Chapter 14

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"What's a period?" Jimin asked, as we were still sitting on the beach. By the position of the sun, I could tell it was mid-day. I looked at him pitifully.

"It's a- uhm- when your-"

"When a girl's downstairs bleeds once a month." Yoongi interrupted. I shot him a glare, looking back at Jimin – hoping he would understand. Instead, Jimin looked at us puzzled.

"What?" Yoongi and I sighed, shaking our heads to tell him to just forget about it.

"Oh yeah," I suddenly remembered something. "How old are you Jimin?" I asked, waiting as the boy thought for a moment.

"24." I looked at him astonished, he looked no older than 17, yet he was my age and had no idea what a period was.

"Don't ask questions," Yoongi mumbled to me. "Hoseok probably didn't send them to school."

"Them?" I asked.

"Me, Jungkook and V." Jimin answered unexpectedly, his gaze far into the ocean before us. He looked upset, almost as if he understood how unnatural his childhood was. If I could imagine it, the boys probably lived in a secret underground base and most likely didn't have any connection to the outside world.

"Anyway," Yoongi sighed. "There's no way we could risk going to England now." He pursed his lips, I could see he was a bit annoyed.

"It'll get lighter after the next two days," I reassured them. "Let's just go then." I put my hand on Yoongi's shoulder, seeing his face soften as he took it and started playing with my fingers.

"I'm hungry." Jimin said, rubbing his stomach.

"Have you even showered?" I asked and Jimin shook his head.

"Not since three days ago."


Yoongi and I found a packet of fish fingers and chips in the fridge; since it was the only thing that seemed to feed three people, we took it upon ourselves to cook. Jimin had been showering for the last ten minutes.

"Does V even have a real name?" I suddenly asked the question, which has been on the mind for ages.

"I don't know," Yoongi shrugged. "We found the two as orphans, Jimin could remember his name and birthday, but V didn't even speak for the first month or so." I frowned, using a spatula to move the fish fingers around the pan.

"Our vacation was kind of ruined, wasn't it?" Yoongi asked, placing his used pan in the sink.

I shook my head. "It's not like we were planning to do anything special." I switched the stove off, putting all of the fish fingers on a large plate. Yoongi stayed silent, leaning against the sink. When I was putting my used frying pan in the sink, I felt my body get nervous as our bodies were only inches away. As I straightened myself up, I could see the intense glare Yoongi was giving me. In a matter of seconds, he cupped my cheeks and pressed his lips against mine. I stood frozen, but slowly closed my eyes to concentrate on the kiss.

"Noona I-" Jimin walked in, making us pull away as fast as we could. "-used your shower gel." He stood wide-eyed, but soon caught the sight of the food and his stomach grumbled. He pointed at us, squinting his eyes.

"We'll discuss this after England." The both of us nodded, being strangely obedient. Jimin took the two large plates, one of chips and the other fish fingers, and set them on the table. He comfortably opened a cupboard and took out three small plates, then looked back at the stiff us.

"Are you not eating?" I shook my head, sat down and picked up a chip. While I was eating, my eyes wandered to the black-haired boy in front of me. He was wearing Yoongi's clothes, which seemed to be the perfect size, and his face had gotten slightly tanned from the sunlight. And even then, I still thought about how he wasted most of his life with a lunatic. But it's not like I could say anything, I spent most of my life trapped in my own mother's supervision.


"Tell me, Jimin," Yoongi began, when we were sitting on the loveseats on the front porch and eating strawberry ice cream. "How has it been back in the gang?" Jimin ruffled his hair, looking down at his ice cream.

"Jungkook became so cold after you left-"

"I was kidnapped, I didn't leave voluntarily." Yoongi snapped.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Hobi-hyung started going out more, coming back late at night. At first I thought it was to sell the drugs we got, but one night I saw him coming in with a huge bag of pills," he fished in his pocket and took out a small pill bottle. "I stole some, but since we didn't have the equipment to test them, I tried them out myself."

"What do they do?" I asked, finishing the last of my ice cream.

"Look." He lifted up his shirt, revealing defining abs. I must've drooled while staring, because I heard Yoongi scoff and saw Jimin smirk. He put his shirt back down. "But I have no idea why he would need these. I also saw him giving them to Jungkook, saying it's a source of vitamin."

"What about the new kid?" Yoongi asked, now finishing his own ice cream.

"Oh," Jimin realised. "Monster... Hobi-hyung came back with him one day. He doesn't talk to us, but does his work quietly. I'm not sure what he does, but he works alongside Hobi-hyung."

"Why do you call him Hobi-hyung?" I asked. Jimin let out an awkward laugh, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I don't know, it's something I called him since I was little. I remember him saying 'I'm your hope'." He laughed, but I could see the tears swelling up in his eyes.

"You haven't told me about V." Yoongi reminded, wincing as I flicked his arm.

"Oh yeah," Jimin began to chuckle. "V's just V, he's been reading alot, storing information." Yoongi nodded, flicking my arm as he slightly smiled. As I looked at the sun, it was already creating a soft orange over a large portion of the sky. I yawned unawaringly.

"Are you tired noona?" Jimin asked, I was about to answer when Yoongi butted in.

"Why do you call her noona? She's the same age as you." Yoongi said, warning in his words. I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"Don't worry Yoongi-hyung, I won't steal your girlfriend." Jimin waved as Yoongi started to chase him around the beach. I was laughing so much, my stomach was beginning to hurt.

I left the boys, going over and checking all the cupboards around the house, hoping there would be some spare blankets and pillows. As I was looking around, I leaned against the wall between the bedroom and the bathroom. Out of nowhere, a door appeared in the wall, making me jump. With caution, I slowly turned the doorknob and pushed the door back. Inside was a bedroom, identical to ours but smaller. My eyes widened, and immediately I was off trying to find other secretly hidden rooms. There were two more next to the one I found, being exactly identical. Once I touched the wall between the staircase and the bathroom, the wall itself disappeared – revealing another small corridor with a staircase.

"I knew it was too big from the outside." I mumbled to myself.

"Haeun?" I heard Yoongi call me.

"Over here!" I shouted, as I began to climb the stairs. The view shocked me. It was a hallway with four doors and a large glass wall apparel to them.

"What is-" Yoongi and Jimin joined me. Yoongi instantly started opening the doors, stopping to stare at the very last one at the end.

"You guys need to see this."

A/N: Dun dun dun... I'm great at suspense aren't I? Anyway, the sad news that I didn't want to tell you guys was that: there's only about 5 (or less) chapters left :"(

Question: on a scale of 1-10 how suspenseful would you rate this story? (Be truthful, I need to know to make this story better) ;)

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