Chapter 18

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"We'll be back with the groceries soon," Amy informed us, before turning to Kat. "Be good." Kat rolled her eyes, biting into her double chocolate cookie. Once Kat became conscious, she showed us the room we would be sleeping in. The room was quite large, but it could only fit one other person (besides Kat). Fortunately, luck was on my side since I won the rock, paper, scissors game, which meant I would be sleeping with her.

"So," Kat swallowed the last of her cookie, taking off her glasses to clean them. "What group are you in? I haven't seen you before."

"Ah," Yoongi rubbed the back of his head. "We're trainees, not in a group yet." Kat squinted her eyes in suspicion, but before she could ask more, her phone rang. The general Iphone ringtone filled the living room. She sighed in frustration, but picked it up and left to go upstairs.

I let out a deep breath, which I was apparently holding in, slouching on the black leather couch.

"That girl's dangerous." Yoongi grunted. I looked at him with a sarcastic shocked expression. I turned to Jimin, who was holding the bag in his lap, staring into the distance. I waved my hand in front of his face, startling him.

"We need to use a computer." Jimin said in a serious expression, his gaze darker than usual. I nodded. We stayed in silence, until Kat skipped back into the room. She plopped herself on the couch across the one I was sitting on, looking innocently at us.

"We need to use your laptop." I said, watching as her look changed from calm to alarmed.

"Why?" Kat looked at me, her eyes wide.

"We just need to check something about our flight back." She nodded, sighing before getting up. Kat gestured for us to follow her upstairs.

Once we stepped into her bedroom again, I noticed how girly it was. The walls were white, with sparkly butterflies filling every empty space. Her bed looked like a princess bed, with a pink and purple quilt covering the large pillow and mattress. Next to the bed, was a white and hot pink nightstand, books stacked on top. There was also a matching wardrobe and bookshelf. The top of the wardrobe and bookshelf was overflowing with plush toys. Looking around, it made me think of the plain white room I had back at home.

"Here." Kat opened up her pastel pink laptop. She gave it to Jimin, who began typing right away. I put my hand on his shoulder, as to warn him that Kat was still there next to him. He stopped, looking over to Kat with a glare. The girl looked surprised to be treated so coldly, going out of the room with difficulty.

"She won't understand us now anyway," Yoongi began to take out the figurines. "Check how the addresses work around here." Jimin nodded, typing away. I looked over his shoulder, seeing he had opened a web page.

"There are these things called post codes, which English people use to identify which building it is exactly," Jimin went back to typing again. "There are usually seven letters and numbers altogether, the first two letters identify the region the address is in." He began scrolling through a list of letter pairs. As he whizzed through, I noticed how unprofessional the situation was, letting out a laugh. I looked over to Yoongi, who was looking at me confused.

"If anyone at the co-operation saw us, I bet we'll be a laughing stock," I fell back onto the bed. "We didn't complete the mission in France, teamed up with an enemy, ended up in an unknown place with no equipment, and even had to use a teenage girl's laptop." I began to chuckle to myself. Yoongi sighed, sitting down on the wooden chair besides the white desktop.

"We're spies, sometimes we have to do embarrassing things just to save the whole world." I lifted my head up, seeing the light outline Yoongi's face, making his eyes seem like crystals from afar.

"Spies huh?" My breath hitched as I heard the door open, revealing Kat with a devilish smirk. She spoke Korean, which made me even more surprised.

"Y-you understand us?" I asked. Kat nodded, using her fingers to represent how little she knows.

"I didn't understand the big talk, just the spy bit." She went over to Jimin, closing her laptop. Jimin watched her with a glare – if only looks could kill. Yoongi sighed.

"What do you want so you won't tell anyone?" His voice sounded agitated, which was never a good sign. Kat tapped her chin in thought, before gasping as if a light bulb lit up in her brain. She stepped back, allowing of us to see her.

"Let me put makeup on you." She giggled, a sound I never thought I would hate.

A/N: This is definitely not me in real life XD (Korean knowledge: 2%, makeup knowledge: 5%). I don't know if it's because I don't want to end this story, but I keep adding on things that weren't originally in the story plot haha.

In other news, I surpassed 100 voted (wth). It was a really big shock, since this is a story I've worked really hard on (compared to Jungkook's babysitter, which I still don't understand why people like it).

Q.O.T.C: who's your favourite character so far?

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