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" Congratulations Miss Miller, we are so very proud to hand over this beautiful trophy to you and your horse Bellatrix" Miss Meester handed me the trophy and i held it up in the air for the whole crowd to see. cheers and whistles erupted as i held the trophy in the air. Miss Meester began to speak again.

" Miss Miller as we present the blanket of Azalia's for bellatrix to wear, we would also like to give you a moment to say a few words" Ms, Meester handed me the microphone and allowed me to give shout outs and thank yous.

" First i'd like to thank my parents for allowing me to keep Bella. The road here wasn't easy, Our barn was burnt down with Bella inside, i nearly lost her and i wouldn't have won this race without her. I'd like to thank my best friends Lucy Roswell and Jesse Hart for being there and supporting me. And lastly i'd like to thank Kurt Kasica hes truely the best trainer in the world and i couldn't have done this without him." Kurt gave a smile and nodded his head in appriation. The crowd went crazy when the blanket of Azalia's were layed on Bellas back, she wore them like a champion.Ms, Meester began to speak one last time.

"We are very proud you Tessica Miller from Aiken will be representing us in the Blue Grass Stakes two weeks from now!. Know that the whole state of South Carolina will be watching and cheering for you" I thought to myself " Oh yeah no pressure just the whole state and whole country for that matter will be watching me" the crowd was starting to twindle now as the race everyone wanted to see was over. Later that night before we all left the track, i had a few minutes alone with Bella.

" We did it Bella" i said softly, she pawed the ground hard.

" Is that happiness or hunger?" i laughed and Bella nudged me in the stomach

" Okay, okay that was happiness. We have the Blue Grass Stakes in a few weeks but for now rest Bells" Bella shook her head happily and reached her nose up to mine for a kiss.

" Thank you Bella" i whispered. I gave her a goodnight kiss and saw jesse and lucy in his truck waiting for me, my parents already left for home, the celebration was going to start soon. I ran to jesse's truck and climbed into the middle seat. I still had my jockey pants on but i had time to slip into a tank top after the race.

" Now lets party!" jesse said. Me and lucy laughed. But i was still suspicious over Lucy and Jesse, but i was going to ask jesse tonight at the party because i know he can't lie to me. Aiken was quiet at this time of the night. Lamps were lit all along the road, as we pasted little shops i turned to look at jesse who was watching the road intently he took a quick look at me and then quickly looked away but i still continued to stare at him.

" What? do i have something on me?"

" No" i said mysteriously

" Then what is it?" he asked curiously

" Nothing" i said quickly and then looked away. His eyes were so beautiful in the passing lights, shades of blue swirled with silver. but in the dark his eyes turned deep ocean blue that you could get lost in. Finally we pulled into my driveway and saw lights on in the house and Ballons reading 'congratulations' "did i just have a baby" i thought to myself but laughed it off moments later. Lucy jumped out of the truck first as i fallowed i noticed Jesse watching me like a hawk, i turned around to face him. I gave him a smirk then a little wink, i turned around and walked up the porch stairs with Jesse fallowing behind me and i mean really close behind me. Lucy opened the front door and let me in first, my mom had a cake ready that said " Kentucky Derby Winner" i laughed as i saw it and hugged my mom and thanked her for the cake. I saw Lucy's parents Helen and Jared talking with my father also there were my grand parents Milo and Kelly. Grandmom Kel was helping my mom in the kitchen and Granddad Milo was talking with Helen,Jared and my father. I saw Jesse sitting on the couch in the far corner watching my every move. I had to change my clothes so i walked up the stairs to my bedroom, i opened the door and looked through my closet for some shorts and a tank top. I unbuckled my jockey pants and took them off when i heard someone speak. I jumped back and almost fell to the floor.

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