What Happened?*

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I wake up with a massive headach. My body aches and so does my bottom half. I look to my right and see a figure sleeping next to me.

"Fuck" I wispered


Louis POV:

I heard someone wisper something beside me. I grone. My head felt like a jackhammer was pounding in my skull. I turned my head and I heared someone gasp beside me. I opened my eyes to see a sight I thought I would never see. Harry styles is next to me. In a bed. Naked. I think? and he is staring at me eyes wide. I look down at myself and see that im naked also. Im confused at to why am I naked in a bed? also with Harry Sty- then it dawned on me.

"Oh Shit" I said

"Oh no did we? you know?" Harry asked me

"I think so" I wispered

Oh god oh no no no no no. This wasn't suppose to happen. We were just suppose to have fun. Not this.

"Oh my god. What? What even happened last night?" He practiclly yelled.

"I don't know? What happen all I remember was dancing and kissing someone then everything is fuzzy" I respond

Harry looks up like something dawned onto him. His eyes filled up with tears. I looked at him confused as to why he is going to cry. I stare at him then he just starts sobbing. I kind of feel hurt wich I don't feel but what he did't like it? I mean like I don't remember anything but it had to be good. It was me.

"You took my virginity" he sobs out

"Uh?" I say confused then I remember he said he was a virgin when it came to guys. Oh god even worse.

"I am a virgin well was now. How can this happen? I mean I don't remeber anything since that 8th shot you gave me." he explained in a pained voice.

"I know I just- uh don't know what to say. But we should get dressed and like leave."

He looked at me. Then he sat up and winced in pain.

"Sorry" I told him

"It's fine just sore I guess" he sighed and got to his feet to get dress.

I got up and started to pick up my cloths. I slipped them all on and was going to walk out the door when I heared harry say my name.


"Yes" I said with a raised eyebrow

"Uhhhh we still have the project to do. Sooo when do you wanna finsh that?"

"Its not due for another week we have all next week to finish that."

I turned on my heel and walked out of the room.

If I would have turned around I would have seen a sad look on Harrys face.

Harry POV:

I wached him leave out the door and my face dropped. I sighed I guess I should have seen this coming. He is Louis Tomlinson all he does is break hearts and do one night stands. I knew I probly can't change his ways but I would try.

After I got dressed I grabbed my phone and dialled Liams number.

"Hello" Liam answered

"Hey can you pick me up?" I asked

"Where are you?"

"Pick me up at the bus stop(Im from the US I dont know what it is called in other countries) infront of the thrift store"

"Okaayyyyyy will be there in 2 mins"

I hung up and walked out of the room and down the stairs before someone noticed.

I limped a little while I walked to the bus stop.

I got there when Liam pulled up. I got in the back because niall was in the front.

"So how was it? What happened to your hair? OMG you didnt? you sooo did" they talked at the same time. my head was pounding with their questions.

I groaned.

"Shutup I don't want to talk about it" I told them

I was rubbing my tempal.

They where quiet the rest of the ride home.

We got to my house and I got out of the car and walked into my house. I started up the stairs . God my arse is hurting me. I got to my room and went to the bathroom and got some pills and took two. I went back to the room and fell onto the bed and fell into a dreamless sleep. 


I woke up around 7pm that night.

I got up and took a shower and brushed my teeth and headed down stares. My stomch grouled while I walked into the kichen. I grabbed some coco puffs and a bowl and milk. I took it to the living room and ate it.

After I ate I just sat there looking at the screen.

Then the memories start to flood my mind.


Sorry took long I think.


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