He comes to my house*

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This chapter will be dedicated to AmandaDowdy96 because she/he was the first to comment. Thank you! :D


Harry POV

My hands are sweating around the wheel. I shouldn't been nervous but

Louis fucking Tomlinson

Is in my car on the way to my house.

Oh god I think I'm going to die from a heart attack. My heart is beating a 100 mph oh god I'm going to pass out.

No no no I am not going to pass out in front of Louis.  Okay breath breath.

We make to my house and I drive up the driveway. I park the car and get out. Louis follows behind.

I unlock the door and stepped aside to let louis in.

"Such a gentleman" Louis says in amusement

I just smile with a tint of pink in my cheeks I think. They feel a bit warm.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked

"No thanks I'm good"

"Ok so follow me"

I started up the stares to my room. Oh god did i pick up my dirty cloths before i left this morining. I hope i didn't leave my boxers on the floor. Did i make my bed when i woke up- wait i don't make my bed at all. 

I chuckle to myself.

"What's so funny?" I hear louis ask 

"uh nothing " shesh more of a weirdo styles.

We get to my room and I opened the door and walk in. Louis walked in after me and looked around my room in awe. He was staring at my flatscreen, my closet, my bed just whole room scanning it.

I just wached him amused at his behavier. I cleared my throat and he turned with his cheeks tinted red but he turned around so I won't see it.

"Uh sorry it's just I just never seen a flat screen before well not in a room. Or that many cloths in one closet. Do you even wear all those cloths?"

I turned around and looked at my closet and answered him.

"Uh yea I have worn all the cloths in there at least twice. I don't wear the dressy cloths all the times only when my mom has one of  her company party's or something like that."


Awkward silence filled the room.

"So uh want to start that paper or what?"

"Yea lets get this paper over with." he said 

I was a tad disapointed that he wanted to finish this quickly. I know he is all bad and everything but I think there is some good in him. Just bareed deep inside.

I grab my laptop from my desk and sit on my bed. Louis takes a seat besides me but about 5 inches away. I could feel his body heat radiating against my body.

"So uh why do you think reading is important?" I asked

"Uhhh well you need it in life." he responed after a while.

"Yes you do need it in life but why do you need it?"

"ummmm because its used everyday and everything."

"Ok thats good we could use that. how did you learn to read?"

"My mom and a teacher taught me. you?"

"A private tutor taught me at a young age." I mumbled

"So you really are rich and mommy and daddy want to you to be smart and sussesful." 

It didn't come out as a question more like a statement. I turned to him and said.

"Yea I guess but I just have my mum. My dad left before I was born. I have my stepdad but he is not really my dad. Yes they want me to be smart and sussesful. They don't want me to waste my life doing things that arn't nessesary like drinking or out late at night."

After my tiny speech Louis stared at me. For a while he just stared but my statment was true though.

"Yea but do you do anything you want to do? or Do they just smuther you all the time?"

I never thaught about what I wanted to do. My mom always told me what to do. I already know what my future holds. I am going to take over the family buisness. They did smuther a bit too much but its because they care.

"I could see it in your eyes that you havn't even done one thing you wanted to do."

"No I havn't but i never thaught about it to be honest."

"You havn''t thaught about stuff for yourself before?"

"Well I have I just havn't put much thaught into it."

"Have you even went to a party before?"

I shake my head no.

"Have you even drank before?'

'Yea at my sister's weeding. I had champane"

"I mean like have you gatten pissed drunk off your ass and wake up knowing nothing about what happen the night before."

"Uh no dosn't sound to much fun"

"Of course its fun. Have you even gotten laid before? By a guy? or Girl?"

My face turns red at the thought.

"Yes I'm not a virgin. I have with a girl not a guy though."

"Thank god. Well styles I'm going to do you a favor and show you how to live life to the fullest."

"And how are you going to do that?" I asked bewildered

"By taking you to your first party this weekend."


"You heard me"

Oh my god. A party. How am I going to dress or even worse get out of the house to do that. My mum calls the maids and the cheif to check on me like every hour.

"And how are you going to pull that off. I am like wached like a hawk by the staff here."

"Its called sneeking out. You know breaking the rules. Going after curfew and all that good stuff."

I was about to ask him another question but he was getting off the bed.

"Its late I have to go. But give me your phone."

I pass him my phone and he puts in his number. I never thaught I would have Louis Tomlinson phone number.

"I'll text you later. And don't think about flaking out on the party because you are going. I'll see you in class tomorrow."

And with that he walked out of my room. Fuck how am I going to get out of this one? Who am I kidding I would kill to spend more time with him. 

I groaned and fall into my blankets beside me.

There was only a faint smell of his collogne  on the blankets.

That told me that this encounter was real and it just wasn't a dream.


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