Chapter 32

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Aquia was married last week. Today is the day I get married to Alexander.

I'm more nervous than I thought possible. My mother was invited- of course- and she was also offered to live here in the palace. Surprisingly, she declined, and while they did raise her caste to a Two, she decided to use most of her money to help out Eights and Sevens.

Alexis puts the finishing touches on my makeup, sniffling every now and then. "Y-you're finished, miss."

I open my eyes and for once, meet my own gaze in the mirror. I look like a princess, though not nearly as harsh as I know Celine or Blossom or Tania would in this position. "It's beautiful. Thank you."

"You aren't finished yet, miss." Taylora says. She pulls out a dark blue velvet box, and opens it. Inside is a beautiful gold tiara, with diamonds decorating the leaf-and-flower pattern. "It was the king's grandmother's. He requested that you wear it and make it your own."

She sets it on my black hair, and I realize how far I've come from the sleep-deprived Eight that I used to be.

Maria helps me stand. I've actually grown used to walking in heels in the month it's been since Alexander proposed. I can't stop myself from smiling. I never thought I'd look like this. I thought I'd die without ever marrying.

I hug each of my maids, thanking them. "You have no idea how much this means to me. You three are amazing."

They smile broadly. "Our pleasure, miss." They say in unison. They curtsy and exit.

"I see they put you in the tiara." Mason leans in the doorway, smiling. "You look amazing, Cassiana. And I would hug you but I'm afraid of messing up your dress."

I narrow my eyes playfully. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Yes. My father just wanted me to check on you."

"Well, tell him I'm ready whenever everyone else is."

"Will do."

Since my father is dead, King Ansen decided that he would walk me down the aisle. He enters the room not five minutes after Mason leaves. "They are ready for you." He says. He offers me his arm, and I take it.

When we stand in front of the doors, I take a deep breath. There's nothing to worry about, it's all fine. There's just, you know, well over a million people watching you. Not a big deal.

Just don't trip and fall.


Later that night, Alexander pulls me down onto his bed next to him. I'd changed out of my wedding dress and the tiara. He kisses me, his thumb tracing circles on my ribs. "I love you." He murmurs.

"I love you too." I smile. "So what did Silon ask you earlier?"

He smirks. "If there would be any kids running around soon."

"And you said?"

"It all depends on you." He says. "Personally, I think that seventeen and nineteen are a little young to have kids..."

"Then we'll wait. Give it three or four years, and then we'll think about it."

A grin slowly spreads across his face. "That sounds perfect to me."

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