Stand up*

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Harry POV

We have been secretly dating for the past 5 months and so far they have been amazing.

Except I haven't told my parents about him yet but it's going to change tonight. I'm going to tell them and they are going to listen.

I don't care anymore I'm tired of hiding and tip toeing around them.

I walk into the dining room and see them sitting down for dinner. I sit down and today Gemma is home from uni.

The cook brought our  dinner and we started to eat. It's now or never.

After a couple of minutes I cleared my throat and set down my silver ware.

Everyone looks up at me and I feel the nerves started to creep on me. my hands start to sweat and my hands shake.

"I want to tell you something and I don't want you to jump to conclusions before I'm finish. OK. "

"Harry what's this about?" my mom asked

"Just say okay"

"OK" they said in union.

I took a deep breath.

"I have a boyfriend-"

"That's great harry! who is it? is it Johnson's son or Martinez boy-"

"I said not to jump to conclusion mum. "

she gave me a look that said I'm your mother and I say what goes. But I gave her the look that I was standing my ground.

"His name is Louis and he is not like us, well more like you guys. He is lower class then we are and- and I just want you guys to meet him and accept him for who he is. Not based on social standings or money or even how they look.-"

"Is this the boy that was outside with you that one night?" my dad said

"Yes" I replied

They started to shake their head and Gem was giving me a look of sympathy. She gets it because she has a boyfriend who she goes to uni with and hasn't told mum or dad because of his status.

"Harold don't use that tone with me-"

"No I'm tired of hiding our relationship from you because I'm scarred at what you will think and you might send him running. We have been dating for the last 5 months and I want you guys to meet him properly."

They were quiet for a couple of minutes. I saw in their eyes that they made up their mind and it wasn't a good one.

I stand up before they could talk. tear pricked my eyes while I choked out the words.

"I love him and nothing will change my mind about him. I don't care anymore if you don't approve I just wanted you guys to meet him. But I guess you guys are to stuck up to see the good in people past what they look like." and with that I ran up to my room and slammed the door.


3rd person

They say at the table frozen in silence as they heard Harry slam his room door shut.

Gemma made a noise and looked at her parents.

"You know he is right. Right? You do treat people differently. He wants to show you the boy he loves and you would barely listen to him. I don't get why. you guys leave him alone locked up in this house whenever you leave. At least when I was growing up you guys where there for me. But with harry" Gemma shook her head.

"You have the staff look after him. How do you think he feels? That's right probably unloved maybe. Like you guys don't love him. I bet you don't even call him to say goodnight. I give him props for what he did. He stood up to you and I wish I could do that and now I am. I have a boyfriend and he is amazing but I won't bring him home because of you guys" she stood up and was about to leave but turned around.


That night Anne and Robin stayed at the table thinking about what their kids were talking about. And maybe they needed to change.


tell me what you think.

Who saw the "The Story Of My Life"

thanks for reading.



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