28~Gerard & Mikey

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It's been a week since Shallan was admitted. She's still unconscious. Mikey hasn't left her side at all. He also hasn't said a word. No one has really.

Right now Mikey is sleeping and the rest of us aren't really doing anything. We don't have anything to do. The door opens. Mikey sits up, his glasses fall off. Mom and Dad walk in. Mom has clearly been crying. She starts to cry again as soon as she sees Shallan. Mikey fixes his glasses. Mom rushes to his side.

"We came as soon as we heard." Mom wraps her arms around Mikey. Dad stands at the end of the bed. Ray grabs Frank by the arm and nods to Bob. The three of them walk toward the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"We thought we'd leave you guys alone for a little while."

"Oh, ok."

"We'll be back tomorrow."

"Alright, bye." they walk out and close the door. I go over to Shallan's side and grab her hand, being careful of the IV. The room is silent aside from the measured beeping of the heart monitor. Mom lets go of Mikey. His eyes are red and slightly puffy as are Mom's. Dad wraps an arm around her.

"What a way to start the year." Dad sighs. Mom nods and blows her nose. Mikey fixes his glasses and wipes his nose on his sleeve. He grabs Shallan's hand again.

"I'm going to go get coffee. Gerard come with me." Mom says. It's not a question it's a command.

"Sure." I follow her out into the hallway.

"Has he said anything since last week?"

"Not since the day she was admitted." she sighs. I give her a side hug. We reach the elevator and ride down in silence. At the bottom we walk down the hall to the cafeteria.

"Should we take some coffee up to the rest of them?" Mom asks.

"Take some to Alicia and Dad, but I don't think Mikey will drink any."

"I think I'll take him some anyway." she starts filling cups. She fills four and lets me get my own. She hands me two more cups to carry as well as my own and then we go back up to the room. Dad and Alicia except the coffee gratefully. Mikey takes the cup but doesn't drink any.

"Aren't you going to drink your coffee?" Mom asks Mikey. He just shakes his head. Alicia goes over, grabs his hand and whispers a quiet please. Mikey slowly lifts the cup to his lips and takes a sip. The room plunges into silence yet again.

The silence is broken by a knock at the door. Dad goes over and opens it. Patrick walks in. Mikey looks up, he glares at Patrick. What's that about?

Mikey's POV

The silence is broken by a knock at the door. I look up just as Patrick walks in. I glare at him and start to stand. Alicia squeezes my hand and gives me a warning look. I pull my hand away from her and stalk toward Patrick.

"Hallway. Now." I whisper as I walk past him. He follows me out.
"What?" he asks after we're out and the door is closed.


"What? Why?"

"She's here because of you. I trusted you. I thought you would protect her." my fists are clenched at my sides and it takes everything in me not to hit him.

"I-I tried. I never meant for this to happen."


"Can't I just see her for a minute?" he asks. We hold very intense eye contact for a couple minutes until he sighs.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry again." he mumbles and walks down the hall toward the exit. I watch him go for a few seconds and then go back inside.

"Where's Patrick?" Mom asks.

"He left."

"Why?" I shrug. I sit back down in the chair beside Shallan's bed. A phone starts ringing. Alicia pulls hers from her pocket and answers. She has a hushed conversation with who ever called.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go for a little bit. I'll be back shortly." She gives me a quick peck on the cheek before leaving. I rub the back of Shallan's hand. I pick up my coffee and take a sip. Shallan has gained a bit more color. Her nose isn't so purple and her breathing isn't as labored.

There's another knock on the door. Then it opens. Dr. Blum walks in.

"Morning." She says. Dad nods, but everyone stays silent. She checks Shallan's vitals. "Would you like an update on her condition?"

"Please." Mom replies.

"She's doing better. There's not a whole lot to tell right now. We still don't when she'll wake up, if she does, but we have a few tests to run and check on some things. I will be back in a few minutes to get her. If you'll excuse me." she says and leaves.

A few minutes later she comes and with the help of a couple nurses gets Shallan. I watch as they roll her bed out and when they're gone I stand.

"Where are you going?" Mom asks. I shrug. She sighs. I leave the room and head down the hall. I walk out of the hospital. I find myself in a park. Kids are screaming and laughing, couples walk around holding hands and smiling, people enjoying themselves, no worries, no troubles, happy, content. My phone vibrates against my thigh. I fish it out of my pocket and answer.


"Hi Mikey." It's Alicia.


"Where are you?"

"At the park. It's a little ways down the street from the hospital."

"Mind if I join you?"


"I'll be right there." she says and hangs up. I find a bench and sit down. Five minutes later I spot Alicia. I stand and start towards her.

"Hey you." she says when she sees me.

"Hey." I give her a hug.

"How are you doing?" she asks.

"I've definitely been better."

"Makes sense."

"Where did you go earlier?"

"My sister was in town and wanted to see me before she left."

"How's she?"

"Good. She's got at boyfriend now."

"Oh yeah?"

"Mmhm." I finally let go of her and grab her hand, intertwining our fingers.

"You hungry?" I ask.

"Not really. You?"

"No. Wanna just walk around for a little bit."

"Sure." we leave the park and start down the sidewalk hand in hand. We walk around for the better part of an hour and then head back to the hospital. I look at Alicia.

"You know I love you right?" I ask her.

"I know. I love you too." she quickly presses her lips to mine and pulls back just before the doors open. We walk down to Shallan's room and go in. Shallan is back. Gerard is drawing, Mom is sitting sipping coffee again and Dad is nowhere to be seen.

"Hi." Mom says when she sees us. I sit down in the chair next to the bed. I grab Shallan's hand. Alicia sits down beside Gerard on the couch. The bathroom door opens and Dad comes out. It's quiet except for the scratching of Gerard's pencil on his sketchpad.


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