24~Shallan & Gerard

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Today is Christmas. It's 7:00 on the dot. I jump out of bed, throw on a sweater, because it's always so cold in the mornings, and run to the kitchen. I put a pot of coffee on, then I run to Mikey's room. I sit down on his chest and he groans.

"Mikey it's Christmas. It's time to get up."

"No. Go way. Leave me lone." he mumbles and rolls over. I fall and lay on my side between him and the wall.

"Mikes." I poke his nose. He scrunches up his nose and mumbles something incoherent. "Mikey." I drag the 'e' out and poke his nose again. He swats at my hand. I roll my eyes.

"I made coffee." I whisper.

"Give me five minutes." I smile and crawl over him and off the bed.

"If you aren't up in five minutes I came back with water." he grunts in response. I skip out of his room and walk into the living room. Alicia is sitting on the couch.

" Morning." she says when she sees me.

"Good morning." I smile. She smiles too. I walk into the kitchen and she follows me. We pour ourselves some coffee. Mikey stumbles into the kitchen, tripping over his own feet.

"Morning sunshine." I say and giggle. Mikey grunts and pours himself some coffee. When we've all had coffee and are fully awake we pick up Gee and go to Don and Donna's. Don and Donna are drinking coffee.

"Everyone ready to open the presents?" Don asks. I nod enthusiastically, Gee grunts, as does Mikey, Alicia nods too and Donna shrugs. Don stands and leads the way into the living room. We all sit down on the floor. Since there isn't really enough room for me to sit down on the floor I sit in Mikey's lap. Don picks up a gift and reads the name on the tag. He hands the gift to Gee. He then hands one to everyone else. We all rip into our gifts. Mine is five little bottles of different colored liquids.

"What is this?" I ask looking at the blue one.

"It's nail polish." Donna says with a laugh.

"What do I do with it?"

"You  paint your fingernails and toenails." Alicia tells me.

"Weird." Everyone laughs. Don hands gifts to Mikey, Gee and I. Gee and Mikey watch me as I open mine. I rip the paper off.

"No way. You bought me a phone?" I ask, looking at Donna and Don.

"Don't look at us." Donna says, "Mikey bought it." I put my head back and look at Mikey.

"Thank you."

"You are very welcome." he says and gives me a hug. Then he opens his gift which is the one I gave him. It was a bunch of graphic t-shirts picked by Donna.

"Thanks to whoever gave these to me." he says.

"That was me." I tell him.

"Well thank you." Gee opens his gift next. His also the one I gave him. I gave him some comic books. Also picked by Donna.

"Thanks." he says and then crawls over to the tree and grabs another gift. He pushes it into my hands.

"This ones from me." I nod and rip the paper off. I'm holding something round and flat and grey and a bunch of flat square things.

"What the hell is this?"

"That is a cd player. And some cds. Just fyi the guy at the store helped me pick out some of those cds so don't hate me if you hate the music." I get off Mikey's lap and give Gee a hug.

"Thank you."

"Anytime." We spend the next half hour opening gifts. As well as the cds, cd player, phone and nail polish I also got a bunch of clothes and shoes. After all the presents are opened Mikey helps me set my phone up and program in all the numbers I need. After that I decide to call Patrick.

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