Chapter 19

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Kasper's POV
Upon arriving to the warehouse I was in a full blown rage. I stormed in and the Tyrell guy came up to me with a computer.
Tyrell: we looked at it but maybe you should look first.
I grabbed the computer from him and put it on the table I pressed play and Ace was on the computer screen.
Ace: nice to see you again Kasper. You see, I have been watching you for some time now. I was going to just kill you myself but I couldn't get close to you so what better way to get to you than taking someone you actually love. I am going to tell you right now, she is a lovely lady. I see why you love her. She's pregnant too right....right. And I believe it is a girl. Let me cut to the chase meet me with everything listed and you can have them both. If you don't, I'll kill them dead and send them to you in a body bag. I told you I was going to kill that bitch of a Cartel. See you soon.
My anger got the best of me and I threw the computer across the room.
Tyrell: the stuff was listed on there.
Kasper: look here, you don't know me very fucking well. He has my girl and my soon to be child hostage. He is not getting my fucking Cartel and he is not living to see another day. I will kill him dead. Where the fuck is Destine?
Tyrell: we don't know we haven't seen him all day.
Kasper: fuck it were going with or without him.
I got everything together and gave a game plan. I was going to get my girl back regardless if I died or not. After getting everything into position I led everyone that was there with me to go to where they were. It was a long drive but I was willing to go the distance to make sure they were safe. I pulled up at the abandoned building and got out. I was going to go in but someone grabbed me.
Tyrell: yo you should think before you do this.
Kasper: I've thought about now you either in this or you aine.
Tyrell:.....I can't turn my back I made a swear.
He held up his wrist and I grabbed his hand. I cocked my gun back and prepared for war.
Breaunna's POV
I have got to stop walking into this situations. Literally. After being knocked unconscious I woke up in a room. This room was concrete and it smelled. I looked at the door and I realized it was locked from the outside. All I remember was waking up when I got here and some guy said Ace was his name then I was knocked back out and now I'm here. I don't know why I am here. I don't know why of all people I am the one to be kidnapped but I do know I have to get out of here. Sooner rather than later. The opening of the door startled me. I looked up to see that Ace guy and a guy that looked just like him standing next to him. The look on his face was something I couldn't read but Ace's smile creeped me out more.
Ace: I'm guessing you're wondering why you're here. I'm going to give you two syllables, Kas-per. Now me and Kasper never met before but we have, what you young folks might call, "beef". Kasper is a very intelligent wo-MAN, so intelligent to the point where she is dumb. All she had to was stay in her place and let it be but no, she had to be big Cartel.
I soon zoned out as he went on and on. I was still trying to figure out what in the actual fuck did I have to do with their beef. I was snapped out of thinking by his voice growing closer and deeper. I looked up and noticed he was right up on me.
Ace: you are her heart, your baby is her soul and what better way than to kill them both in one.
Bre: so you're telling me that you kidnapped me because Kasper loves me and I am carrying her child so you plan to kill us both in order to make her suffer?
Ace: you really are smart; in some ways. *smiles*. If I truly know Kasper I know that she'll be here in about 5 minutes and then we'll let the games begin.
Bre: you're a dumbass if you think you'll get away with this.
Ace: as long as I know she is suffering from your death I am fine. *smiles*. Her Cartel will be crushed. So come on love let's enjoy the show together.
Bre: I am not going with you, you're a fucking creep that needs physiological help and I suggest you do that soon.
Ace: get her up Destine and bring her to me.
He left and I looked at the boy he called Destine. I knew him from somewhere but I couldn't place a finger on it. He got me up and led me down a dark hallway. Wherever Kasper was she needed to come and come soon because this was getting a little overwhelming for me even though it seemed as if I was keeping it cool.
Kasper's POV
Tyrell: okay were in what do we do now?
Kasper: there are two people at the door. Take em out and go further in. There should be more so we take them out and go up. They should be there.
Tyrell: ight.
We walked in with everyone behind us and shot the first two guards at the door. We went further into the abandoned house and I decided to go up the stairs and shoot from the top. Tyrell followed me as if he was my personal protector.
Kasper: yo watch out.
He ducked and I shot pass his head.
Tyrell: thanks, funny how I'm suppose to be your protector and here you are saving my ass.
Kasper: protector?
Tyrell: yeah...Destine didn't tell you I was your protector, I were to guard you with my life. Take a bullet if needed.
Kasper: why?
Tyrell: you the most coolest nigga/female I ever heard of. I've been protected my whole life I felt I should give that favor back someday and you were the perfect person.
Kasper:.....let's keep moving...thank you
Tyrell: no problem
We continued through the abandoned building and shits were being fired below us. It was like a maze. It seemed like I had been around where I was ten times not finding an exit at all. Finally I found a black sealed door. I walked closer and just as I was about to reach and open it I felt a tackle to my left and two shots being fired from above me. I aimed up and shot the person at the top. I looked down and found Tyrell rolling on his back. I looked down and I could see blood but I didn't know where it was coming from.
Kasper: where is it?
Tyrell: twice in my shoulder, imma be good man just go get your kid and girl. I'm good.
He gave me his gun and I went back to that black door and opened it.
Breaunna's POV
I was currently shivering, scared and giving up on hope. Ace made the Destine boy strip me of my clothes and now I was in just my bra and underwear.
Ace: she hasn't shown up yet; maybe she doesn't love you after all.
He has been saying this for the pass hour , seems like, and I was starting to believe him. I mean at first I couldn't imagine Kasper at home thinking she had gotten stood up. Especially when I am due at anytime now, but now its like maybe she really did give up. Maybe I was taking too long. Don't believe that. Kasper will be here. When though. Just as I thought about that the door swung open and there was Kasper, gun in hand and take written all over her face. I never felt so relieved in my until I seen her, in the position I was in. I knew she would come. Barely.
Kasper's POV
I opened the door and y eyes immediately set upon Bre. She was in nothing but a bra and underwear. The sight infuriated me. How could he do that to her; while she's pregnant. I walked closer to Bre and his voice stopped me.
Ace: well well well, look who decided to show up. Might want to think about coming any closer, you see I am not afraid of pulling the trigger. All I want is for you to give me what I asked for and you can have her and your seed.
Kasper: I would never give you something of mine.
Ace: its her and your child or your Cartel. You choose.
I cocked my gun back and aimed at him.
Kasper: I don't want to kill you in front of her just give her back and I'll leave.
Ace: oh believe me you won't.
Just as he said that I felt cold metal on the side of my head. Someone had a gun pointed but I couldn't see their face. I was going to just fight them off but their voice froze me in my place.
??: put the gun down Kasper

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