29~Mikey & Frank & Gerard

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It's been two and a half weeks since the accident. Mom and Dad had to go home and next week we have to go back on tour whether or not Shallan is awake. The doctor said she doesn't know why Shallan hasn't woken up yet. She also said she wants to try administering a drug of some kind to help wake her up, but it doesn't always work and they can't do that without my consent. I don't know if I want to let them give it to her. I'm still deciding. Right now it's just Alicia and I in Shallan's room. I don't know where everyone else is. There's a knock on the door. Gerard walks in holding his sketch pad and closely followed by Frank.

"Hey." Alicia says.

"Hey. We thought we'd come sit with Shallan for a little while and let you guys go get cleaned up and get some food and stuff."

"Ok. Thanks. Come on Mikey." Alicia stands and pulls on my hand. I don't get up. I don't want to leave her.

"Gerard will let us know if anything changes." Alicia assures me. Sighing I stand. I kiss Shallan's forehead and follow Alicia from the room. As we get in the elevator she grabs my hand. we leave the hospital and go back to the hotel we booked into when our stay got extended.

"I'm gonna find some lunch, why don't you go grab a shower?"

"OK." I grab clean clothes from my suitcase and walk into the bathroom. After my shower I go out and find Alicia eating a bowl of Mini Wheats on the couch. I walk into the kitchen and get myself a bowl of cereal. I take a seat next to Alicia. She rests her head on my shoulder. She finishes eating and gets up.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower and then how about we take a walk?"

"Sure." she gives a small smile.

"Won't be long." she grabs clean clothes and walks into the bathroom. When I finish my cereal I find my shoes and a beanie. Alicia comes out a few minutes later drying her hair with a towel.

"I just need to dry my hair and put my make up on and we can go."

"Take your time." I tell her. She nods, grabs her make up bag from her suitcase and walks back into the bathroom. About ten minutes later she comes out, hair dry, make up done.

"We can go now." she says slipping her phone into her pocket. We put our coats on and walk out. Outside it's snowing, but not too hard. Alicia grabs my right hand in her left and leans against me. She reaches up and grabs my beanie.

"Hey don't steal my beanie. My hair is gonna look ridiculous." she looks up and snorts, trying not to laugh.

"Oh my god. You're right your hair does look ridiculous." she stops walking and I do too. She puts my beanie back on my head and adjusts my hair and glasses. She stays there, standing in front of me and smiles. Then she kisses me, passionately, on the lips.

"I love you. And I am so damn glad we met and I want you to know that no matter what I will be right here beside you."

"I love you too. And you are one of the best things that's ever happened to me and you mean the world to me." I tell her sincerely. She grabs my hand and we keep walking.

Frank's POV

Gerard sits down in the chair next to the bed. I grab the other chair and put it on the other side of the bed. I grab Shallan's hand and brush her hair off her face. Her face has a lot more color now and her nose isn't so purple or swollen. I hate seeing her like this. She doesn't deserve this, especially not after what she went through.  I wish I could see her eyes. They're such a nice color. Pale blue, sometimes grey. Full of pain and loss and sorrow, but also full of hope. And her lips, a soft pink. They look so kissable. 

It's quiet except for the beep of the heart monitor and the light scratching if Gerard's pencil on his sketchpad. Mikey thought Shallan was getting better, but he's wrong. She's just getting better at masking her emotions is all. I let go of her hand and stand up.

"Where are you going?" Gerard asks.

"I have to go back to the bus, but I'll be back soon." he nods and goes back to his drawing. in less than ten minutes I'm back at the bus. I go to my bunk and try to find a pencil and a piece of paper. When I can't find any I decide to look in Shallan's bunk. Her things are stacked neatly at the end of the bed, except for a folded sheet of paper with 'Gee' written on it. I grab it and put it in my pocket. I'll take it to him when I go back to the hospital. I grab one of her notebooks and pull a sheet of paper out. I grab a pencil and pull the curtain back across her bunk. I sit down on the couch and start writing.

The teardrops rundown
And fall off her nos
She cries in dark corners
Where nobody goes
You can follow the tracks
From her eyes to her chin
Years upon years
Of letting them win
And her eyes tell a story
Of anger and pain
You think that she's happy
But just look again
And the scars of her past
Hidden under her clothes
Are a road map to places
That nobody knows
Her smile is now painted
She's a master of disguise
And you can see it all
Just look into her eyes

For Shallan

Frank Iero

I sigh and shove the piece of paper into my pocket. I put the pencil back on her bed and head back to the hospital. I don't bother knocking before I walk into Shallan's room. Gerard looks up when I walk in.

"Hey." he nods and goes back to his drawing. As I walk past him I drop the piece of paper I found on Shallan's bed onto his lap. He picks it up.

"What's this?"

"I found it on Shallan's bed when I was looking for a pencil."

"Oh. Ok." He opens it and starts reading.

Gerard's POV

Dear Gee.

Thanks for everything you've down to help me. You are like the older brother I never had. You are a wonderful friend and I want  you to know that I'm always here if you need to talk. I understand what you're going through and I'm always here. I promise that what happened at the cemetary stays between us and I hope you that you can trust me. Thanks again for everything. I love you, Gee.


The thing about pain
Is it won't last forever
And it kills you right now
But with time it gets better
The thing about scars
Is they all start to fade
Until nothing is left
Of the cuts that were made
The thing about today
Is there's always tomorrow
And if you can't find your smile
I have one you can borrow
The thing about help
Is beside it stands
But it won't know it's needed
Unless you reach out your hand
The thing about love
Is you can't feel it's touch
Until you let someone know
That this world is too much

For Gerard, a soldier in the fight of life. Stay strong.

~S. C. W


Hey guys! Hope your week is going well. Mine's fine I suppose. My entire family is sick aside from me. Comment and vote. Thanks!


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