Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"Breaking news today, following the shooting at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC-"

"Please turn that off. I'm sorry, I just can't..well.."

Joshua smiled at me, placing his hand over mine. I smiled back.

"Don't apologize, babe. I don't want to watch the news much either." he said, grabbing the remote and flipping through channels.

I sat back, sighing as Joshua flipped through channel after channel of bad daytime television. Soap operas, reality shows, old movies, re-run episodes of popular TV shows, anything. I never liked daytime television, but on stakeouts and boring as hell surveillance, it's like watching a concert from a luxury box with backstage passes. 

"Stop!" I gasped, grabbing Joshua's forearm.

He stopped flipping, stopping on the E! network. I read the headline of the story, something that could possibly ruin my cover. The blonde reporter smiled, talking about the headline. 

"It's time, ladies! Time to yet again pull out our boxes of tissues and cry over the fact that First Son Joshua McGallen is no longer single. Just a few weeks ago, he was spotted at the Ronald Reagan National airport in Washington, saying goodbye to a mysterious auburn haired beauty. Here's a photograph of Joshua and his mystery girl, taken by @xxCherrie_Perrie_Edwardsxx on Twitter."

Joshua and I watched the TV intently. Not good. The picture was a crappy quality, most likely taken with a smartphone. My back was to the camera, but Joshua's face could clearly be seen. His sunglasses had already fallen off as he cupped my face, holding me close. Love was written on his face. Suddenly, my own phone started chirping on the nightstand. Joshua's head snapped around as I picked up the phone, hesitantly, as if it were a bomb I'd just diffused. 

Okay, girl, spill. You're on E! right now! Making out with Joshua McGallen! 

It was Amber. I haven't talked to her since before I was called back to DC. I'd been a good girl, refraining from contact while the CIA took care of my absence. Now, I couldn't be a good girl anymore. She deserves an explanation. Sighing, I unlocked my phone and answered her text.

Fine, you caught me. I'm dating Joshua. Do me a favor, Amb, and don't tell anyone. Especially the sorority. 

"Ember, are you sure that-"

"Yes, Joshua, I'm positive." I retorted, cutting him off.

He closed his mouth with a faint click, nodding. I sent the message and got a response in under thirty seconds. Jeez. How fast can the girl text?

Not tell the sorority? Dude, they already know. We're all watching it. 

I swore loudly in Japanese, yelling in French, then German, then Mandarin. Joshua watched me with wide eyes, muting the TV and the all-too-peppy reporter. The story switched to the Royal Family of England, but I wasn't paying attention to the headlines.

WHAT?! God dammit! Okay, I'm going to be very clear on this. Tell the girls not to tell anyone else. 

Amber's response was one word.


I considered telling her the truth. About my job. About who I really am. But, then I remembered the McGallens. The crazy girl who had been on campus had been rambling about stuff only people who know the truth about me would ever say. How can I know who to trust? Amber seems trustful, but looks can be deceiving.

I can't tell you. I'm sorry. I'll be back to school in a week. Tell the girls I'm sorry I disappeared. Bye.

I shut my phone off, placing it on the nightstand again. I sighed, rubbing my face. How is the CIA going to fix this now? This never happened to James Bond! Why me?  

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