Burn It Down, Brick By Brick

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Lilith's POV :

I woke up the next morning in warm arms and with one hand that was running through my hair it was so peaceful I didn't want to wake up but I did I gave a small moan causing we've rn to hold me to chuckle. I looked up to see Chris something was different this time so different.

I could tell by just the look in his eyes the looked like they held ....love he then kissed my forehead and let me get up and stretch be for I headed to the be path room to shower he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his chest "You know I never really knew how much I loved you until you left when I saw you gain I thought I could block out those feelings and I tried with Sabrina but when I saw you see me and her in the club I felt like such a dick I'm so sorry Lilith" I just looked up at him "Chris stop blaming yourself it took me years to realizes I loved you and I understand how hard it is trying to deny them hell tried to but you can't stop feelings I would know but I forgave you a long time ago but you have to promise me if you really really want this relationship stay in it be with me don't hide from me ok" I say looking at him

He nods and caresses my hands I then turn to go take a shower but once again I'm pulled back and pushed against Chris and he starts to feverishly kiss me I wrap one arm around his neck and one against his chest kissing him like he was my oxygen our tongues clashing together our kiss spy hens tarred to get hot and no heavy he put me against my bunk and wrapped my legs around his waist and started to grasp my neck tight wanting total control he then moved away from my lips and kissed down my neck kissing and biting I was panting we eventually stopped and self restrained ourselves and then he gave me one more kiss telling me "Your mine always will be" and left while I went o go shower after r my show I dressed in an Ash Costello look tights, black shorts, knee high heeled lace up combat boots and a Bat Royalty 'Be Afraid' shirt with a red and gray flannel.

After I finished getting dressed I wen to my make up bag and put on some some pale concealer and foundation when some liquid eyeliner on my top lids I tried to Fado it lie Ash cause today it's my theme I then put a thin line of eyeliner on my water line and then some mascara and I wouldn't be like Ash without some Jeffree Star Unicorn Blood red matte lipstick after I fished my make up I moved into my hair I decided to curl it and leave it down.

I then went on Instagram and posted a pic of me captioning
@_littlemisshorror : Trying out the Costello life @ashcostello

After I posted that and tagged Ash my phone blue up with notifications I turned my phone off grabbing my sunglasses and my passes and headed outside to meet up with Chris before I met up with u I'm in went to Starbucks grabbing a Carmel iced frappe and a Pumpkin Spice latte for Chris in then headed back and let then me my passes the them let me in I went strait to the Motionless tent and saw all the fans and then I saw th boys ND Chris I went straight to Chris and sat in his lap and handing him his beverage I heard all the fans whispering and the boys I could see were in shock I gave Chris a kiss before standing up ready to leave before I was once again plopped down on his lap and he gave me a real sweet kiss that I melted into oh how I loved his kisses once I saw we were causing a scene I stopped the kiss giving him a hug and then left letting him do his business I bet he'll tell the guys the info.

But for now once in my life I felt happy with everything.

Oh man I'm on a role today 2 updates in one day let's see if I can do one more update I might just try and give you guys a treat for being such awesome readers and being patient with me but hoped you like it please vote comment share love lots guys stay creepy until next update

(PS: By the way if you want to know more about me and stuff my main Instagram is : @motionless_in_bvb_666
My personal is : @xx_gothicnightmares_xx)

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