Chapter 11

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Breaunna's POV
Today makes two months I have been with Khalifa. We've been on many dates and she has treated me like the Queen I am. I haven't felt this good in awhile, its great. She had work until five today so I decided to go hang with Paris. I haven't seen her in awhile, only in school but that's about it. I knocked on her door and she opened it. She looked at me and frowned. What did I do?
Bre: why are you looking at me like that?
She turned on her heel and walked inside the house up to her room. I followed her and sat on her bed.
Bre: did I do something wrong?
Paris: oh I don't know, you haven't called me texted me, no nothing for almost a you tell me Bre is there something wrong. *sarcastic*.
Bre: Paris, I've been with Khalifa a lot know that.
Paris: I also know that you should make time for your best friend.
Bre: I didn't say that when you wanted to be with Jay.
Paris: but I asked you plenty of times did you want to come or did you want me to stay. You didn't even ask me. Ever since you've been with her it's like you've forgotten about me.
Bre: Paris I have not forgotten about you...if I did I wouldn't be here right now.
Paris: you're probably only here because Khalifa is busy.
Bre: that's not true and you know that.
Paris: I know that Khalifa is taking you away from me and you as my best friend should not let that happen.
Bre: Khalifa isn't taking me away from you.
Paris: how long have you and Khalifa been together Bre?
Bre: a month. What does that have to do with anything?
Paris: how long has it been since we've actually had a day out?
Bre: probably a month. Still what does that have to do with anything?
Paris: you been with her for a month and we haven't talked in a month, think about.
Bre: okay, what do you want to do about it?
Paris: want us to go back to how it use to be...when it was me before anyone else.
Bre: Paris, you're the one that told me to go out and be happy. Now that I am its like you don't want me to be happy anymore or you're not happy for me.
Paris: I'm happy you found someone, but that someone is coming between you and me. Hell I don't care if wee face to face but you could at least call and check up on me.
Bre: you don't call me or anything. Communication works both ways you know.
Paris: I tried calling you but every time I do it goes to voicemail, you know what fuck it....if you want to choose her over me fine...just know I'd never put my nigga before you, no matter what. You can let yourself out.
Bre: Paris....
Paris: just go Bre, if you don't understand just leave it.
Bre: fine, be that way.
I left her room and out of her house. I texted Khalifa and asked her was she off yet. She responded with a yeah and told me to come over. When I got there I went to her room and heard the shower running. I sat on her bed until she came out.
Khalifa: hey, what's wrong?
Bre: my best friend thinks you're taking me away from her.
Khalifa: what makes her think that?
Bre: because she feels as if I spend so much time with you that I never even think about her anymore.
Khalifa: I mean she has a man...she should be with him all the time too.
Bre: Khalifa...
Khalifa: look I'm sorry, but she shouldn't think like that. Besides if you tell me you want to hang with her then I'll accept that. I'm not holding you back from hanging with her. I'd never come between you and hers relationship.
She sat next to me and grabbed my hands.
Khalifa: look Bre....I'd do whatever makes you happy. As long as you're happy I'm happy... You're happiness is all that matters because I love you.
She leaned into kiss me and I kissed back. She deepened the kiss and laid me back. Her hands went up my shirt and I pushed her back some.
Bre: I don't know if I'm ready....not like this.
Khalifa: just trust me.....I love you remember that. I wouldn't hurt you for the world.
Bre: how do I know that?
Khalifa: because if the sun rose today and didn't set tomorrow, you'd very be in my heart.
She kissed me again and this time I didn't stop her. She loves me and I love her too. Right?
Three Days Later
Its been three days and I haven't been able to reach Khalifa. Ever since we had sex or in her case made love its like she's been avoiding me. I don't want to think that's the case but its hard not to. I planned to go over to her house today after school but I needed to go to the library for a book I needed for my first period class. As I walked in and glanced to the right, I had to glance again. There was Khalifa and she was talking to some girl. I'm not one to make assumptions but I had a gut feeling something was wrong. I walked over quietly and tapped her on her shoulder. She turned around and the smile she had when she was talking to the girl turned into a straight face.
Bre: I've been calling and texting you for the past three days and you have yet to answer or call back for that matter. I thought maybe something could be wrong but I thought wrong because you look perfectly well up here laughing and giggling with her. So what's up?
Khalifa: I know you?
I blinked my eyes a few times trying to make sure I heard what she just asked me.
Bre: excuse me?
Khalifa: do I know you?
Bre: you should know me well knew me pretty damn well three days ago.
Khalifa: I'm sorry you must have me mistaken for someone else.
Bre: are you serious right now? You said you loved me and now you're acting like you don't know me.
Tears threatened to fall but I held them in. I refused to look weak in front of....let alone vulnerable.
??: what is she talking about?
Khalifa: I don't know her....look I'm not who you're looking for...
Bre: you're're not.
With that being said I walked away and let the tears fall. Right about now I needed comfort. I wanted to go to Paris but she was probably still mad at me from earlier. I left the library and walked. I walked until I calmed down and then thought about what I was going to do. I couldn't go home because my parents would question me. I continued walking until I came across an abandoned building. Not thinking I walked in and was hit with an object that knocked me unconscious.
Kasper's POV
After school I went to the warehouse because Danny had called and told me that someone tried to break in so they knocked em out. I walked in and Destine met me at the door.
Kasper: where he at?
Destine: in the basement.
I walked down to the basement and cocked my pistol back. Whoever it was was about to get it. When I walked in I thought my eyes were deceiving me when I saw who it was. I blinked a couple of times and I knew the person I was seeing was not a deception of my imagination. Indeed that was Breaunna, my cousin's best friend tied to the chair. Shit.

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