Chapter 18

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Kasper's POV
For the last months it's been hectic. Minnie finally had the baby and named him Khiloni Perez King. I liked the name. I spent three days in the hospital with her and she finally made me leave. My first child was a baby boy. Many people think that I just want boys well to be perfectly honest, I want a baby girl. As of right now I am having all boys; I think. Bre never told me what she was having. You never asked.
I have just been so busy. After doing cap and gown fittings I saw Bre and went over to her. Everyone was amazed at her being pregnant and supported her to the fullest. I tapped her on her shoulder and she turned around to me.
Kasper: hey...I know we haven't really been talking besides the check ups but I just really want to spend time with you. Truth is I really miss I have never missed anyone as much as I have missed you.
Bre: I miss you too Kasper....but what you did is something I just can't forget. You hurt me severely.
Kasper: I know and I'm sorry. I really am sorry.
Bre: I know...
Kasper: well can I at least take you out on a lunch date?
Bre: my check up is tomorrow but we can do dinner if you really want to spend time with me.
Kasper: I do, so yeah thats fine.
Bre: okay well I'll see you tomorrow.
Kasper: you have a ride home?
Bre: Gabriella is taking me.
Kasper: alright cool. See you tomorrow.
Bre: okay.
She left and I went to my car. I drove to the mall to pick out something nice to wear for Bre. I also grabbed a gift I planned to give her tomorrow afternoon. After the mall I went and reserved an Italian restaurant for two. All in all I sent at least half a hundred grand for everything. Crazy I know. Guess people really do stupid shit for loved ones. I went home, took a shower and decided to go in early but not before sending Bre a good night text. I soon dozed off.
Next Day
I woke up around 12 the next day seeing as seniors didn't really have to be at school if you completed all of your classes and has a good grade currently. I was surprised that I was one of those students. I went and did my hygiene and got dressed. I went to the kitchen and seen Kaleb. He was apparently home for his lunch break and looked up.
Kaleb: hey Kasper, finally graduating.
Kasper: yeah, feels good.
Kaleb: I'm glad, take a seat.
I did as told and he out his newspaper down.
Kaleb: now you know I love you like a daughter but I'm going to talk to you like you're Uncle. I know about the three girls you got pregnant. Paris and Kaleb Jr. slipped and told me. From what I hear you can take care of them yourself. What I want to know is how.
I looked at him and sighed. I mean its now or never right.
Breaunna's POV
I decided to let Paris go with me to the doctor's office. Kasper said she was having a conversation with Paris's dad and that she would meet us wherever we were going after this.
Paris: so you're having a girl?
Bre: yeah and I want to name her Bre'Eir King Coleman but Coleman with a "K".
Paris: why a K?
Bre: because its Kasper's only girl.
Paris: really?
Bre: yeah you know Minnie had a boy and Ariel is having a baby boy also.
Paris: you're lucky asf. You get to be with your baby's mom and you are giving her what she wants.
Bre: what do you mean?
Paris: Kasper has always wanted a baby girl.
Bre: how do you know that?
Paris: because we had a little heart to heart conversation the other day.
Bre: speaking of which, we are going to dinner tonight.
Paris: I already knew that too.
Bre: wow *laughs*.
McKenzie: alright Breaunna since you are due at anytime now, I'm just going to give you these papers for you to look over to see the health of your soon to be born child.
Bre: okay.
McKenzie: any questions?
Bre: no sir.
McKenzie: okay, see you soon.
Bre: okay.
We walked out of the doctor's office and Kasper pulled up. She got out with flowers in her hand and a card. How sweet. I smiled and gladly took them from her.
Paris: Damn Kasper, you really trying to get your girl back.
Kasper: yes.
Paris: doing good if you ask me.
Kasper: thanks. Hey.
Bre: hello.
Kasper: how are you?
Bre: my feet hurt but I'm okay. You?
Kasper: I'm doing fine.
Bre: thats good. What time should I be ready tonight?
Kasper: 8
Bre: okay.
Kasper: yeah, I just wanted to drop this off and give you a little gift.
She pulled a box from her pocket and I thought she had a ring in there. God I hoped she didn't. She opened it and it was a gold necklace with my name on it. She took it out the box and it made me smile.
Kasper: uh there's two sides. This one has your name on it the other side has Kasper's on it, thats if I have a chance of winning you back.
Bre: thank you Kasper. It means a lot.
Kasper: you're welcome. Well I'll let you go now....I'll see you at 8?
Bre: you will.
Kasper: cool.
She got in her car and drove off. I was smiling extra hard right now.
Paris: she just made you smile. Hell she made me smile too.
I looked down at the necklace and smiled brighter. This is the best thing someone has ever done for me. Paris drove me home and I went to take a nap. Upon waking up I decided to walk, hoping to dilate more. I went a couple of blocks but I started to get a weird feeling like I was being watch once again. Crazy as it sounds it felt a little more close up. I decided to cut an alley and go back home. As I got to the end of the alley a black truck stopped at the entrance. Fuck. I turned around to run but there was another one at the end. Damn. Where is Kasper when you need her. A figure with a black mask came out and walked towards me.
??: there aine nowhere to go.
He grabbed me and tried fight him off but one swing and darkness consumed me.
Kasper's POV
I was dressed in maroon slacks, white loafers, a white button up and bow tie with a maroon jacket. I wanted this night to be special.
Paris: well look at here, you clean up well.
Kasper: thanks.
Paris: look, you're making an effort and that's well appreciated. Just, once you get her please don't hurt her again.
Kasper: I promise I won't.
Paris: good.
I grabbed my phone and keys and headed to Bre's house. On my way there I got a phone call and I answered it.
??: they got her.
Kasper: what? Who is this?
??: Tyrell....they got her they have Breaunna.
I dropped the phone a d raced through the red light to the warehouse. They can fuck with me but fucking with my girl and my unborn child thats a no go. Its time to end this once and for all.

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