Chapter 13

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"We need to go to England." Yoongi said. We were now sitting on the white couch, after I had gone to the bathroom to change my blood-covered pad. Even though I didn't show it, the pain in my stomach sometimes came from nowhere – it was extremely painful to bend my body rather than anything else.

"If Jimin was meant to go to England, then there has to be a clue there." Yoongi continued.

"But England is quite big," I hugged one of the white pillows on the couch. "We need to at least know where to look." Yoongi sighed, sinking into his side of the couch. Jimin was looking at the bookshelf, picking up and putting down the figurines on it. He bit his lip and stroked his chin.


"What's wrong?" I asked, getting up and walking to him. Jimin was holding one of the figurines, holding it upside down. On the base of it was an "o".

"There are thirteen of them." Jimin said, picking some up. I picked up the remaining and followed him to the coffee table. Yoongi looked confused as the table was filled with the figurines. As we looked at each one, I became frustrated at how every figurine would go to its original position once I flipped it upside down.

"We need paper." I ruffled my hair, getting up to look around.

"Why would there be paper on an abandoned island?" Yoongi called out. I slouched in defeat, sitting back down on the couch. Suddenly, Jimin stood up with a handful of the figurines.

"Let's go the beach, there's probably no wind."

I nodded, getting a handful of figurines (leaving the rest for Yoongi) and following him outside.


"L-S-O-O-A-1-N-N-D-O-A-W-A." Yoongi looked at the letters and numbers we wrote on the sand. They were in English, so I had no idea what they could spell. Jimin was right, there was not even a breeze on this island. The heat made sweat practically pour out of me. I was wearing a tank top with paint splattered all over it, and light blue denim shorts. But even bare foot, I still couldn't understand how Yoongi and Jimin – who were wearing identical plain-black T-shirts – were able to wear full length jeans and socks.

"If it's in England then..." Yoongi swiped his finger across the sand, first writing an L, followed by an O, N, D, O and N. He crossed out the letters from the ones we written before, leaving a 1, three A's, a S, a W and an O.

"Maybe it's an address." I said, trying to work out what kind of address it was. Jimin ruffled his black hair.

"I'm guessing there's no laptop here either." I shook my head.

"We gave our phones in too." Yoongi pouted, resting his chin on his palm. I looked in the direction of where the stolen helicopter was. Suddenly, an idea popped in my head. I looked to Yoongi and Jimin, seeing that the same idea was in theirs head too.

"How long until they find it?" I asked, nodding towards the helicopter. Jimin shrugged.

"Depends, I enabled the GPS system so they probably have no idea where it is." Yoongi nodded, looking at the letters in the sand with a focused look on his face.

"How far do you think England is?" He asked Jimin, who shrugged once again.

"About 7 to 8 hours." I gasped, if we were to leave today, that would guarantee I'll leak during the flight. I bit my lip.

"Okay," Yoongi got up, dusting himself. "We'll leave after I pack." The two got up, leaving me behind.

"Uh guys," I called, getting their attention. "There's a slight problem."

A/N: Ah Yoonmim, my second favourite ship in BTS (next to Vmin) ^.^ I'm so sad though :( I don't think I should tell you why, because you'll probably be sad too :"(

BTS is in Norway right now! I have never felt closer to them. :"")

Question: do you guys smell anything fishy in this story?

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