Chapter 10

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Kasper's POV
I replied to her text and told her to come to the house. We were now sitting on the couch.
Kasper: and you know its mine.
Minnie: yes.
Kasper: how?
Minnie: well I don't know let's see *sarcastically*. We had sex two weeks ago, I'm two weeks pregnant, yeah that makes a lot of fucking sense.
Kasper: but you also had sex with your boyfriend.
Minnie: he never not used a condom.
Kasper: and I did?
Minnie: nigga you the one that suggested we not use one or were you too fucked up to remember that.
I thought back to that and it hit me. Well a possibility hit me, maybe it could be mine.
Kasper: does your boyfriend know you're pregnant?
Minnie: no. You're the first person I told.
Kasper: so what you want to do?
Minnie: well, that's what I came to you for...I was thinking about getting an abortion...
Now if it was her boyfriend's and there wasn't a possibility that it could be mine I would've told her to go through with it. Harsh? I know. Since there is a possibility that it could be mine I couldn't let her.
Kasper: nahh, you can't do that. If there is a possibility that it is mine then don't get an abortion.
Minnie: you're saying that but if do keep it are you going to be here during the pregnancy? Are you going to care or just be one of those people that know but don't do shit?
If there is one thing my father taught me other than being the future Cartel it how to be a my case a wo-Man, if I got the part and play it then I should be able to deal with the consequences.
Kasper: imma be here....if it's mine I'll stay. If its not I'm leaving.
Minnie: thank you.
Once again I was hearing this. There was nothing wrong with hearing it, its just I'm not use to hearing it and I didn't have a response, I didn't know the response to thank you.
Minnie: well I'll leave you alone for now....
Kasper: its can stay if you want.
I don't know why I said that but I did. I think something is wrong with me. Like frfr.
Breaunna's POV
After eating at the Chinese buffet, Khalifa decided to drop me home. I stayed in the car when she pulled in my drive way and looked at her.
Bre: thank you.
Khalifa: you're welcome.
I went to get out but she grabbed my hand.
Khalifa: I know this may be a little to early to ask but I'll go for it anyway. Its Friday....and I was wondering if you want to stay with me tonight.
I didn't see the problem with staying with her and I definitely didn't want to stay home with my parent's bickering.
Bre: yes...I'll stay.
I went to her apartment and she walked me up. Walking in I was amazed. It was a nice cozy apartment. I took off my shoes and sat on her couch. She sat down with me and grabbed the remote.
Khalifa: do you have a favorite movie?
Bre: actually I don't like movies much.
Khalifa: *cuts off TV*. Well so long to the movie. What do you like to do?.
Bre: read, but I want to do right now is talk.
Khalifa: okay what do you want to talk about?
Bre: you never told me much about you...we've only got to know me.
Khalifa: what do you want to know?
Bre: any and everything?
Khalifa: *chuckles*. I'm not good with have to ask me a question.
Bre: hm....okay. Have any siblings?
Khalifa: one, I have a brother his name is Kyle and he's 15.
Bre: what about your parents?
Khalifa: I was adopted. I never knew my parents.
Bre: oh....I'm sorry.
Khalifa: its okay. Let's just not talk about it.
Bre: okay....well what is something else I need to know?
Khalifa: well you should know....I really do like you and I think I am falling in love....I know I'm falling in love.
I blushed her statement and squealed when she picked me up and sat me on her lap.
Khalifa: you know I'm for real right?
Bre: yes.
Khalifa: you're wonderful're everything I have ever imagined in a girl and I want to make you mine forever in the future.
Needless to say I was blushing harder now. I've never had someone tell me these things and sound so sincere. And right now I felt as of I were talking for her too. She leaned in to give me a kiss and I accepted it with no hesitations. In the middle of our make it session she begin to lean me down to where she was now on top. We've never gone this far and I didn't plan on going any further. I needed to make sure this was for real before I gave myself to her. As she begin to kiss and suck my neck a moan escaped my lips. Before o got turned on any further I grabbed her head and made her look at me.
Bre: I'm not ready for that yet.
Instead of anger her face formed a smile.
Khalifa: that's cool, I'm willing to wait until you're ready. I want our first time to be special.
I smiled at her statement and she got up and held her hand out to me.
Khalifa: come on, we can take it in for the night.
She led me to her room and we got ready for bed. She wrapped her arms around me and I cuddled into her. She kissed my for head and said goodnight. I said it back and slowly dozed off. I knew I was falling and I was falling hard.
