Date pt. 2*

819 31 1

Harry POV

I stare out the window watching the world go by. The lights from the building all fade together while we pass by.

"So where are we going?" I ask

"To a nice diner at the edge of town. I went there with my mum one time and if I remember it was actually good. "

I nod at his response.

I feel him squeeze my hand. Warmth spreads from my fingertips to the rest of my body.

I smile while looking out the window.

We get there within a couple of minutes.

Louis gets out of the car and rushes to my side and opens it for me.

"Thanks" I say with a blush on my cheeks

We start walking towards the door. The diner isn't that small. It has neon lights for its signs.

He opens the door for me again while I walk in.

We walk up to the girl at the podium.

"Tomlinson" louis says

She nods an looks down to scan her list. She smiles and says right this way.

I feel louis put his hand on my back to lead the way.

The diner is well lit but also dim. The theme seems to be Italian.

We sit down and she places the menus in front of us and leaves.

I pick up the menu and scan it to see what caches my eye.

"What are you getting?" I ask louis

"Umm the pizza"

I look and I guess I'll get the spaghetti.


"Spaghetti and meet balls"

"Yum that's a good one. I think I got that when I came here it was good."

We sit there and wait for the waiter to some get our orders.

"So how was your day?" He asked

"Good. Actually nothing really happened today. I mostly stayed home and watched a movie"

In reality I was freaking out the whole day trying to figure out what to wear and trying not to have a panic attack.

He hummed in response

"I mostly stayed home and watched my sisters until my mum got home"

I smile at the thought. He is always so nice to his sisters and over protective.

"What you smiling about?"



"Because your so cute when your with your sisters. "

He smiles and mutters a yea.

The waiter comes and takes our orders and everything is quiet for a while.

I take a zip of my coke and I feel him staring at me.

"Is there something on my face?"

I ask him.

He shakes his head and blushes. I raise a eyebrow at him.

"It's just. You look good tonight."

It's my turn to blush. Again.

"I thought I do all the time" I tell him with a wink

He laughs "Yea you do. But tonight you look more dashing than usual"

I was about to respond but the food came.

"Enjoy your meal. Please call if you need anything." The waiter said with a smile looking at us then he left.

We ate in silence. It was a peaceful silence.

There wasn't a lot of people around our seating area.

There was only 3 other people in this area. One behind us and across the room and at the window.

Everything is going perfect until the guy behind me decides to get up when the waiter comes to bring there food.

Everything seems to go in slow motion all of as sudden. They collide and the food falls towards our table and it spills all over me.

I wear a shocked expression.

My eyes wide as everything slides onto my cloths and face.


Thanks for reading.

As said ill update today.

Tell me how you like it in the comments.

Should I do louis POV? Maybe soon. Haven't had his view in a while.



Fan :)

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