Chapter Nine

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Flynn was beside me as my mom sat on my chair, typing away on her laptop. My brother was throwing his toy cars around the bed, talking to himself. Ariel was playing with her dolls waiting for Mya to come over for a little play date. Since they had the day off.

" mom remember that song yesterday?"

" that car song right? I was on a roll" My mom smiled turning around in her chair. I raised an eyebrow glancing over to Eric who was stifling a laugh.

" it's Drake mom, you really are old"

" hey ! I'll have you know I am 20 with 22 years experience"

" yeah okay, bye grandma" I chuckled hopping off my bed. Kissing Flynn's head as he looked at me with big blue eyes. He tilted his head before chucking the car at me. I ducked just in time as the metal toy hit the floor.

Ariel screamed starring at Flynn. I sighed kissing her forehead as well heading over to my mom who got up from the chair. Ready to scold Flynn for throwing things at others. Eric followed me out of my room both of us heading for the stairs.

" oh shit" Eric exclaimed as we both stood in the foyer. His eyes were wide as something appeared on his cellphone. I slipped on my heels walking over to where he was.

 Once my eyes landed on the text from his friend I gasped. Snatching the phone straight out of his hand, to take a closer look.

" what the hell is this? Eric" I exclaimed handing him the phone as he shrugged looking just as confused.

" she didn't sleep with him, she went home right when they did, that freaking bitch" Eric muttered grabbing his duffle bag.

I followed him out as we went to my car. Both of us angry and confused from that text well rumor. Apparently it's been going around that McKenzie slept with Brittany's brother. Which was obviously untrue since she left at the same time as them. I saw her in her room right before I went home.

It was apparent that Brittany was spreading all these lies about McKenzie for some reason I didn't get. She was a bully and it's been going on for a while now. She's dragging her brother into this and a lot of kids are joining in.


Once we were both out of the car I grabbed my bag moving towards the field with a fast pace. Trying not to trip over my heels in these cracks. Eric followed close behind, I heard him seethe once, as we went over to the gates. The coach had a strict rule now that no one was allowed on the field in the morning besides the guys. Still at this point I didn't care.

" what are you going to say" Eric asked as I threw the gate open stepping inside where all the guys were standing around.

" oh I'm gonna say something and when I get a hold of his scrawny ass-"

" he's bigger than you"

' when I get a hold of his fat ass" I corrected myself going near the bleachers. Some of the guys looked at me as I headed straight for them. Determination all over my face.

Once I saw the culprit laughing with some of the other sophomores I went up to him. Grabbing him by the shirt as he began to protest.

" what the fuck is wrong with you, I swear to god I'll shove this shoe so far up your-"

" okay that's enough" Noah replied picking me up before I could even take off my shoe. The kid looked at me with a weird face. Obviously not putting two and two together.

" let me go Noah, I am seriously going to hurt that thing, like what the hell is wrong with you and your sister" I shout trying to wiggle out of Noah's grip. He held tight though not letting me go until a few feet away.

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