The Next Morning
I woke up the next morning and smelled food. I knew I couldn't be at home because my mom never cooks breakfast. I suddenly remembered that I stayed at Khalifa's last night. I checked my phone and called Daniel back.
Daniel: are you okay?
Bre: good morning to you too and yes I'm fine.
Daniel: well I know you didn't stay with Paris last night but I told mom then that anyway.
Bre: thank you.
Daniel: welcome, where did you stay last night anyways?
Bre: bye Daniel.
I hung up and called Paris.
Paris: good morning, let me guess you stayed with Khalifa.
Bre: yes, my brother called you?
Paris: yeah.
Bre: figured....
Paris: so what happened?
Bre: nothing....for real. I want to wait.
Paris: mhm, well I called to make sure you we're okay last night.
Bre: better had. And what are you doing this morning?
Paris: nothing why?
Bre: good I'll be over there soon, I refuse to go home and have my mother and father question me on this beautiful Saturday morning.
Paris: well bring your ass, I'm bored anyway.
Bre: okay, I'll see you in a minute.
Paris: mhm.
We hung up at the same time and I went to her kitchen. She had plate of her own and plate on the other side. She can cook?
Bre: you know this something you could've told me last night *smiles*.
Khalifa: what?
Bre: that you could cook.
Khalifa: I meant for that to be a surprise, that's why I didn't tell you.
Brr: mhk, well thank you.
Khalifa: no problem beautiful. I have class this morning, I would love to lay around with you but education is important.
Bre: I understand, you can just drop me off at Paris's house own your way out of you don't mind.
Khalifa: no problem.
Kasper's POV
Minnie left sometime this morning and I got up to go to the mall. I had nothing else to do and I had the money to blow so why not. I had bought five pairs of shoes, some outfits, a game system and picked up a couple of numbers. Yeah, I'm pretty much over the Bre situation and I'm back to my old self. I put my things into the trunk and went to the warehouse. When I walked in it was trashed. Wtf?? I looked to my right and seen a body laid out on the ground. I got closer and seen that it was Kevin. He was breathing but barely. I knelt down and he grabbed my hand.
Kasper: what happened?
Kevin: they came back for revenge....
Kasper: who came back?
Kevin: Lamar's mafia family, they said watch your back.
Kasper: what else Kevin?
Kevin: they killed Mickey.
At his statement anger boiled in me,. You can come for me but when you go for family its over. Mickey was like a sister to me....a very closer sister. My father treated her like his daughter and now she's gone. Trust and believe, vengeance will be mine. Kevin's hand went limp in mine and I let go. I pulled out my gun when I heard sounds coming from my office. I walked slowly into the room and pointed my gun at the sound. I put it down when I seen that it was Destine tied up to the chair. I helped him out and he went straight for the double doors to the right. I followed him and soon we reached the basement of the warehouse and there was Danny. Destine helped him out and we all stood and looked at one another.
Kasper: what in the fuck happened?
Destine: they bomb rushed us, we didn't have enough time.
Kasper: no one was on alert.
Danny: no, everything was going good so we didn't expect shit to happen.
Kasper: didn't expect, y'all know y'all pose to expect the unexpected.
Destine: man now is not the time to bitch us we need to find out who did this and handle it before they kill us all.
Kasper: yeah, and how the fuck are we suppose to do that they killed almost every fucking body in here.
Destine: build back up the Cartel, you did it after your dad died you can do it again.
I looked at him and he looked back at me. I knew he was right but was I ready to put myself out there.
Danny: aye they left a video.
We went to where he was and watched it. A man popped on the screen and started talking.
??: well if you don't me my name is Ace. You know we let you have your way for a few years up until you killed my brother. Now we have seeked vengeance. I know you're going to come after us and if you do make sure you're ready. And just know every time you kill one of us were going to kill two of y'all just like we killed that nigga Kevin and that pretty girl Mickey. You should have seen her being tough. She wasn't so tough when I took the bullet to her head though. I'm going to wipe you out take your bitch of a Cartel and turn it into dust. Your Cartel will never be remembered. Just like your dads wasn't.
The video went off and Destine and Danny looked at me.
Danny: he killed Mickey, you have to want to do something man.....
Destine: if you won't do something about it then I will.
Kasper: shut the fuck up, I'm going to do something about it but I want to make sure once I touch him he feels everything. He gone get his and this time there aine Jo holding back. I'm not gone let no nigga take my Cartel especially that fuck nigga. Its about time the streets knew my name.

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