33~Frank & Mikey

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As I roll out of bed I'm met with the wonderful smell of fresh coffee. I stretch and walk toward the kitchen. Shallan is leaning against the counter holding a mug in both hands.

"Morning Frankie." she says when she sees me. She smiles and brushes a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Today she's wearing simple jeans and a cream colored sweater. Her hair is kind of up in a ponytail, but it's a bit too short in places so it's falling out. She can walk without her crutches now. She's been taking it slow, but she said her knee doesn't bother her as much anymore. Which is great.

"Morning." I go to pour myself coffee and discover the pot is empty.

"Oh yeah. We're out of coffee." she says, taking a sip out of her mug.

"We're out of coffee?"

"Yes." she smirks.

"Did you drink the last of the coffee?"

"Maybe...." she sets the mug on the counter, "Should I be worried?"


"I think I'm gonna go now." she starts making her way to the back of the bus. I start walking after her. She looks over her shoulder and giggles then starts running. We run past Mikey, Bob and Ray. They give us weird looks, but we keep running. As we reach the back of the bus I catch up to her. I wrap my arms around her waist and the force causes us to fall back. I twist us around and land on my back with her on my chest, giggling like crazy. I can't help the laugh that escapes. We stop laughing and get lost in each other's eyes. She starts leaning down and right before our lips meet she jumps up and starts to walk away. I stand and grab her arm. She raises her eyebrows at me. I smirk and throw her over my shoulder. I start walking back toward the front of the bus. As we walk back past Mikey, Bob and Ray Shallan starts struggling to get away.

"Mikey help!"

"What did you do?" Mikey asks.

"She drank the last of the coffee." I tell him.

"Sorry. Can't help you." I start to walk away.

"No! Mikey you traitor!" she says and then giggles. As I walk toward the front of bus I grab my coat, phone, Shallan's coat and my wallet. Shallan starts pounding her fist lightly on my back.

"Come on Frank. Put me down."


"Frankie." she drags out the 'e'.

"I can't you might run away." I open the door and step out.

"Back in a bit!" I yell and the door closes behind us. I finally put Shallan down. I hand her her coat.

"Where are we going?" she asks as she puts her coat on.

"Somebody drank all the coffee." I smile.

"Right. Oops?" We walk down the street.

"Kind of grey today, isn't it?" Shallan asks, looking at the sky.

"Kinda." We find Starbucks and walk in. We order coffee for us and the others and walk back to the bus chatting about everything and nothing. We step inside the bus and Shallan yells,

"Coffee!" Everyone comes and grabs their cups. Shallan starts walking toward her bunk.

"Where are you going?" I ask her.

"My bunk. Why?"

"Well I was kind of hoping we could keep talking."

"Oh. Sure." She sits down on the couch so that her back is against the arm and crosses her legs. I mimic her.

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