Chapter 5

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Breaunna's POV
Paris has always known what was going on at my house. That's how we got closer. I didn't have to ask her to her did she did it on her own. Paris is a good best friend and if I ever lost her I wouldn't know what to do.
Paris: what are you thinking about Bre?
Bre: nothing.
Paris: you're lying to me.
She sat up and sat on my lap. Sometimes I wonder about her sexuality. She nuzzled her face into my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist. I now understand why people always thought we dated. Normal best friends don't do this and that's what makes us different from everyone else.
Paris: tell me...
Bre:*sighs*. I just wish life was easier....drama free.
Paris: with your mom and dad?
Bre: yes.
Paris: I wish there was something I could do.
I felt her pout into my neck and that made me smile.
Bre: actually...there is.
She pulled back and looked at me.
Paris: what?
Bre: food.
Paris: ugh. You always want something to eat. Fat ass.
Bre: I do have one.
Paris: I wish I had one *pouts*.
Bre: keep eating your collard greens chica and you'll be just like Bre.
Her phone lit up and she grabbed it. I seen her blush and knew it was that boy Jay. I have never met him before but I can tell she likes him a lot and from the long ass paragraphs he sends, I believe he has strong feelings for her too. I slipped from under her and left her room. I am happy she found someone she can smile and be affectionate with. I just wish I could get the same. I walked into the kitchen to get water and saw Kasper in there cooking something on the stove and on the phone. I silently walked passed her and I could feel her staring at me. I didn't turn around to acknowledge her. I poured a cup of water and turned to head out of the kitchen only to find her right there. She smirked at me and moved closer. My mind raced into a million thoughts and my heart sped up so fast. I wanted to move but her gaze held me where I was. Lust was written all over her face and as bad as I hated to admit it.... I was feeling the same thing but I had a mixed feeling with that. I pushed that feeling back though.
Kasper: what's wrong? Cat got your tongue.
Bre: no.....but I know you want mines to have yours.
I guess my response caught her off guard because her eyes held surprise but then her signature smirk formed on her face.
Kasper: oh really? How you know for sure?
Bre: because.....*looks down*. Someone is excited.
I seen her look down and I could see the hint of a blush on her face. Cute. All of a sudden I was pulled up and brought down on the counter. Damn she's strong. She swiftly moved between my legs and rested her hands on my thighs. Now before y'all go all I thought you were a good girl hold that thought. I am a good girl but I am in 12th grade and let's just say....I have needs. I haven't had sex in awhile and for some odd reason she was putting my harmonies in a full rage. Anyways, my hands rested on her shoulders and I looked at her since she was staring at me.
Kasper: I want
Her words were low and her voice was husky. It turned me on all the more and I had to suppress a whimper.
Bre: your cousin is here.
Kasper: you wasn't saying that a few minutes ago.
Bre:.....your point is?
Kasper: don't get scared now.
Bre: I'm not.
Kasper: prove it.
As bad as I wanted to say no and respect that my best friend was still in the house I couldn't. Why? Because mommy didn't raise no pussy. I smashed my lips to hers and her hands gripped my thighs. After awhile I felt myself being lifted up and carried to and up the stairs. Eventually my head hit the bed and she climbed on top of me. Her moves were so quick I could barely keep up. She leaned down and whispered something in my ear.
Kasper: let me take care of you.
2Hrs Later
I woke up laying next to Kasper. I moved slowly and grabbed my clothes off of the floor. I got dressed and headed to Paris's room. I opened it slowly and she was sound asleep. Thank God. I noticed her phone was still to her ear so I grabbed it and said hello. A deep and sleepy voice came through the phone.
Bre: uh this is her best friend...she fell asleep.
Jay: oh okay...well tell her to call me in the morning maybe we could have breakfast.
Bre: she likes waffle house.
Jay: thanks
Bre: no problem.
He hung up and I put her phone on the charge and laid it on top of her night stand. I went to take a shower before laying down next to her. As soon as I laid down she cuddled right into me. I laid there thinking about what I had just done. I just had sex with her cousin in the room right next to hers. She can't know. She won't know. Besides its not like it'll happen it again. It was a one time thing and although it was great it was just sex. Nothing more nothing less. Just meaningless mind blowing sex. Right?
Kasper's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night because I got hot. I turned in bed but didn't see Bre. I guess she left. I hopped in the shower hoping it would cool me down and I could go back to sleep. I got out and laid in my towel. My mind wondered to what went down between Bre and I. I don't think I have ever came that fast so many times, with one girl. She was absolutely amazing in bed. I know that was just a one time thing and it'll never happen again. Besides it was just sex. Meaningless mind blowing sex. Right?

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