Chapter 5

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The next morning, Agent Suga and I could finally track the target.

"His name is J-hope, lame." Suga said, looking at the files we were sent. How can someone have such a happy name when he's a monster? The files we were given would expire and turn into ashes in 2 hours, so we had to analyse them quickly.

"He looks like someone that wouldn't rob a bank in the morning," Suga said. "The files say that all the crimes he committed were at night." I looked at him shocked, this must be the skills of the #1 Spy in South Korea.

"Then what should we do?" I asked. "Do we wait until night time?"

Suga shook his head. "It's best we go find a hiding spot now. We can be on the look out for any of his men."

I nodded, gathering my gun and placing it in my left boot. Suga went into the bedroom, walking out 5 minutes later with a backpack. He went into the kitchen, and I followed, seeing him placing the sandwiches I made for breakfast in the backpack.

We found a hiding spot, on the roof opposite the bank, and I scanned for anything suspicious with my binoculars. There was nothing unusual, just a couple of mid-ages women, walking their poodles. I sighed, leaning back on the wall of the roof. I hear a yawn coming from my left, Agent Suga probably didn't sleep last night. I didn't turn my head, but merely looked straight in front of me as the clouds turned a soft orange. The sun will set soon. I sighed once again, getting up and looking through my binoculars.

"Look," Suga said, pointing at something below. "It must be them."

I looked to where he was pointing, seeing two men dressed in black, standing a metre away from the bank entrance. They scanned the area, then look at each other and nodded. Both of them take off their hoods, revealing their faces. Rabbit face, I note to myself, and rectangle smile.

Suga grumbled. "Didn't think I'll see those brats again."

We stayed in our positions for at least another hour, before Suga took off his binoculars and pulled me down so we were covered by the wall.

"So here's what you need to know," he said. "Those two are known as Jungkook and V, they're working for J-hope or for someone else. They're about 20 years old, so I don't think they pose a big threat on us." I nodded, remembering everything he had told me.

After Jungkook and V disappeared, it was time for us to get ready. We made our way down to the back of the entrance, seeing the two boys talking to another male. I looked over to Suga, who pressed his finger against his lips, signalling for me to be quiet. I nodded, turning back to the three men.

"Jungkook, you go and guard the entrance- V, you will be waiting outside with Jimin to carry the load." The unknown male spoke, the boys nodded and went to their assigned places. The man was now left alone, leaning back against the wall. Another person approached. J-hope.

"How is it going Monster? All the boys ready?" J-hope asked, receiving a nod. They both left and I let out a long breath, cautiously stepping out with Suga.

"This is the least dangerous thing he ever did." Suga mumbled, loud enough for me to hear.

"I know right? I feel like I'm improving." My breath hitched, I turn and saw our target and one of his men.

J-hope stepped forward, glaring at Suga. "Haven't seen you in ages Yoongi, how have you been? You don't look older than the last time we met," he chuckled.

"I miss being chased by you, all these newbies are so easy." J-hope looked over to me, then to Monster and nodded.

Monster stepped towards me, while I took my gun out and pointed directly at his chest. J-hope laughed, whilst Suga groanned.

"She must be a newbie too, is this your replacement? Sad." J-hope sighed, looking around, then to his side and nodded again. 3 boys came out, two with guns and the other running towards me with a knife.

Jungkook, I dodge his attack and side kick him. He groaned, but tried to tackled me. I dodged him, making him fall to the floor face flat.

He didn't move for a minute, have I killed him? Damn it. One of the things I was taught was to never kill. Harm, but never kill. I looked over to Suga- or Yoongi, I didn't know; I saw that he was nowhere near harmed, in fact there – next to him – was V on the ground. Suga was being strangled by Monster, whilst J-hope and Jimin were nowhere to be found. I started to run over to Suga, when a gun shot went off. I lose my ability to stand and fall, watching everything go black.

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