washington. The words “Come and find me” were written underneath the map. Short and sweet. I grinned excitedly, ran out of the hotel, and headed for my car.

Fifteen minutes later, I was back on campus of Forks State University. I jumped out of my car and headed for the upperclassmen dormitories. When I reached my dorm room, I decided that I needed to take a shower and plan my weekend properly. I couldn’t just drive off to Reign’s place without a game-plan. Man, I’d look like an idiot.

The image of Reign and her beautiful smile plagued my mind as I showered. I was fascinated by the fact that she never showed her teeth when she smiled – or spoke. I couldn’t get over her overpowering beauty; she was so beautiful it was almost unnatural. How could a human being possess beauty of that caliber? I shook my head vigorously. I had a bad habit of over-thinking things.

I got out of the shower and threw on my boxers. After doing a few sets of push-ups, I lay on my bed and looked up at my ceiling.

“I’m going to go see her tomorrow,” I said aloud, smiling and nodding. I was going to see Reign again. My smile grew into a grin as excitement filled my heart.

I couldn’t believe that I’d found my soulmate. I was in love.

I was in love with a woman I’d known for a mere twelve hours. She barely knew who I was, yet I was still madly in love with her.

I was in love and it felt good.

So damn good.


Reign’s P.O.V.

I honestly could not believe that Marion and Desmond were being so nice to me.I was a stranger after all yet they took me in as if I were one of their own. I had to do something to let them know how grateful I was. I needed to show them how appreciative I was of their continuous generosity. I didn’t know what I was going to do, though. Whilst thinking about my options, I started to unpack my things. As I finished unpacking my things, I could hear footsteps approaching my door. Before they could knock I opened the door to find Alex and Sophie.

“Hey Reign,” Alex spoke first.

“Hey,” I responded.

“Can we come in?” asked Sophie.

“Sure,” I motioned for them to come in. I closed the door behind me and stayed by it as Sophie and Alex sat on my bed. My guard was up; what did they want from me?

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