Chapter 21

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It was a secret staircase which looked like it hadn't been used in decades. The cobwebs around the room made me feel creeped out, as if I was a fly about to be stuck in a spider's trap.

Yoongi stepped on the first staircase step, making sure it didn't creak. And it didn't. Whoever went up was most likely prepared in advance. Yoongi gestured for us to follow him, as he carefully walked up. It took us a good ten minutes to get to another door. I watched as Yoongi gently pushed it open and popped his head in. After a couple of seconds, the door opened widely and Yoongi stepped in, crouching. I saw him crouch down behind some wooden boxes, waiting for us to follow. I copied his actions, scanning the room. My breath hitched as I saw a thin figure, in a navy uniform (the same one I had on the day I was receiving my first mission), her back facing us as she looked at whatever was on the table.

"You finally came." Her voice echoed in the large dimmed room. For a moment I began to panic, but the footsteps that were approaching her from the other side of the room caught my attention.

"I bought them." A familiar smug voice followed as the footsteps stopped. I looked over the side of the stack of wooden boxes, my eyes widening as I saw J-hope and his gang. I recognised Jungkook and V, who were looking angrier than ever.

"Where's Jimin-hyung?" I heard Jungkook ask, and I could make out his fingers clenching into a tiny blurry fist. I shuddered at Leader Kim's psychotic laugh.

"Don't worry, he'll be here soon, there was just a problem at the prison."

Prison? Does she mean the co-operation.

"You promised," J-hope's voice had a tad bit of warning in them. "You promised if I bring them here, they'll all be together and safe. You promised, mum." My eyes nearly went out of their sockets because of how wide they were.


"Why are we here then, if it's not for Jimin-hyung?" V asked. I could feel the tension rise, as my mother picked up a small wooden box and opened it. I could make out seven tubes – one of which had been filled and was now glowing red. I remembered the video of my father getting the same box, but why was it with my mother?

"I'll need to take some blood tests, that's all." Her fake kind voice made me disgusted, and I didn't even know why. She walked towards Jungkook with a needle in her hand. The boy looked back to J-hope, who gave him a reassuring smile. Before the needle reached Jungkook's hand, I stood up and yelled.


My mother and the gang all looked towards me. I could hear Yoongi groan as he stood up too. Jimin followed.

"Hyung!" I heard the youngers call out, looking shocked and hurt.

"You joined them?" Jungkook asked, the pain of betrayal in his voice.

"Guys," Jimin put his hands up in defence. "She's lying to you, there's a reason we can't remember most of our childhood. It's her. She might've even killed our families." Without hesitation, Jungkook pulled out his gun and pointed it towards Leader Kim, who smiled coldly.

"Are you really going to do it? You're really going to kill the person that can make you stronger?" I saw Jungkook's hands shake, slowly pointing the gun at me. My heart began to pound, as I saw Jungkook trying to resist but to no avail.

"Jungkook," I made out, my voice breaking. "What a-are you doing?"

"Hyung," Jungkook's voice seemed strained, and his face turned red. "Why am I doing this?" Leader Kim's evil laugh filled the tense silence in the room.

"Well done Hoseok," she looked at my brother. "I see you've been giving him the pills."

"What?" I heard Hoseok mumble. He stormed over to Jungkook and began to try to take the gun away from him. Jungkook stayed in place, tears gently falling down his cheeks. He had no control over himself. Suddenly, the gun flew out of his hand and landed near my feet. I picked it up.

"You take after your father, Haeun." My mother said, watching as I gulped and picked up the gun. I had nowhere to point it at; I still needed answers.

"What really happened to dad, mum?" In my peripheral vision I saw Hoseok's jaw drop to the floor.

"H-Haeun?" His voice was barely a whisper. Chills crept up my spine as I pointed the gun at my so-called mother.

"You killed him, didn't you? And then you changed my surname to Kim so Hoseok wouldn't find me." I saw Leader Kim looking impressed.

"Well done, I wonder how you found that out. All of the files are in my room." Somehow, I felt more powerful with the fact I had more knowledge than the Leader of a whole spy co-operation.

"I see you didn't even know about your own island, we found out everything," I paused, ready to spill the truth. "It was your father, wasn' it? He was the man who passed down the mission to dad, not you, right? That's why you killed him and the families of these boys, so you could finish the mission."

My mother nodded, crossing her arms. She strutted over to the table, her heels clicking. It was my mistake to not shoot her at that moment, because before I knew it, a dagger was spinning towards me.

"Haeun!" Someone pushed me down on the floor. After a few seconds my eyes widened, feeling blood on my hands. I looked down, looking at Hoseok's chest wounded by the small knife in his chest, he was unconscious. My blood boiled, as I was ready to pull the trigger so that the bullet would go right through the inhumane woman's skull.


"Haeun calm down," I felt arms around me, a sweet whispering in my ear. "We still need answers." I gulped at Yoongi's voice, setting down the gun. I breathed in, feeling the small of my back being rubbed soothingly.

"Do you know who you are?" My mother asked and looked at every one of us. "You are the main characteristics of an unstoppable spy." She took the box and opened it, revealing the glowing red tube. "This was Flexibility, or as Agent Suga remembers: Kim Seokjin." I felt Yoongi tense at the name. My mother continued.

"He found out about this, even before I became the leader; he found that there was a set of families who had a child with a special characteristic in them; and what did he do? He agreed to help me." The Leader's laugh echoed once again.

"Unfortunately, after he found out where I kept you, he wanted to betray me and take all the credit for himself."

"You made me kill him." Yoongi said through gritted teeth.

"Oh no Agent Suga, you killed him by yourself-"

"Put your arms up when we can see them!" My head spun around, seeing seven men with guns pointed towards us. One of them laughed.

"Always wanted to say that."

"Focus, Agent BamBam." One of them, with jet black hair and multiple piercings, warned. BamBam mumbled a "sorry," going back to his original position. By now, Jungkook had his gun pointed too.

"You're a bit late." Yoongi told them, nodding towards Hoseok's pale body. One of them, whom I recognised as Jackson from my maths class, sucked in his breath.

"Alright, Mark and Yugyeom take the Leader," the two did as told. "The rest take the wanted gang members." I watched, frozen, as Jungkook was forcibly pushed out the room, Taehyung walked out sensibly, and Jimin refused to be touched and sassed walked himself out. I looked down at Hoseok, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, biting my lip.

"Let's go." Yoongi intertwined his fingers with my bloody ones.


"To get cleaned up," he lifted up our forearms. "And then, on a date."

He pulled me out, strangely optimistic as I was feeling a bit grumpy. As the mission ended, my new life began and I found out what it was really like to be a spy.


A/N: Thank you so much for the 2K reads omd, thank you for reading this trash until the end ㅠㅠ but don't go yet, there's still an epilogue to read~

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