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Shallan started taking medication for her bipolar disorder and so far hasn't anymore 'episodes'. She's been relatively happy actually. I still haven't gotten a real smile from her yet, but I'm working on it. Dr. Marks asked me to call her sometime this week, so I'm going to do that right now, since I'm not doing anything else. I pull my phone out and dial the number she gave me.

"Hello, Dr. marks phone." says a male voice on the other end.

"Hi this is Mikey Way. Dr. Marks was expecting my call.

"Ok. One sec." I hear some talking, but I can't decipher it.

"She needs just a minute. I'm her son. Ethan. Who are you?"

"I'm Mikey Way."

"So you said. Why are you calling?"

"Because she-" I'm cut off by Dr. Marks.

"I'm sorry about him."

"That's ok."

"How's Shallan?"

"Good. So far we haven't had anymore accidents."

"How are her stitches?"

"I haven't actually looked at those."

"Okay. Well just make sure that the bandages get changed regularly and that the cuts don't get infected."

"Alright. I also have a question."


"Anxiety is a symptom of bipolar disorder right?"

"Yeah. Why? Does Shallan have Anxiety?"

"I think so. She gets all nervous around new people and usually grabs my hand really tight."

"That's normal. She just wants to know she's not alone and that she's safe. She needs to know you aren't going to leave. It helps her feel grounded. She probably doesn't even realize that she does it. It's just a natural reflex."

"Is bursting into tears normal when someone has an anxiety attack?"

"It's pretty common."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Anytime. Keep me updated on her progress."

"I will."

"Thanks. No Molly don't pull her hair, Ethan don't you dare. I'm sorry I need to go, before my kids kill each other."

"Sure. Goodbye."

"Bye." the call ends. I walk to the bunks in search of Gee. I find him and Shallan packing their suitcases. Mine is already packed and waiting.

"Jon says we'll be there in ten minute so we're just finishing." Gee tells me. I nod. I notice that Shallan's suitcase is mostly filled with notebooks and other books. Laying right on top is a large photo in a wooden frame. The picture is of Shallan's family I assume. There's a red headed man, a dark haired woman and a little girl and boy no more than six, both with red hair as well. Shallan lays a sweater over the picture frame. She has all her clothes neatly folded and set in the suitcase, whereas Gee has just thrown all his into the suitcase.

"Hey Shallan, can I look at your arms? Please?" She nods and pulls her sleeves up. I gently pull the tape off her arms and lift the bandages. They're still bleeding a bit. But they look better than they did. I finish rebandaging her arms just as the bus lurches to a stop just as Gee and Shallan zip their suitcases closed. They stand and then all three of us grab our suitcase and walk towards the door. We follow Ray, Frank and Bob off the bus. Snow is falling hard and fast. We are in a large, mostly empty parking lot. There's only three cars. Gee's, Ray's and Bob's. We all get off the bus and the bus drives off.

Feel Alive(Adopted By Mikey Way)Where stories live. Discover now